Key Benefits:
LEY NÚM. 21.664
Bearing in mind that the H. National Congress has given its approval to the following bill that originated in a motion of the deputies Harry Jürgensen Runsdhagen, Miguel Mellado Suazo, Gastón von Mühlenbrock Zamora and the ex-deputies Iván Flores García, Fernando Meza Moncada and Mario Venegas Cárdenas,
"Unique item. Enter the following modifications Health Code:
1. Insert in Title II of the Fourth Book, following Article 105 decies, the following paragraph:
Of the flesh
Article 105 undecies.- The meat denomination means the edible part of the muscles of abasto animals as bovines, sheep, porcines, echines, goats, cloaks, and other species suitable for human consumption. The meats of hunting animals in their procedures of handling, processing, packaging, storage, distribution and sale shall be in conformity with the provisions of the Health Regulations of the Foods, and the technical norm issued for them, approved by decree of the Ministry of Health, which shall be published in the Official Journal.
Article 105 duodecies.- The meat includes all the soft tissues surrounding the skeleton, including its fat coverage, tendons, vessels, nerves, aponeurosis, bones of each cut when attached to the corresponding muscle mass and all tissues not separated during the work, except the bra muscles of the hyoid and esophagus.
It is understood by edible byproduct to parts and organs such as heart, liver, kidneys, thymus, ubre, blood, tongue, brains or fat, of abasto species. The lungs and those set out in Article 274 of the Food Health Regulations are exempt from this category.
Article 105 terdecies.- It is prohibited to label as meat a product that is not of animal origin and does not comply with the provisions of articles 105 undecies and 105 duodecies.
Appellations associated with animal products, such as "hambourgeois", "chorizo", "sachicha", "cecina" or others, cannot be used to describe, promote or market food products that contain a greater proportion of plant matter than meat, unless they express, visible and unequivocally indicate that they are of vegetable origin.
Offences to this article shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Tenth Book, without prejudice to the other appropriate penalties. ".
Transitory article.- This law shall enter into force eighteen months after its publication in the Official Gazette. ".
And for I have had it good to approve and punish it; therefore, promute and take it into effect as the Law of the Republic.
Santiago, May 10, 2024.- GABRIEL BORIC FONT, President of the Republic.- Esteban Valenzuela van Treek, Minister of Agriculture.- Luis Cordero Vega, Minister of Justice and Human Rights.- Ximena Aguilera Sanhueza, Minister of Health.
What I am transcribing to you for your knowledge. He presents his compliments to you, Antonio Alvear Balmelli, Chief Division of Administration and Finance, Undersecretary of Agriculture.