LAW NO. 21,032 ESTABLISHES NATIONAL DAY OF THE MANIPULATOR AND MANIPULATOR OF FOOD IN EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS Having present that the H. National Congress has given its approval to the bill initiated in motion by the members of the H. Fidel Espinoza Sandoval, Jose Antonio Kast Rist, Manuel Monsalve Benavides, Roberto Poblete Zapata, Claudio Arriagada Macaya, Marcelo Chavez Velasquez, Issa Kort Garriga, Jorge Rathgeb Schifferli, Guillermo Teillier Del Valle, Ignacio Urrutia Bonilla, Ivan Norambuena Farias, Ramon Farias Ponce, Joaquin Godoy Ibanez, Fernando Meza Moncada, David Sandoval Plaza, Jorge Ulloa Aguillon, Ignacio Urrutia Bonilla and Osvaldo Urrutia Soto, of the H. Deputies, Denise Pascal Allende, Jenny Alvarez Vera, Maya Fernandez Allende, and former Deputies Enrique Accorsi Opazo, Claudio Alvarado Andrade, Juan Bustos Ramírez, Alfonso De Urresti Longton, Osvaldo Palma Flores, Eduardo Saffirio Suárez and Alejandro Sule Fernandez, Bill: "Single article.-Institutional on the last working Friday of October of each year as the" Day National of the Food Manipulators and Manipulators "." and for how much I have had good approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate it and take it into effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, August 28, 2017.-MICHELLE BACHELET, President of the Republic.-Mario Fernández Baeza, Minister of Interior and Public Security. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Atently, Mahmud Aleuy Peña and Lillo, Undersecretary of the Interior.