The Government Board of the Republic of Chile has given its approval to the following Draft Law. free of charge to be granted to Chilean natural persons in accordance with decree law No. 1,939, 1977, of the I Region of Tarapaca, province of Arica, comuna de Camarones; province of Iquique, communes of Huara, Walking, Colmanane, Pica and Well Almonte; province of Parinacota, communes of General Lagos and Putre; and in the II Region of Antofagasta, Province of El Loa, communes of Calama, Ollague and San Pedro de Atacama, with respect to rural agricultural land of agricultural aptitude that are occupying the date of validity of this law for five years, at least, will not require of the Act of Prior notification referred to in Article 89, and the provisions of Article 90 of the legal body referred to above shall not apply in such cases. JOSÉ T. MERINO CASTRO, Admiral, Commander in Chief of the Navy, Member of the Government Board.-FERNANDO MATTHEI AUBEL, General Air Force, Commander in Chief of the Air Force, Member of the Government Board.-RODolfo STange OELCkers, General Director of Carabineros, Member of the Government Board.-HUMBERTO GORDON RUBIO, Army Lieutenant General, Member of the Governing Board. Because I have had to approve the previous law, I sanction it and sign it in sign of promulgation. Take effect as the Law of the Republic. Register with the Comptroller General of the Republic, be published in the Official Journal and insert into the Official Collection of the Comptroller's Office. Santiago, May 5, 1987.-AUGUSTO PINOCHET UGARTE, Army General, President of the Republic.-René Peri Fagerström, General Inspector, Minister of National Assets. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute attentively to you-Jorge Calderón Figueroa, Undersecretary of National Goods.