I read No. 2.067, which grants various supplements to the War of War i authorizes so that, from the funds consulted for ranch of conscripts, the sums that are indicated with the same object in the Military School i troop of line are invested. I read No. 2.067.-For the National Congress has given its approval to the following LEI PROJECT: ARTICLE FIRST. Authorize the President of the Republic, so that from the funds consulted in item 223 of heading 8.a of the Vijente War Budget, destined for a conscript ranch, ten i eight thousand five hundred pesos ($18,500) will be invested in attending the A ranch service for cadets i employees of the Military School i up to a hundred thousand pesos ($100,000) at the ranch of line troops referred to in item 222 of heading 8.a. ART. 2. Grant the following supplements to items of the same budget that are indicated: One thousand pesos ($1,000) to item 15, for lease of phones. Five hundred and eighty thousand pesos ($580,000) to item 225, for fodder, long straw for Army cattle. Forty i eight thousand pesos (48,000) to item 226, for drinking water, light i wicker. Six thousand pesos ($6,000) to item 238, for rent of buildings for offices, barracks, casinos, pesebreras i polvorines of Batuco. Nine thousand five hundred pesos ($9,500) to item 242, for kitchens i marmitas, i Twenty i two thousand pesos ($22,000) to item 261, for unforeseen. I therefore hear the Council of State, I have had to approve it, and I therefore have to do so as I read from the Republic. Santiago, at December 23, 1907.-PEDRO MONTT.-Belisario Prats B.