LAW NO. 21,053 LAW ON PUBLIC SECTOR BUDGETS FOR THE YEAR 2018 Taking into account that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1.-Approve the Revenue and Expenditure Budget of the Public Sector, for The year 2018, according to the detail indicated: A.-In National Currency: In Miles of $B.-In Foreign Currency Converted to Dollars In Thousands of US$ Article 2.-Approve the General Revenue of the Nation and the Tax Amounts in national currency and in foreign currency converted to dollars, for the year 2018, to the Parties indicated: Article 3.- Authorize the President of the Republic to contract obligations, in the country or abroad, in national currency or in foreign currencies, up to the amount of US$ 7,000,000 thousand that, by way of debt, is included in the income General of the Nation. In addition, you will be authorized to contract obligations, in the country or abroad, up to the amount of US$ 1,500,000 thousand or its equivalent in other foreign currencies or in national currency. For the purposes of this article, bonds and other documents may be issued in national or foreign currency, which may be printed by the signing of the Treasurer General of the Republic. The share of the obligations incurred under this authorisation which is amortised within the financial year 2018 and those which are contracted to make full or partial advance payment of debts set out in previous financial years, deducted the write-downs included in this law for the year 2018, will not be considered in the calculation of the margin of indebtedness set out in the previous incites. The sum of the quantities mentioned in the first and second points of this article shall not be charged, the obligations that are contracted to cover the payment of recognition bonds referred to in the transitional third article of the decree law No. 3,500, from 1980, up to the equivalent of US$ 1,000,000 thousand. The authorization granted to the President of the Republic shall be exercised by means of supreme decrees issued through the Ministry of Finance, in which the specific destination of the obligations to be contracted shall be identified, indicating the the sources of resources to which the debt service should be made. Copies of these decrees will be sent to the Finance Committees of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies within 15 days of their total processing. Article 4.-In accordance with the third paragraph of Article 26 of Decree Law No. 1,263, 1975, only by virtue of authorization granted by law may the sum of the net value of the amounts for the expenses on staff be increased, Consumer goods and services, Social security benefits, Current transfers, Members of the Fiscus and Other current expenses included in Article 1 of this Law, in national currency and foreign currency converted to dollars. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply with respect to the higher discharges that occur in the items of the Subtitles that are legally exceeded in accordance with Article 28 of Decree Law No. 1.263, 1975, and the Glose 01, Program Operations Complementary to this law and to increases in the allocation of higher initial cash balances, except for the corresponding to the Public Treasury, for the sale of financial assets, in own income benefits or expenses, in resources obtained from eligible funds of public authorities or under the terms of the Article 21 of Decree Law No. 1.263, 1975. The highest effective expenditure or increases that are available for such concepts, in the amount exceeding the budgeted amount, shall increase the maximum amounts indicated in the preceding paragraph, as appropriate. Equal legal authorisation shall be required to increase the sum of the amounts approved in Article 1 of the Subtitles for the Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets, Investment Initiatives and Capital Transfers to Bodies or Companies included in this law, in an amount greater than 10% of that sum, except that the increases are financed by budgetary reallocations from the maximum amount set out in the first indent of this article or by incorporation of higher initial cash balances, other than that corresponding to the Public Treasury, of the product sale of assets, of resources obtained from eligible funds of public entities or of recovery of advances. The increases that come from the aforementioned reallocations will decrease in the same amount the maximum amount established in the first paragraph of this article. The contributions to each of the companies included in this law can be raised to 10%. Article 5.-During the year 2018, the application of Article 87 (d) of the decree with force of law No. 29, 2004, of the Ministry of Finance, which fixes the recast, coordinated and systematized text of Law No. 18,834, with respect to the Compatibility in the performance of plant charges governed by said law with the designation in charge of contracts in the same service, will require the prior authorization of the Directorate of Budgets, which will verify the budgetary availability for this in the respective Service. Such authorisation shall also be required for the recruitment of alternate staff in plant charges which are not carried out by the holder under the previous mechanism. The provisions of this Article shall not govern the renewal of contracts which have been compatible in the year 2017. Article 6.-The proposal or public invitation to tender shall be binding in respect of investment projects and programmes and basic studies to be carried out in the year 2018, when the total amount of such projects and programmes, contained in the decree or resolution of (a) identification, in excess of the equivalent in pesos of a thousand monthly tax units in respect of investment projects and programmes, and of five hundred of such units in the case of basic studies, except for exceptions for Emergency measures referred to in the relevant legislation. In the case of those included in the Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, the aforementioned amounts will be ten thousand monthly tax units for projects and investment programs and three thousand such units. units in the basic studies. Where the amount concerned is lower than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the award shall be made in accordance with the procedure laid down in Supreme Decree No. 151 of the Ministry of Finance of 2003. Contractors and subcontractors who carry out works or provide services financed from tax resources, which are in breach of the labour and pre-vision laws during the course of the development of such contracts, and without prejudice to the Existing administrative sanctions will be qualified with poor note in the area of contract management. This qualification shall become part of the respective registers and shall be considered in future invitations to tender and contract awards. Private institutions, whatever their nature, at the time of contracting with the State must accompany a certificate of compliance with work and remuneration obligations. In the event that the private institution is incorporated in any registration for job or remuneration defaults, or does not accompany the related certificates at the appropriate time, it will not be able to contract with the State while not to remedy the non-compliance affecting it. Article 7.-In decrees containing transfers, they have been laid down in this law or are created by virtue of Article 26 of Decree Law No. 1.263, 1975, with imputation to items 01, 02 and 03 of Subtitles 24, Current Transfers, and 33, Capital Transfers, of this budget, for the public bodies and services, may indicate the use or destination that the receiving institution shall give to the resources, the conditions or modalities for the recovery of the same and the information to be sent to the body to be determined in respect of the application. However, the balances of resources transferred in the previous year, not used by the receiving agencies and which must be reintegrated, must be entered in the General Secretariat of the Nation. Those transfers, included in Subtitle 24, which constitute global allocations to units of a Service or to programmes implemented in whole or in part by it, shall be broken down in advance of budgetary implementation in the different concepts of expenditure, with a view of the Budget Directorate, and a monthly report on progress of activities, together with the information on budgetary implementation, should be sent to the latter monthly. This breakdown shall constitute the maximum authorisation for expenditure in the respective concepts, without prejudice to any amendments made to it by the same procedure. The date of publication of this law may be made. However, in respect of the concepts of expenditure referred to above, resources may not be included for expenditure on staff and consumer goods and services, unless they are authorised by express rule in the respective budget. Article 8.-Prohibit public organs and services, the acquisition, construction or leasing of buildings for the purpose of their staff. It will not govern this prohibition with respect to the programs on this subject incorporated in the budgets of the Judicial Branch, the Ministry of National Defense, the Carabineros of Chile, the Police of Investigations of Chile, the Gendarmerie of Chile, and the regional investment by regional governments in what is This is the case for housing for health and education staff in remote areas and rural areas. Article 9.-However, the maximum number of staff or weekly hours fixed in this budget to the public services, by supreme decree issued through the ministry of the branch, which must also be signed by the Minister of Finance may be increased by the amount or hours per week of some or some of them from the reduction of one or more others, without being able, under any circumstances, to increase the maximum amount or number of hours per week for all the services of the Ministry concerned. In addition, the fee quotas set in this budget may be increased to public services and budgetary programmes, with a view to the reduction of another or other budget, without, in any event, being able to increase the quota of the services of the respective Ministry. Article 10.-Public bodies and services may recruit staff to replace contract officials who, for whatever reason, are unable to carry out their duties for a period of more than 30 days. Such contracts shall not be charged to the respective maximum staff allocation and may be made only if the institution has the availability of resources for that purpose, which shall be certified by the institution's higher authority, on the basis of the report of your finance unit. Such certification shall be accompanied by the administrative act concerned. Article 11.-For the purposes of providing during the year 2018 the vacancies of the posts referred to in the 48th article of Law No 19,882, the selection processes shall be convened through the institutional or other websites which they are believed, where sufficient information will be given, among other matters, in relation to the functions of the position, the professional profile, the competencies and skills required to perform it, the benchmark level of remuneration, the time limit for the The application and the way in which the requirements are to be accredited. In addition, notices of the selection process will be published in national circulation newspapers, which will have to refer to the corresponding websites to know the conditions of application and requirements requested. Article 12.-The public authorities and bodies of the civil administration of the State included in this law will require prior authorization from the Ministry of Finance to acquire, for any degree, all types of motor vehicles intended for land transport of passengers and cargo, the price of which exceeds those fixed by that Ministry. The same prior authorisation shall require the bodies and departments which have the maximum allocation of motor vehicles to take such vehicles or to agree, by means of any type of contract, to be provided to them. on the other hand, for use in functions inherent in the service. Free-to-use acquisitions which are authorised shall increase the maximum allocation of motor vehicles referred to in the following subparagraph, up to the amount entered in the authorisation and shall be fixed by means of the supreme decree of the Ministry of Finance. The maximum allocation of motor vehicles fixed in the Parties to this law for public services comprises all those intended for the carriage of passengers and freight by land, including those acquired directly from projects of investment. The envelope may be increased in respect of some or some of these, by means of supreme decree issued by the corresponding Ministry, dictated by the formula "By order of the President of the Republic" , which must be endorsed by the Ministry of Finance, with a view to the reduction of the maximum allocation of other services, without any increase in the maximum amount of the Ministry concerned. In the respective supreme decree, the transfer of the corresponding vehicle or vehicles from the service in which it is reduced to the one in which it is increased may be available. To this effect, the vehicles must be properly identified and the decree will serve as sufficient title to transfer the domain of them, and must be registered in the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Article 13.-The proceeds of the sales of tax real estate not intended for the purposes of Article 56 of Decree Law No 1.939 of 1977, which the Ministry of National Assets carries out during the year 2018, and the Quotas to be received in that year for sales made in previous years shall be temporarily incorporated as the budget revenue of that Ministry. These resources will be allocated to the following objectives:-65% to the Regional Government of the Region in which the property is located, for its investment program;-10% to the Ministry of National Goods, and-25% to the tax benefit, which shall be paid to General Rentas of the Nation. The rule laid down in this Article shall not govern the sales made by that Ministry to public bodies and services or to undertakings in which the State, its institutions or undertakings have a capital contribution of 50% or more, meet the needs of the acquirer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the companies referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall dispose of all or part of the immovable property acquired from the Ministry of National Assets within a period of one year from the date of registration of the domain to their name, the Fisco shall provide the regional government with 65% of the price paid to the said Ministry, or the corresponding proportion if the sale is partial. In the case of the real estate of the Armed Forces, the applications that will be made from the resources coming from the enajenations, will be incorporated annually in the Law of Budgets, in the respective chapters of the Ministry of National Defense, identifying the estimated revenues and expenses in each case. Resources may be used only in infrastructure projects, including social investment projects, such as habitability and improvement of living conditions for all staff members of these institutions, and in projects of military infrastructure. On a quarterly basis, the Ministry of National Defense will be required to report to the Special Committee on Budgets on the enajenations of the real estate of the Armed Forces. Article 14.-The Budget Directorate will provide the Senate and Chamber of Deputies Finance Committees, the Special Joint Committee on Budgets and the Library of the National Congress with the reports and documents that are indicated, In the form and opportunities set out below: 1. Report on the monthly budget execution of revenue and expenditure of the Central Government, at the level of Subtitles, within 30 days of the end of the respective month. 2. Quarterly budgetary implementation report on revenue and expenditure of the Central Government, at the level of Subtitles, within 30 days of the end of the respective quarter, including in annexes a breakdown of tax revenues of the period, other sources of financing and balance of the gross debt of the Central Government. Similarly, information on the expenditure incurred by the Central Government of Subtitle 22 item 07, Advertising and Dissemination, unbundled by allocation, detailing the expenditure per item and its actual variation in relation to the same, shall be included in Annexes. quarter of the previous year, and of the allocations included in Subtitles 24 and 33, for each of the programs of this law. 3. Report of the quarterly implementation of the revenue and expenditure budget of the Parties of this Law, at the level of Parties, Chapters and Programs approved for each of them, structured in initial budget, current budget and amount executed to the respective date, including the expense of all the glosas of this law, within thirty days after the end of the respective quarter. 4. Copy of the decrees of budget amendments which have been fully processed during each month and a consolidated report of the budgetary changes made in that month by departure, containing a description indicating whether the increases by application of laws, reductions in tax adjustment, or changes in policy decisions, specifying the amounts increased or decreased by subtitle and departure, within thirty days after the end of the same period. 5. Copy of the annual balance sheets and half-yearly financial statements of the companies of the State, National Television of Chile, the Banco del Estado de Chile, the Corporation of the Copper of Chile and all those in which the State, its institutions or undertakings have a capital contribution equal to or greater than fifty per cent, carried out and audited in accordance with the rules laid down for public limited liability companies; and of the entities referred to in Law No 19,701. Such copies shall be sent within 15 days of the date of expiry of the respective filing deadline set by the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance. 6. Semi-annual report of the gross and net public debt of the Central Government and the gross and net debt of the Central Bank, with its explanatory notes and supplementary background, within 60 days and 90 days after the end of the corresponding semester, respectively. 7. Copy of the loan agreements that are signed with multilateral organizations in use of the authorization granted in Article 3 of this law, within 15 days of their total processing. 8. Quarterly Report on Treasury Financial Assets Public, within thirty days after the end of the respective quarter. This report should also detail the financial assets from the Regional Support Fund. 9. Quarterly report on the Pension Reserve Fund and the Economic and Social Stabilization Fund, within ninety days of the end of the respective quarter. 10. Quarterly report of the risk hedging operations of assets and liabilities authorised in Article 5 of Law No 19,908, within thirty days of the end of the respective quarter. In order to comply with the above figures, the information indicated must be submitted by the corresponding bodies in accordance with the instructions given for this purpose by the Budget Directorate. In addition, this should be published within the same deadlines on the respective websites of the agencies obliged to provide it. All information that under other provisions of this law must be forwarded to the Senate Committees, the Chamber of Deputies and the Special Joint Budget, will be provided by the respective bodies also to the Library of the National Congress. In the case of the Chamber of Deputies such information will be provided through the Department of Evaluation of the Law, for its work and referral to the person who requests it. Article 15.-During the year 2018, the sum of the amounts involved in financial risk coverage operations that the entities authorized in Article 5 of Law No 19,908 will conclude may not exceed US$ 1,500,000 thousand or their equivalent in national currency. Such operations shall be carried out subject to the provisions of the said legal standard. Article 16.-During the year 2018, the President of the Republic may grant the State guarantee to the credits that he or she has contracted or to the bonds issued by public sector companies and state universities, up to the amount of US$ 300,000,000 (three hundred million dollars from the United States of America) or its equivalent in other foreign currencies or national currency. The authorization granted to the President of the Republic will be exercised through one or more supreme decrees issued through the Ministry of Finance, in which the specific destination of the obligations to be contracted will be identified, indicating the sources of the resources under which the debt service is to be made. The guarantees granted by the State in accordance with this Article shall be extended to the capital, readjustments and interest accruing from the credits and bonds referred to above, commissions, currency exchange contracts and other expenses that irroguen, whatever their present or future denomination, until the actual payment of those obligations. The companies mentioned in the first indent, in order to obtain the indicated state guarantee, will have to sign a programming agreement with the Comité Sistema de Empresas de la Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, in which the companies will specify the the objectives and the expected results of its operation and investment programme, in the form set out in the instructions of the Ministry of Finance. The provisions of Article 2 (2) of Law No 19,847 shall apply to these conventions. Allow the state universities to contract, during the year 2018, borrowings for periods of up to twenty years, so that, with the amounts that are contracted, the total debt level in each one does not exceed one hundred percent. (100%) of its assets. The debt service will be carried out by the estate of the same state universities that contract them. These loans will have to be provided by the Ministry of Finance. However, the loans will not directly or indirectly commit the credit and the financial responsibility of the State. The hiring of the borrowings that are authorized to the state universities will not be subject to the rules of Law No. 19,886 and its regulations. In any case, the universities will have to call for public proposals to select the financial institutions that will grant them or the loans. Copy of the above loans, indicating the amount and conditions under which they were subscribed, in addition to a report specifying the objectives and expected results of each operation and its associated investment program, will be sent to the Ministry of Education and the Special Joint Committee on Budgets, within 30 days of the date of its recruitment. Article 17.-The organs and public services included in this law will need prior authorization from the ministry of the branch, visada by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, to join or associate themselves with organizations. international, renew existing affiliations or agree to increase their quotas. In the event that the incorporation or renewal requires them to make contributions or contributions or increases of these and if the agreements consist in increases of the amount of quotas, their visation will be conditioned to the availability of fiscal resources. Article 18.-The supreme decrees of the Ministry of Finance to be issued in accordance with the provisions of the various articles of this law and those corresponding to the implementation of the budget shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Article 70 of Decree Law No 1,263 of 1975. The approvals, visations and authorizations of the Ministry of Finance established in this law, the granting of which is not expressly required to be carried out by supreme decree, the authorizations prescribed in Articles 22 and 24 of the decree law N ° 3.001, 1979, the final paragraph of Article 8 (2) of Decree Law No 1,056, 1975, and Article 4 of Law No 19,896, the exception referred to in the final paragraph of Article 9 of Law No 19.104 and Article 14 of the Law No. 20.128, to be fulfilled by trade or by the Deputy Minister of Finance, who may delegate such powers, in whole or in part, in the Director of Budgets. The visations provided for in Article 5 of Law No 19,896 shall be carried out by the respective Assistant Secretary, who may delegate such power to the corresponding Ministerial Regional Secretary and, in the case of regional governments, to the Mayor. Article 19.-Those responsible for the budgetary programmes provided for in this law, who are hired for fees, shall have the quality of public servants, with the consequent criminal and administrative responsibility, and without prejudice to the corresponding responsibility of your hierarchical superior. Article 20.-When public bodies and departments carry out information and publications in the form of social media, they must be made available at least 40% by means of communication with clear local identification, distributed territorially. fair way. This percentage shall not be allocated to means which are part of conglomerates, holdings or networks of media, with which they relate in the terms of Articles 99 and 100 of Law No 18,045, which have offices or branches in more than one Member State. a region. For these purposes, the Ministry General Secretariat of Government will prepare a regionalized land register of the media. For the purposes of this Article, the treatment with the media will be preferred, which will carry out the warning and the publications themselves, avoiding as far as possible the hiring of intermediaries or agencies. In case of contracting with the latter, they must make transparent their items of expenditure, which will be forwarded to the Ministry General Secretariat of Government. The organs and services referred to in this article shall comply with the requirements set forth by their respective websites. The public authorities and bodies referred to in this Article shall send their annual notice and publication planning to the Ministry of Government, which shall monitor compliance with this Article, by March 2018 at the latest. the obligation laid down in the preceding paragraph. Article 21.-The following duty of information shall be the responsibility of the respective public entities: 1. Remission to the Library of the National Congress, in electronic support, of a copy of the reports derived from studies and investigations contracted by virtue of assignment 22.11.001, within one hundred and eighty days following receipt of its final report. 2. In the case of allocations under Subtitles 24 and 33, the bodies responsible for such programmes shall publish in a quarterly report, within 30 days of the end of the respective quarter on their website institutional web the individualization of the projects benefited, payroll of beneficiaries, methodology of choice of these, the persons or entities implementing the resources, the allocated amounts and the modality of allocation. If the allocations referred to in the preceding paragraph correspond to transfers to municipalities, the respective report shall also contain a copy of the agreements signed with the mayors, the breakdown by municipality of the amounts transferred and the criterion under which they were distributed. 3. In the case of appropriations corresponding to Subtitle 31, the entity responsible for the implementation of the resources shall report to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies ' Finance Committees and to the Special Joint Committee of Budgets, by 31 March 2018 at the latest, the payroll of the projects and programmes financed from the resources identified, their timetable for implementation and also, if relevant, their tendering schedule. 4. Monthly, the corresponding Regional Government it shall inform the basic studies, projects and investment programmes which they shall carry out in the region and which they have identified in accordance with Article 19a of Decree Law No 1,263 of 1975. Such information shall include the name of the study, project or program, its amount and other characteristics, and shall be transmitted within thirty days of the end of the month of total processing of the respective decrees. 5. To publish in their respective portals of transparency the evaluation minutes issued by the commissions evaluating tenders and public purchases of goods and services that they carry out in the framework of the law N ° 19,886, within the thirty days following the end of the respective process. 6. Quarterly, the Finance Secretariat will send to the Senate and Chamber of Deputies Finance Committees and the Special Committee on Budgets, a report on the basis of information provided by the Central Registry. of State Contributors, identifying the total number of direct allocations executed in the program-level period. 7. Quarterly financial report of State enterprises and those in which the State, its institutions or companies have a capital contribution of 50% or more, which will comprise a consolidated balance sheet per company and state of results, at consolidated level and per company. This report shall be drawn up by the Business System Committee of the Production Development Corporation, or whoever succeeds or replaces it, and shall be submitted within 15 days of the expiration of the respective deadline of presentation set by the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance. Article 22.-The publicity and dissemination activities to be carried out by the ministries, the tendencies, the governorates, and the public bodies and services that make up the State Administration, shall be subject to the provisions of the Article 3 of Law No 19,896. In any event, advertising campaigns may be carried out which have as their sole purpose the listing of the achievements of a specific authority or of the Government in general, with the exception of the public accounts which the bodies referred to in that Article perform. For these purposes, it is understood that they are advertising and dissemination costs, for the fulfilment of the functions of the aforementioned bodies, those necessary for the proper development of procurement processes; benefits or social benefits, such as the exercise of rights or access to scholarships, grants, credits, bonuses, money transfers or other programs or services; guidance and education of the population for situations of emergency or public alarm and, in general, those expenses which, due to their nature, are For the effective management of the same bodies. Furthermore, the bodies referred to in this Article may only edit memoirs and other publications by electronic means, unless the rules expressly provide for them to be published in printed media. They may not incur expenses for the elaboration of articles of institutional promotion. The expenditure by way of subscriptions to magazines, newspapers and information services, both on paper and by electronic means of data transmission, should be limited to that which is strictly necessary for the work of the services. Article 23. Service commissions in the country and abroad should be reduced to those that are essential for the fulfillment of the institutional tasks, especially those abroad. Unless justified reasons, or in the case of State Ministers, the passages must be purchased at least 7 working days in advance. Only the President of the Republic and the Ministers of State in secondments of service abroad may be accompanied by committees, which, in the case of the Ministers, shall be composed of a maximum of two companions, with the exception of Minister of Foreign Affairs, who will be able to accompany a maximum of three people. At the request of the respective institutions, the Budget Directorate may authorise exceptions to the number of members of the committees. On a quarterly basis, the Special Committee on Budgets will be informed of the commissions of service in the country and abroad. They shall contain in detail the number of committees and officials, designated officials, their destination, the status of the officials received and the basis thereof, with the exception of those which are reserved for them. Article 24.-For the year 2018, the maximum number of persons who may change their legal status from an honorary to a contract sum shall be fixed at 8,000, in the same way as the degree of the legal plant of the entity corresponding to the total remuneration allows you to maintain your gross remuneration. In order to carry out the above transfers, as from 1 January 2018, at the request of the respective services and institutions of the Public Sector, the Budget Directorate may amend the ceiling for the allocation of staff fixed in the (a) the respective budgetary positions, with a corresponding compensation in the number of persons hired for fees, set out in the corresponding budget slabs, associated with Subtitles 21 and 24. The adjustments resulting from the application of this article shall be established by means of decrees of the Ministry of Finance, dictated in accordance with the provisions of Article 70 of Decree Law No. 1,263, of 1975, and shall be informed monthly, within 30 days of the respective month, to the Special Joint Committee on Budgets. Article 25.-The provisions of this law shall apply from 1 January 2018, without prejudice to the fact that the decrees referred to in Article 3, and the decrees and resolutions referred to in Article 3, may be issued after the date of their publication. of this law are necessary to enable budgetary implementation. This law may be published in its entirety for distribution. Article 26.-Expenditure on advertising and dissemination which may be carried out under each budget item during the year 2018 shall not exceed the sum fixed in the respective budget. In this respect, in December 2017, each ministry will have to distribute these resources, through a budgetary program, by decree issued by the respective ministry, which must also be signed by the Finance Minister. Copy of this decree, fully processed, must be sent to the Special Committee on Budgets. However, by decree of the Ministry of Finance, issued under the formula laid down in Article 70 of Decree Law No 1,263, of 1975, the amount allocated to a budgetary programme for expenditure on advertising and dissemination may be increased. to the decrease of another or other, without that in any case, increase, by this way, the total amount fixed for the Partida. Each ministry shall report quarterly to the Special Joint Committee on Budgets, the amount executed, within thirty days of the end of the respective quarter. Article 27.-All information that is to be forwarded to any of the committees of the National Congress, according to the provisions of this law, should also be referred to the Special Joint Committee on Budgets. This information shall be provided in a readable digital format, which does not consist solely of the image of the respective documentation, where appropriate. Any information that does not indicate a delivery date must be sent before the start of the processing of the public sector budgets law for the following year. During the year 2018, the obligation to send the required reports in the various glosas of the items of the law of budgets to 31 March, shall be deemed to be extended until 30 April of the specified year. Article 28.-For the year 2018, the expenditure authorized by Law No 19,863 shall be subject to the following additional rules: 1. The Ministries and entities referred to in Article 3 of Law No 19,863 shall identify by means of a decree the reserved nature of the operational units which will require, for their operation, the use of the expenditure indicated in the report. The heads of such units shall be responsible for the reserved account of the use of these resources to the minister concerned in a semi-annual and secret manner. Within one year of the publication of this law, the President of the Republic shall send to the National Congress a bill incorporating permanent amendments to the law N ° 19,863, in respect of the accountability of the expenses reserved. Article 29.-The State agencies that have the status of self-employed persons, either because they are established in the Political Constitution of the Republic or in their respective constitutional laws, must have the internal regulations that necessary to safeguard the employment rights of workers who are subject to the Labour Code which they perform. Article 30.-Authorize the Ministry of Finance to transfer, from the Party of the Public Treasury, to the Partida of the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, between the date of publication of this law and December 30, 2017, the resources to make the compensation for the public transport services of passengers provided by the companies Empresa de Transporte de Pasajeros Metro S.A.; Trenes Metropolanos S.A. in its train service in the Alameda section; Railroads Suburban de Concepción S.A. in its service Biotren; and Metro Regional de Valparaiso S.A., the days of the general election carried out and by realiz On 19 November and 17 December respectively, the two sides of the present year, respectively, within the framework of Law No 18,700. The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications will transfer an amount that will not be able to exceed $1.3 billion, as follows: a) For the public transport services of passengers provided by the Passenger Transportation Company Metro S.A. and by Trenes Metropolanos S.A. for its train service in the Alameda-nos section: to the accounts of the Public Transport System of the Province of Santiago and the communes of San Bernardo and Puente Alto, managed by the Administrator Financiero de Transantiago S.A., on the basis of the passengers transported. b) For the services provided by the Suburban Railway companies of Concepción S.A. for its Biotren service; and Metro Regional de Valparaiso S.A.: directly to the same companies, based on the costs of providing the respective services public transport and the passengers transported. The companies will be responsible for submitting the relevant information to require the compensation corresponding to the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications. The implementation of the aforementioned transfers shall be reported by the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Finance to the National Congress, by 28 February 2018 at the latest. " Having complied with the provisions of Article 93 (1) of the Political Constitution of the Republic, and because I have had the right to approve and sanction it, I therefore promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 21 December 2017.-MICHELLE BACHELET, President of the Republic.-Nicolas Eyzaguirre Guzmán, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Saluda Atté. to you, Macarena Lobos Palacios, Deputy Finance Secretary. Constitutional Court Project of Public Sector Budget Law for the Year 2018, corresponding to the bulletin No. 11.452-05 The Secretary of the Constitutional Court, who subscribes, certifies that the Honorable Chamber of Deputies sent the draft law enunciated in the rubric, approved by the National Congress, so that this Court exercises the control of constitutionality with respect to Article 28 and the third paragraph of the Glosa 04, associated with Subtitle 24 (Transfers Streams), Item 03 (to Other Public Entities), Allocation 001 (Assessment of Apprenticeship Achievements), of Schedule 01 of Chapter 03 of Item 09, corresponding to the Ministry of Education, of the project; and by judgment of 15 December 2017, in cars ROL Nº 4118-17-CPR It is resolved: 1 °. That, the provision contained in Article 24, first indent, in the expression "whose total remuneration allows him to maintain his gross remuneration.", of the draft law, is in accordance with the Political Constitution. 2 °. That, this Constitutional Court does not issue a pronouncement in preventive examination of constitutionality, as it does not relate to matters of constitutional organic law, on the provisions contained in Article 28, numeral 1 ° and, in its final point, of the draft law examined. 3 °. That the provisions set out below are unconstitutional and, as a result, must be removed from the text of the draft law subject to preventive control of constitutionality: a. Article 24, first subparagraph, second part, which states: " The remuneration shall be deemed to be maintained where the change in the legal quality of an honorary contract implies that, after the statutory discounts have been made, the official receives a monthly remuneration equivalent to that which he receives from fees after the respective retention. In order to carry out this calculation, only those allocations from the public sector which are awarded on a monthly basis shall be considered as remuneration. " b. Article 28, No 2, first, second and third paragraphs of the draft law, which rule as follows: " 2. Of the expenses reserved, the Comptroller General of the Republic will be automatically given a semi-annual account directly through the Comptroller General. Such surrender must be carried out with the greatest possible disaggregation, with the limit of not affecting the reserved nature of such expenses, and an affidavit stating that compliance with the provisions of the Article 6 of Law No 19,863. The examination and judgment of the accounts shall be the responsibility of the Comptroller General of the Republic, who shall carry out the examination by expressing to the President of the Republic, in a secret manner, his opinion of the destination given to these expenses. The audit authority shall, in any event, retain the responsibility for the maintenance of the secrecy. This rule shall apply to the replacement of Article 4 of Law No 19,863. ' c. Third paragraph, Glosa N ° 4, associated with Subtitle 24 (Current Transfers), Item 03 (To other Public Entities), Assignment 001 (Assessment of Apprenticeship Achievements), Program 01 of Chapter 03 of Item 09, corresponding to the Ministry of Education, which states: " The results of the measurements made by this assignment and those that, having been rendered have not been released to the date of publication of this law, may only be reported in figures National, regional, provincial or communal aggregate in relation to all of the educational establishments for the level and territory in question and in specific reports addressed to each establishment which records the respective loss-making content. '; Santiago, December 15, 2017.-Rodrigo Pica Flores, Secretary.