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Law Supplementing The Law On The State Agency For National Security

Original Language Title: Закон за допълнение на Закона за Държавна агенция "Национална сигурност"

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Name of law Law supplementing the law on the State Agency for national security bill name Bill to supplement the law on the State Agency for national security adoption date 30/09/2010 number/year Official Gazette 80/2010 Decree No 284

Pursuant to article 98, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria


To be published in the Official Gazette the law supplementing the law on the State Agency for national security ", adopted by the National Assembly of the HLI 30 September 2010.

Issued in Sofia on 7 October 2010.

The President of the Republic: Georgi Parvanov

Stamped with the State seal.

Minister of Justice: Margarita Popova


to supplement the law on the State Agency for national security (promulgated, SG. 109 of 2007; amend. and Suppl., no. 69 and 94 since 2008, issue 22, 35, 82, 93 and 42 by 2009 and no. 16 of 2010.)

§ 1. Art is created. 72A:

"Art. 72. (1) for the duration of the long-term secondment under the conditions and in accordance with the law on diplomatic service officials at the Agency receive half of the royalties on art. 71, para. 1 and under art. 72, para. 1, item 1.

(2) The officers referred to in para. 1 not paid amounts and dovolstviâta under art. 74. "

Final provision

§ 2. The law shall enter into force from 1 October 2010.

The law was passed by the National Assembly-Otto 41 on September 30, 2010 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.

President of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva: