Name of law a law amending the law on road transport of the Name Bill a bill amending the law on road transport adopted 20/06/2012 number/year Official Gazette 50/2012 DECREE No. 241
On the grounds of art. 98, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the Official Gazette the law amending the law on road transport adopted by the National Assembly of the HLI 20 June 2012.
Issued in Sofia on 26 June 2012.
The President of the Republic: Rosen Plevneliev
Stamped with the State seal.
Minister of Justice:
Diana Kovatcheva
amending the law on road transport (official SG. 82 in 1999; amend., SG. 45 and 11 of 2002, 99/2003, no. 70 by 2004, no. 88, 92, 95, 102, 103 and 105 by 2005, issue 30, 85, 92 and 102 in 2006, issue 42, 80 and 109 from the 2007 No. 102 by 2008. , PC. 93 2009 PCs. 41 of 2010, PC. 17 of 2011 and PCs. 38 by 2012.)
§ 1. In art. 39 al. 1 and 2 are amended:
"(1) For services using the tickets issued by the fiscal devices pursuant to Ordinance No. n-18 of 2006 for registering and reporting sales in outlets through fiscal devices (promulgated, SG. as of 2006, 106; amend., SG. 7 and 79 from 2007, PCs. 77 of 2009, PCs. 49 of 2010, PC. 48 and 64 by 2011, issue. 7 and 27 by 2012).
(2) the tickets under para. 1 shall contain at least the following: 1. for transport by urban lines: a) name of the issuer of the ticket;
b) marked "ticket for the journey";
in the ticket number);
d) freight rate (in figures and words);
e) date of issue of the ticket;
2. for shipments in long distance and international routes:
a) name and address of the carrier pursuant to the license for the operation of public passenger transport;
b) marked "ticket for the journey";
in the ticket number);
d) freight rate (in figures and words);
(e)) route;
is a discount fare) for the cases provided for in law or by-law;
(g)) date of travel and time of departure;
h) number of the passenger seat. "
Final provisions
§ 2. The persons under art. 6, al. 1, who carry out the transport of passengers by buses, adapted its activities in accordance with the requirements of this act as follows:
1. persons who carry out long distance and international traffic – up to 6 months after the entry into force of this Act;
2. persons who carry on the urban lines – until 31 December 2013.
§ 3. The law shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette.
The law was adopted by 41-Otto National Assembly on 20 June 2012 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.
President of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva: