HE GAVE IN TO THE SECOND FIRE COMPANY, IN FORMATION, OF SAN MIGUEL, THE CARRO-BOMB THAT HE POINTS OUT, OWNED BY THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS. The car-bomb, Saurer brand, motor number 70144, owned by the Ministry of Public Works, to the Second Fire Company, in formation, San Miguel. Article 2 ° The Second Fire Company will not be able to dispose of this vehicle for 10 years. Article 3 ° For the purposes of the reception of this carro-bomb will take charge, in all its legal procedures, the Fire Department of San Miguel. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the law of the Republic. Santiago, October 3, 1000 nine hundred and fifty-nine.-JORGE ALESSANDRI RODRIGUEZ.-Pablo Perez.