AMEND ARTICLES 315 ° and 320 ° OF THE WORK CODE As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: Single article.-Please introduce the following amendments to the Labour Code: a) First of Article 315 ° the term "one year" for "two years"; (b) Intercalase the following second indent, new, in Article 315 °: 'The Directorate-General for Labour may order the establishment of chocks still in those industries which occupy less than 20 workers and employees, if the circumstances in the respective industry so provide for it.' (c) Substitute in the Article 320 ° the words "one to five vital salaries of Santiago", for "from a monthly vital salary of the department of Santiago to five vital annual salaries of that department". And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the law of the Republic. Santiago, twelve of July, thousand nine hundred and sixty-six.-EDUARDO FREI MONTALVA.-William Thayer Arteaga. What I transcribe to U. for your knowledge.-Salute to U.-Emiliano Caballero Zamora, Assistant Secretary of Labor.