IT AUTHORIZES THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC TO INVEST UP TO THE SUM OF $150,000 GOLD, IN ORDER TO ATTEND TO ALL THE EXPENSES THAT THE CONCURRENCY OF CHILE GIVES TO THE VII PAN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE. As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following bill: Article 1.o The President of the Republic is authorized to invest the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand pesos ($150,000) in attending to all the expenses that the Chile concurrency to the VII Pan-American Conference. Article 2.o The expenditure that the previous article means will be covered by the following reductions in the gold budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: $40,000 of item 05-03-01; $70,000 of item 05-03-02; $12,000 of the item 05-04-01; and $28,000 of item 05-04-02. Article 3 This law shall apply from the date of its publication in the Official Journal. And as for, I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and carry it, to effect as law of the Republic. Santiago, twenty November from one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. -ARTURO ALESSANDRI.-Miguel Cruchaga.