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Law No. 12.130 AUTHORIZES THE MUNICIPALITY OF LANCO TO CONTRACT THE LOAN THAT INDICATES [subhead] As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following bill: " Article 1 Authorize the Municipality of Lanco to hire directly with the Bank of the State or other credit institutions, one or more borrowings that produce up to two million pesos ($2,000,000), which accrues an interest of no more than 10% a year and which must be amortized within a period not exceeding five years. Article 2.o Facultect to the Banco del Estado de Chile and other credit institutions to take the loans referred to in the previous article, for the purpose of which they shall not govern the restrictive provisions of their respective laws and regulations organic. Article 3.o The proceeds of the loan or loans shall be invested in the following form: Article 4. In order to serve the service of the or the borrowings authorized by this law, an additional contribution shall be made on the property of the real estate of the One of Lanco, two per thousand year-on-year, will start to be collected once contracted the referred loans and will govern until its total cancellation. Article 5. In the event that the resources referred to in the previous article are insufficient for the service of the debt or are not obtained at the appropriate opportunity, the Municipality shall complete the necessary sum with any kind of funds their ordinary income. If, on the other hand, there is surplus, it shall be allocated, at no discount, to extraordinary depreciation of the debt, without prejudice to the amounts intended for the direct execution of the works. Article 6.o The payment of interest and ordinary and extraordinary redemptions shall be made by the Autonomous Fund for the Depreciation of Public Debt, for the purpose of which the Communal Treasury of Lanco, through the General Treasury of the Republic, shall make the funds necessary to cover these payments, without the need for the Mayor's decree, should be made available to the Fund in case the latter has not been given the opportunity. The Public Debt Depreciation Fund will pay for the payment of these services in accordance with the rules established by it for the payment of the internal debt. Article 7.o The Municipality shall deposit in the tax account "F-26 Borrowings And Bonds" the resources that this law allocates to the service of the or the borrowings and the amount to which these services are assigned by interest and amortisation ordinary and extraordinary. In addition, the Municipality shall consult in its annual budget, under the heading of "Extraordinary Income", the resources to be used by the contracting authorities or the borrowings, and in the departure of " Extraordinary agreement with the authorization granted in Article 3 of this Law. Article 8.o The Municipality shall publish in the first half of the month of January each year, in a newspaper or newspaper of the locality or the head of the department, if there is no, a state of the service of the or the borrowings and of the investments made in accordance with the plan authorized in Article 3 of this Law. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the law of the Republic. Santiago, eleven of September of a thousand nine hundred and fifty-six.-CARLOS IBANEZ OF THE CAMP.-Benjamin Videla Vergara.