IT AUTHORIZES THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC TO TRANSFER FREE OF CHARGE TO THE SPORTS CLUB "ESPARTA", SAN ANTONIO, THE DOMAIN OF THE BUILDING THAT INDICATES AND WHOSE DESLINDES HE POINTS OUT. As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following bill: "Article 1" The President of the Republic is authorized to transfer free of charge to the Sports Club "Sparta", San Antonio, institution with personality Legal, domiciled in said commune, the domain of the tax grounds located in San Antonio, of 2,360 square meters of surface, approximately, comprised in the following deslindes: to the North, in 59 meters, with the Service of Insurance Social; to the South, in 59 meters, with Viña Lontue; Oriente, in 39.70 meters, with Avenida Ramón Barros Luco, and Poniente, in 40 meters, with Sanfuentes street. Article 2 The Sports Club "Sparta" will allocate the land that is transferred in accordance with this law to the fulfillment of its social ends and especially to the maintenance of a sports field in San Antonio. Article 3 It is the obligation of the Sports Club "Sparta" to provide its sports field to the public and private schools of the department to develop their sports activities on days of the week, without any payment. Article 4 ° If for any cause the beneficiary institution will agree to its dissolution, the grounds referred to in article 1 ° of this law will pass in such an event of full right to the domain of the National Council of Sports with all its increases and improvements. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, publish and take effect as a law of the Republic. Santiago, twenty-seven of July of a thousand nine hundred and sixty-two.-JORGE ALESSANDRI RODRIGUEZ.-Julio Philippi.