LAW NO. 20,944 AUTHORIZES THE ERECTING OF A MONUMENT IN MEMORY OF THE POET JORGE TEILLIER, IN THE COMMUNE OF LAUTARO Having present that the National Congress has given its approval to the following bill originating in motion of the Honorable Senators Mr. Jaime Quintana Leal and Ignacio Walker Prieto, Bill: " Article 1.-Authorizase erect a monument in the commune of Lautaro, Region of La Araucania, in memory of the poet and teacher Mr. Jorge Octavio Teillier Sandoval. Article 2.-The works will be financed through popular erogations obtained through public collections, donations and other private contributions. Public collections shall be carried out on the dates and place to be determined by the Special Committee set up in Article 4, in coordination with the Ministry of Education. Article 3.-Create a special fund with the purpose of receiving the erogations, donations and other contributions indicated in the previous article. The funds to be obtained shall be deposited in a special account to be opened for that purpose. Article 4.-Create a Special Commission ad honorem, charged with executing the objectives of this law, which will be composed of a senator author of this law, the Executive Secretary of the Council of National Monuments, a representative of the National Council of Culture and the Arts, a representative of the Society of Writers of Chile, the mayor of the commune of Lautaro, the Regional Minister of Education of the Region of La Araucanía and the deputies belonging to the district respective. The quorum for sessioning and adopting agreements shall be that of the majority of its members. Article 5.-The Special Commission shall have the following functions: (a) determine the date and the manner in which the public collections will be carried out, as well as the legal steps to be taken. b) Determine the exact place where the monument will be located. (c) Call for public competition of projects for the execution of the works, establish their bases and resolve them. (d) to open a special checking account to manage the fund referred to in Article 3 (e) to administer the account and the fund referred to in Article 3. Article 6.-If at the end of the construction of the monument it is surplus to the These will be destined to finance the publication of works by Mr. Jorge Octavio Teillier Sandoval and other literary initiatives that the Special Commission will determine. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 25 August 2016.-MICHELLE BACHELET, President of the Republic.-Mario Fernández Baeza, Minister of the Interior and Public Security.-Adriana Delpiano Puelma, Minister of Education. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Atently, Mahmud Aleuy Peña and Lillo, Undersecretary of the Interior.