IT AUTHORIZES THE MUNICIPALITY OF LLAY-LLAY TO TRANSFER THE LAND IT INDICATES. As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following bill: "Article 1" Authorize the Municipality of Llay-Llay to transfer to the "Maria Letelier de Prieto Children's Home" Foundation, of that commune, part of the old Avenue "Maria Isabel", which was eliminated by the City's Regulatory Plane, 1,000 square meters of surface, more or less, whose deslindes are: to the North, in 18.58 meters, with Don Carlos Simken; in 22.35 meters with Dona G. widow of Aravena and in 9.07 meters with property of the Leiva Succession; to the South, in 50 meters, with property of the Company Frutera South American, today of the Foundation "Maria Letelier Children's Home of Prieto"; to the East, in 20 meters, with the rest of the old Avenue "Maria Isabel", which the Regulator Plano goes to square, and to the West, also in 20 meters, with Arica street. Article 2 The beneficiary Foundation shall allocate the building referred to in the article preceding the extension of the land of its property in which the school establishment shall be established which the institution shall build in Llay-Llay within 5 years, counted from the date of validity of this law. Article 3 ° The value of the transfer shall be determined by common accord of the Municipality of Llay-Llay and the acquiring institution, which, in no case, may be less than the value of the tax of the same land, or of the nearest to them in case the first ones do not appear in the respective role ". And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the law of the Republic. Santiago, five of September of a thousand nine hundred and fifty-three.-CARLOS IBANAZ OF THE CAMP.-Osvaldo Koch.