Name of the law, law on the budget of the national health insurance fund for 2010.
The name of the Bill a Bill to the budget of the national health insurance fund for 2010.
Date adopted 03/12/2009 number/year Official Gazette Decree No 99/2009 397
On the grounds of art. 98, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the Official Gazette, the law on the budget of the national health insurance fund for 2010, adopted by the National Assembly of the HLI, 3 December 2009.
Issued in Sofia on December 10, 2009.
The President of the Republic: Georgi Parvanov
Stamped with the State seal.
Minister of Justice: Margarita Popova
for the budget of the national health insurance fund for 2010.
Art. 1. (1) adopt the budget of the national health insurance fund for 2010 revenue and transfers of lump sum 2 519 211 Hill. EUR, as follows:
№ по ред
(в хил. лв.)
I income and transfers – all
2 519 211
1. Health insurance revenues 2 501 160
Health insurance contributions
1 560 034
Transfers for health insurance 941 126
2. Revenue and income from property 1 521
3. Fines, penalties and default interest 12 000
4. other non-tax revenue 30
5. the Received transfers from the Department of health to fund the costs of obstetric aid under art. 82, para. 1, item 2 of the law on health/+/:
4 500
(2) adopt the budget of the national health insurance fund for 2010 under the cost and transfers of lump sum 1 689 432 hill. EUR, as follows:
№ по ред
(в хил. лв.)
II. expenses and transfers – all
1 689 432
Текущи разходи
1 559 284
Salaries and wages for the personnel employed in labour and business relationships
21 666
Other fees and payments to the staff 1 076 1.3.
Mandatory contributions from employers 3 999 1.4.
Cost of administrative activities
20 611
Health insurance payments 1 511 932 1.5.1.
– health insurance payments for primary outpatient medical care 157 000
1.5.2. – health insurance payments for specialized out-patient medical care 154 000
1.5.3. – health insurance payments for dental help 91 000
1.5.4. – health insurance payments for medical diagnostic business 61 000
1.5.5. – health insurance payments for medications for home treatment, medical devices, and dietary foods for special medical purposes
320 000
1.5.6. – health insurance payments for hospital medical assistance 708 932 in including obstetric assistance to all health uninsured women
4 500
– other health insurance payments for medical care 20 000
Придобиване на нефинансови активи
2 000
Reserve for unforeseen and urgent costs 125 058 4.
Submitted transfers of the National Revenue Agency under art. 24, s. 6 of the Act on health insurance and to budgetary undertakings entered into contracts for the operation of medical services with the national health insurance fund
3 090
(3) Accept surplus in the budget of the national health insurance fund for 2010 of total 829 779 Hill. EUR
(4) the National Assembly on the proposal of the Council of Ministers may establish supplementary appropriations, with the Governing Council of the national health insurance fund to increase the prices of the types of medical services under para. 2 lines, 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.5 and 1.5.6, with effect from 1 July 2010, at the expense of reduction of positive balance at al. 3.
(5) in the event of income under para. 1 payments to the budget of the national health insurance fund for 2010 shall be made on behalf of the funds in the accounts.
Art. 2. determine the sickness insurance contribution for 2010 amounting to 8 per cent.
Art. 3. (1) every quarter, to contracts with providers of primary and specialized medical care, the national health insurance fund shall determine:
1. the number of specialized medical activities in accordance with art. 1, al. 2 row 1.5.2;
2. the value of the medical-diagnostic activities in accordance with art. 1, al. 2 row 1.5.4.
(2) the Governing Council of the national health insurance fund shall establish the rules for the application of paragraphs 1 and 2. 1.
Art. 4. (1) within the framework of the values referred to in art. 1, al. 2, 1.5.6:
1. The national health insurance fund determined for each regional health insurance fund annual total expenditure allocated by month;
2. the district health insurance coverage set mandatory values of delegated budgets for activities for hospital medical assistance to contracts with the performers.
(2) the implementation of the activities referred to in para. 1 is controlled by month and adjusted quarterly.
(3) the delegated values under para. 1, item 2 and its amendment under paragraph 1. 2 shall be approved by the Governing Council of the national health insurance fund.
(4) for the determination of the values of the delegated budgets under para. 1, item 2 and their modification, the Governing Council of the national health insurance fund shall adopt rules.
Art. 5. tissue establishments, concluded a contract with the national health insurance fund, shall submit its financial statements and periodic financial statements for the implementation of activities, paid by the Treasury, by order, determined by the Governing Council.
Transitional and final provisions
§ 1. Over health insurance revenues under art. 1, al. 1, row 1 is allocated for health insurance payments by order, determined by the Governing Council of the national health insurance fund.
§ 2. The Ministry of health, on a monthly basis, by the end of the current month provides transfer to the budget of the national health insurance fund under art. 1, al. 1, row 5 in the amount of the obligation in the month to hospitals for their obstetric aid under art. 82, para. 1, item 2 of the law on health. The activity is to be paid under the conditions and pursuant to the national framework contract for 2010, and when it has not been concluded a national framework contract – under the conditions and by the procedure of art. 55, para. 3 of the law on health insurance. The funds are reported under art. 1, al. 2 line of budget national health insurance fund.
§ 3. From the State budget through the budget of the Ministry of health, can be obtained in the budget of the national health insurance fund targeted subsidies under art. 23, para. 1, item 11 of the law on health insurance, other than those referred to in art. 1, al. 1, for the performance of obligations arising from the application of the rules on coordination of social security systems and for benefits in kind, outside medical assistance under art. 45 of the law on health insurance. With the underlying costs of these benefits are increased amounts under art. 1, al. 2 lines, 1, II 1.5, 1.5.7.
§ 4. The contracts of hospital care concluded between authorising officers and the national health insurance fund are recorded as transfers under art. 1, al. 2, row 4.
§ 5. Reliance on the amounts due, in accordance with the requirements of art. 24, item 6 of the law on health insurance, the budget of the national health insurance fund to the budget of the National Revenue Agency, takes place at the end of each calendar month in size 0.2 per cent on the previous month raised health insurance contributions. The funds are recorded as transfers between budgetary accounts under art. 1, al. 2, row 4.
§ 6. The Governing Council of the national health insurance fund has the right to carry out internal changes between loans outweighed the cost elements and transfers under art. 1, al. 2 that are within the approved budget.
§ 7. The Governing Council of the national health insurance fund in the event of significant deviations from an acquittal of funds or of territorial imbalance in consumption of medical services, in accordance with art. 26, al. 2 of the law on health insurance, has the right to spend its funds from the reserve for unforeseen and urgent expenses under art. 1, al. 2 line 3 only for health insurance payments.
§ 8. The Governing Council of the national health insurance fund may decide that proceeds from the sale of tangible assets to be used for the acquisition of such assets over the established values in art. 1, al. 2, row 2.
§ 9. In the law on health insurance (official SG. 70 of 1998; amend., SG. 93 and 153 of 1998, no. 62, 65, 67, 69, 110 and 113 in 1999, issue 1, 31 and 64 in 2000, 41/2001, no. 1, 54, 74, 107, 112, 119 and 120 of 2002, no. 8, 50, 107 and 114 from 2003. , PC. 28, 38, 49, 70, 85 and 111 in 2004, PCs. 39, 45, 76, 99, 102, 103 and 105 of 2005, St. 17, 18, 30, 33, 34, 59, 80, 95 and 105, 2006, issue. 11 of 2007; Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 3 of 2007 – PCs. 26 of 2007; amend., SG. 31, 46, 53, 59, 97, 100 and 113 of 2007, PC. 37, 71, and 110 from 2008 and St. 35, 41, 42 and 93 from 2009.) make the following changes and additions:
1. In art. 26, al. 1, item 1, the word "ten" is replaced by "five".
2. In art. 37 para. 5 is repealed.
3. (a) article 58 is repealed.
4. In art. 59 Al are created. 10 and 11:
(10) any establishment of hospital care may conclude a contract under para. 1 only for this activity to provide hospital medical assistance under art. 45, for which there are specialist/and running/and the basic contract of employment.
(11) the Director of the regional health insurance fund terminated the contracts with the contractors of medical assistance-hospitals for hospital care under art. 9 of the law on medical institutions, in the following cases:
1. taking into account the activity which was not carried out – partly for the clinical pathway;
2. in re reporting the activity, which was not carried out – for all agreed clinical pathways. "
§ 10. The implementation of the law is entrusted to the Management Board and the Director of the national health insurance fund, as well as of the National Revenue Agency, in part to collect health insurance contributions.
§ 11. The law shall enter into force on 1 January 2010.
The law was adopted by 41-Otto National Assembly of 3 December 2009 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.
President of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva: