I read No. 3.833, which condones criminal interests to the stranjeros i to the rematantes of fiscal grounds located to the South of the Bio-Bio Lei No. 3.833.-As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following LEI PROJECT: Article 1 °.-Condonanse the criminal interests that to the date of the promulgation of this lei, owed to the State the settlers stranjeros i the rematantes of Tax land, located in the South of the Bio-Bio River, to the province of Llanquihue inclusive, provided that the total of its capital obligations is paid, within six months, counted since the publication of this reading in the Official Journal. Art. 2. If, within the period to be granted, no payment has been made to the capital tax, without criminal interest, the total of the obligation i shall be exempt shall be made available for the sale of the mortgaged premises in the form set out in the article. 2. ° of the lei núm 1,725, of January 31, 1905. I therefore hear the Council of State, I have had to approve it, and I therefore have to do so as I read from the Republic. Santiago, January 26, 1922.-ARTURO ALESSANDRI.-Ernesto Barros Jarpa.