AUTHORIZES THE MUNICIPALITY OF RETREAT TO TRANSFER FREE OF CHARGE TO THE FISCUS PART OF THE PREDIO THAT IT POINTS OUT, LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF VILLASECA. the Municipality of Retiro to transfer free of charge to the Fisco part of a property of its property, located in the locality of Villaseca, registered to fojas 266 return, number 446, of the Land Registry of the Conservative Real Estate Parral department, corresponding to the year 1955. The predium to which this transfer refers has the following general dislinds: North, the Vina of the founded La Bahia; South, the way of Retiro to Villaseca and Estela Fuentes; the East, the Vina of the founded La Bahia, and Poniente, Juan Antonio Vasquez. Article 2 ° The President of the Republic shall allocate the advance which is transferred to him under this Law to the following purposes: 1 ° To the construction of a school group, for which purpose is assigned to the Ministry of Public Education In a rectangular shape of 80 by 50 meters, with the following special deslindes: North, potrero La Viña del fundo la Bahia, in 50 meters; South, in 50 meters, with land that will go to Reten de Carabineros and with land that will be used East, in 80 meters, with land that will be reserved the Municipality, and Poniente, in 80 meters, Juan Antonio Vásquez. 2 ° To the construction of a Reten for the Carabinieri's Body, a rectangular plot of land of 35 by 45 meters, with the following special deslindes, North, in 35 meters, with land destined for school, according to the number South, in 35 meters, with road from Retiro to Villaseca; East, with land that will go to socorros house, in 45 meters, and Poniente, in 45 meters, with Juan Antonio Vásquez. 3 ° To the construction of a socorros house, for whose effect The National Health Service will provide a rectangular piece of land of 27.50 meters by 45 meters, With the following special deslindes: North, in 27.50 meters, with land that will be reserved for the Municipality and with land that will be destined to School; South, in 27.50 meters, with road from Retiro to Villaseca; East, in 45 meters, with potter La Viña The Bay, and Poniente, in 45 meters, with land that will go to Reten de Carabineros. Article 3. It is excluded from this law and from the transfer of a plot of land of a rectangular shape of 12.50 meters by 80 meters, that the Municipality of Retiro is reserved, and that it has the following special dislindes: North, in 12,50 meters, with potrero La Viña del Bahia; South, in 12.50 meters, with land that will go to socorros ' house; East, in 80 meters, with potrero La Viña del fundo La Bahia, and Poniente, in 80 meters, with land that will be used for construction of a school group. Article 4 ° If within the five-year period, counted from the time of this law, the Fisco will not begin the construction of the school group, Reten de Carabineros de Chile or socorros house, which deals with article 2 °, the land destined for Respectively, each of these objectives will return to the municipal domain ". And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the law of the Republic. Santiago, eleven of October of a thousand nine hundred and fifty-six.-CARLOS IBANEZ OF THE CAMP.-Benjamin Videla Vergara.