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The Board of Government of the Republic of Chile has given its approval to the following: Draft Law: Article 1.-Substitute, a count of 1 ° of July |! |of 1981, in the current Plant of the staff of the Senate to |! |referred to in article 114 of the decree law No. 626, |! |of 1974, modified by the decree law N ° 2,323, of |! | 1978, the steps of the Treasury, |! | Auxiliary, Service and Dining, Service, |! | Comers and Charges Outside of Escalafon, by the |! |following: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Degree of the Name of the Charge Name Single Scale Employees ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TREASURY ESCALAFON Senior Officer of Treasurer ______ 7 1 Contor________________________ 10 1 Account________________ 11 1 Account________________ 12 1 ESCALATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARIES Administrative Secretaries _____ 14 2 Administrative Secretaries _____ 16 4 Secretary Administrative _____ 19 1 Administrative Secretaries _____ 20 2 Secretaries Administratives_____ 21 3 STEPS OF ADMINISTRATIVE, SERVICE AND DINING OFFICERS Edecan, Head of Personality ________ 7 1 ESCALATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Administrative officials__________ 16 1 Administrative Officers _______ 17 3 Officers Administratives_______ 18 4 ESCALAFON OF SERVICE Mayordomes 1 ° __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 19 2 Mayordomes 2 ° __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 20 2 Auxiliares______________________ 21 11 Auxiliaries ______________________ 22 10 Auxiliary ______________ 23 8 Auxiliar________________________ 24 1 Auxiliary ______________ 25 7 Auxiliars______________________ 26 7 Auxiliary ______________ 27 6 Auxilies______________________ 29 4 ESCALAFION OF CANTEENS Auxiliaries 21 1 Auxiliary ______________________ 22 5 Auxiliary ________________________ 24 1 Auxiliares______________________ 25 6 Auxiliary ______________________ 27 6 Auxiliary ______________________ 29 4 Article 2 °.-Substitute, to count from 1 ° July |! |from 1981, in the current Plant of the staff of the Chamber |! |of Deputies to Article 114 of the |! |decree law N ° 626, 1974, as amended by the decree |! |law N ° 2,323, 1978, the Service, of the |! | Comers, of the Garden and of Cargos Out of Escalafon by |! |the following: Employees ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TREASURY LADDER Head of Treasury Department (1) Economic Advisor (1) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 7 2 Deputy Head of Treasury Department (1) Analyst (1) __ __ __ 9 2 Officials________________________ 11 4 Officials________________ 15 4 Officials________________________ 16 2 STEPS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARIES Administratives_______ 19 1 Administrative Secretaries _____ 20 2 Administrative Secretaries _____ 21 2 STEPS OF OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Administratives_______ 17 4 Administrative Officers _______ 18 3 ESCALAFON OF SERVICE Mayordomes 1 ° __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 19 3 Mayordomes 2 ° __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 20 3 Auxiliares______________________ 21 14 Auxiliaries ______________________ 22 39 Auxiliars______________________ 24 5 Auxiliary ______________ 26 6 Auxiliares______________________ 27 4 Auxiliary CANTEENS 29 3 CLIMBING OF CANTEENS Auxiliaries 21 1 Auxiliary ______________________ 22 7 Auxiliary ______________ 23 2 Auxiliary ______________ 25 2 Auxiliares______________________ 27 6 Auxiliary ______________ 29 4 GARDEN ESCALAFION Director of the gardens________ 17 1 Auxiliary ________________________ 21 1 Auxiliary ________________________ 23 1 Auxiliary ______________ 25 2 Auxiliars______________________ 29 2 Article 3 °.- Introduction, to count from 1 ° July |! |from 1981, in the current Plant of the staff of the |! | Library of the National Congress which refers to the |! |article 114 of Decree Law No. 626, 1974, modified |! |by Decree Law No. 2,323, 1978, The following |! |modifications: a) Grant grade 6 of the Single Pay Scale |! |the charge of the Section Chief Data Processing, |! |current grade 7. b) Assume the charges of Chief of the Exchange Section, and |! |of the Deputy Staff (1) grade 19; Portero 1 ° (1) |! |grade 23; Porte 1 ° (1) grade 25; Porters 2 ° s. (2) grade |! | 25; Portero 2 ° (1) grade 27; Portero 2 ° (1) grade 29; |! | Porters 3 ° s. (9) grade 31, and Ascensorist (1) grade 31. c) Create the following scale: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade of the Name of the Cargo________________ Single Scale Employees ------------------------------------------------------------------- " ESCALAFING OF THE AUXILIARY STAFF Stewards 2 ° __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 20 2 Auxiliars______________________ 22 4 Auxiliary ______________________ 25 8 Auxiliary ________________________ 27 1 Auxiliary ________________________ 29 1 d) Create in the Out Of |! " Head of the Exchange, |! | Encuadernación y del Personal subaltern " with the grade |! | 16 of the Single Pay Scale. Article 4 °.-The typecasting of the staff of the services referred to in this law, in the plants contained in Articles 1 °, 2 ° and 3 °, shall be done by the Secretary of the Senate, in a discretionary manner, within each service, without subjection to the Current levels. Article 5.-The following maximum allocations for the year 1981: Senate: 116 persons Chamber of Deputies: 147 persons Library of the National Congress: 81 persons Article 6.-The following charges may not be provided during the year 1981 Vacancies: Senate: Secretariat Professional Escalafon: 3 First Officers, 3 Officers Seconds and 2 Third Third Officers. Escalafon Information Office: 1 Assistant 2 ° and 2 Assistant 3 ° s. Technical Scale of the Newsroom: 1 Taquigraph 1 °, 3 Taquigraphs 2 ° s. and 3 Taquigraphs 3 ° s. Steps of Administrative Secretaries: 2 Administrative Secretaries Grade 21. Service Scale: 1 Auxiliary grade 25, 4 Auxiliary grade 26, 6 Auxiliary grade 27 and 4 Auxiliary grade 29. Scale of Eaters: 5 Auxiliary grade 25, 6 Auxiliary grade 27 and 4 Auxiliary grade 29. Chamber of Deputies: Professional Escalafon of the Secretariat: Secretary, charge that will also not be provided during the years 1982 and 1983; 1 Officer 1 °, 4 Officers 2 ° s., 4 Officers 3 ° s. and 4 Auxiliary Officers. Technical Scale of the Newsroom: 4 Taquigraphs 2 ° s. and 11 Taquigraphs 3 ° s. Information Office: 1 Treasury Assistant and 1 Edecan, Chief of Staff. Service Escalafon: 6 Auxiliary grade 22, 5 Auxiliary grade 24, 6 Auxiliary grade 26, 4 Auxiliary grade 27 and 3 Auxiliary grade 29. Scale of Eaters: 2 Auxiliary grade 25, 6 Auxilars grade 27 and 4 Auxiliary grade 29. Garden Scalafon: 2 Grade 29 Auxiliary. Library of Congress: 6 Officers 4 ° s., 12 Officers 5 ° s., 6 Secretaries, 5 Assistantes 1 ° s., 8 Dactylografos y 7 Asudantes 2 ° s. Assistant Staff Escalafon: 1 Auxiliary grade 27 and 1 Auxiliary grade 29. Article 7 °.-It shall apply, with respect to changes of degree which result in the typesettings resulting from the modifications contained in this law, the provisions of the final article 34 of Decree Law No 3,551, of 1981, added by the Decree Law No. 3,628 of 1981. Article 8 °.-Charge the greatest expense that means |! |the application of this law to the current Budget of the |! | Senate, Chamber of Deputies and the Library of the |! | National Congress: Item 02-01-03-21 02-01-04-21 02-02-00-21 JOSE T. MERINO CASTRO, Admiral, Commander in Chief of the Navy, Member of the Government Board.-FERNANDO MATTHEI AUBEL, Air Force General, Commander in Chief of the Air Force, Member of the Government Board.-CESAR MENDOZA DURAN, General Director of the Air Force. Carabineros, Member of the Governing Board.-CESAR RAUL BENAVIDES ESCOBAR, Army Lieutenant General, Member of the Governing Board. Because I have had to approve the previous law, I sanction it and sign it in sign of promulgation. Take effect as the law of the Republic. Register with the Comptroller General of the Republic, publish in the Official Journal and insert in the Official Collection of the Comptroller's Office. Santiago, twenty-eight of December of a thousand nine hundred and eighty-one.-AUGUSTO PINOCHET UGARTE, Army General, President of the Republic.-Sergio de Castro Spikula, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute attentively to you-Enrique Seguel Morel, Colonel, Undersecretary of Finance.