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I read No. 232.-As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following LEI PROJECT: Single article.-It is stated that the wording corresponding to items 8, 10, 11, 13 and 14 of heading 6. of the budget of the Ministry of Culture is The following: Item 8.-The teniente-cure of Antofagasta. I read from 1893 budgets, 2,000 pesos. Item 10.-The cure of Tocopilla. I read from 1887 budget, 2,250 pesos. Item 11.-The cure of Cobija. I read from 1889 budgets, 2,250 pesos. Item 13.-The priest of Chiuchiu. I read from 1893 budgets, 2,000 pesos. Item 14.-To the cure of Taltal. I read from 1893 budgets, 2,000 pesos. I therefore hear the Council of State, I have had to approve it, and I therefore have to do so as I read from the Republic. Santiago, twenty-nine in December of a thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. JORJE MONTT.-Luis Barros BorgoƱo.