Key Benefits:
LEY NÚM. 21.639
Bearing in mind that the H. National Congress has approved the following
"Unique item. Modify single article of Decree No. 850 of 1997 of the Ministry of Public Workswhich sets out the consolidated, coordinated and systematized text of Law No. 15,840, which is an organ of the Ministry of Public Works, and of the decree with force of law No. 206 of 1960, of the same Ministry, on the construction and maintenance of roads, in the following sense:
1. Get in the article 1 the following second subparagraph:
"Also, it is up to the Ministry to ensure proper compliance with the functions referred to in the preceding paragraph with respect to water infrastructure, in accordance with the functions and powers set out in articles 17 and 23, as well as with the other provisions of this law. Water infrastructure includes, among others, the works, facilities and plants for the desalination of water and reservoirs; other types of infrastructure aimed at the expansion and sustainability of the availability of water for human consumption, sanitation or irrigation, including the treatment, conduction and final disposition of the waters and infrastructure to improve their efficiency; and water management projects that incorporate nature-based solutions. The above, depending on the public interest in water for the safeguarding of human consumption and sanitation, ecosystem preservation, aquifer sustainability and, in general, all actions aimed at promoting a balance between efficiency and security in their productive uses. ".
2. In the article 17:
(a) Replace in the first subparagraph the term "Laugh" for "Hydraulic objectives".
(b) Replace in verbatim (c) the expression ", and" with a point and apart.
(c) Incorporate the following verbatim:
(e) The study, design, construction, execution, repair, modification, expansion, conservation and operation of works, water and reservoir desalination facilities and plants; other type of water infrastructure that aims to expand and sustain the availability of water; and water management projects that incorporate nature-based solutions, the purpose of which is the production or acquisition of water resources that are intended as a matter of priority for the use of water, the use of water, the use of water. The foregoing, taking into consideration the function of ecological preservation of the waters.
In order to fulfil the human right to access to safe drinking water and sanitation, the Hydraulic Works Directorate will be able to provide the resulting water and its production to health service providers.
In addition to the provision of water for human consumption, sanitation and irrigation, the works, facilities and plants for the desalination of water, as well as any other type of infrastructure that aims to produce or obtain water resources, may, on a residual basis, be used for other purposes of a multipurpose nature. ". ".
And for I have had it good to approve and punish it; therefore, promute and take it into effect as the Law of the Republic.
Santiago, December 19, 2023.- GABRIEL BORIC FONT, President of the Republic.- Jessica López Saffie, Minister of Public Works.
What I am transcribing to you for your knowledge. Greetings Atte. to you, José Andrés Herrera Chavarría, Assistant Secretary of Public Works.