Key Benefits:
LEY NÚM. 21.451
Bearing in mind that the H. National Congress has given its approval to the following bill that originated in Message from the former President of the Republic, Mr. Sebastian Piñera Echenique, and in the following motions: one, of the Honourable Senator Ricardo Lagos Weber; another, of the Honourable Senator Francisco Chahuán Chahuán, and of the exsenators Carlos Bianchi Chelech and Baldo Prokurica Prokurica Prokurica,
"Unique item. Return the articles 13 and 14 of the Act No. 16.441who created the Easter Island Department. ".
Having complied with the provisions of article 93, paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the Republic, and since I have had the right to adopt and punish it, therefore, to promute and take effect as the Law of the Republic.
Santiago, May 19, 2022.- GABRIEL BORIC FONT, President of the Republic.- Antonia Orellana Guarello, Minister of Women and Gender Equity.- Izkia Siches Pastén, Minister of the Interior and Public Security.- Paula Poblete Maureira, Minister of Social Development and Family (S).- Marcela Rios Tobar, Minister of Justice and Human Rights.
What I write to you for your knowledge.- He presents his compliments, Luz Vidal Huiriqueo, Undersecretariat for Women and Gender Equity.
Constitutional Court
Bill amending Law No. 16.441, which creates the Department of Easter Island, regarding the criminal treatment of the offences it indicates, corresponding to Bulletins No. 14.610-06, 11.407-07, 10,788-06 and 10,787-06, consolidated
The Secretary of the Constitutional Court, who subscribes, certifies that the Honorable Senate of the Republic sent the bill set out in the heading, approved by the National Congress, in order to exercise constitutionality control over the single article of the Bill; and by judgement of 5 May 2022, in Rol 12862-22-CPR.
It states:
That this constitutional court does not issue a ruling, in a preventive review of constitutionality, in respect of the unrevoked part of the single article of the bill referred, for not to deal with matters of constitutional organic law.
Santiago, May 6, 2022.- María Angélica Barriga Meza, Secretary.