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Law Amending The Law On Protection And Development Of Culture

Original Language Title: Закон за изменение и допълнение на Закона за закрила и развитие на културата

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Law amending the Law on Protection and Development of Culture

Name Bill
Bill amending the Law on Protection and Development of Culture

Date of adoption

Number / year Official Gazette

DECREE № 331
Pursuant to Art. 98 pt. 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the "Official Gazette" Law amending the Law on Protection and Development of Culture adopted by HLI National Assembly on September 27, 2012 .
Released in Sofia on October 1, 2012
President of the Republic: Rosen Plevneliev
stamped with the state seal.
Minister of Justice Diana Kovacheva

Law amending the Law on Protection and Development of Culture (prom. SG. 50 of 1999 .; Amend. No.. 1 2000 d .; corr. SG. 34 of 2001 .; amend., SG. 75 of 2002, No. 55 of 2004, pcs. 28, 74, 93, 99 and 103 of 2005, No. . 21, 41 and 106 of 2006, pcs. 84 of 2007, pcs. 19, 42 and 74 of 2009, pcs. 13, 50 and 97 of 2010, pcs. 25 and 54 of 2011 on)
§ 1. In art. 5 par. 3 is amended as follows:
"(3) The legal relations of Directors of state cultural institutions arising on the basis of a competition in accordance with the Labour Code for a period of four years, unless otherwise provided by a special law."
§ 2 . In art. 8 par. 5 is amended as follows:
"(5) The legal relations of directors of municipal cultural institutions with the mayor arising on the basis of a competition in accordance with the Labour Code for a period of four years, unless otherwise provided by a special law. The terms of the competition are coordinated with the Ministry of Culture. "
§ 3. In art. 9 par. 5 is amended as follows:
"(5) The legal relations of directors of regional cultural institutions with the mayors of the municipalities on whose territory their headquarters are arising on the basis of a competition for a period of four years under the Labor Code, unless otherwise provided a special law. "
§ 4. in art. 17, para. 3 is a second sentence: "The directors of the Bulgarian cultural institutes abroad can not be appointed for more than two terms."
Transitional and Final Provisions
§ 5. The welded to the entry into force of this Act permanent employment of Directors of state, municipal and regional cultural institutes shall be maintained until the announcement of the competition for the job under the terms and provisions of this Act and the Labour Code, but not more than six months from the entry into force of this Act.

§ 6. In the Cultural Heritage Act (prom. SG. 19 of 2009 .; Decision № 7 of the Constitutional Court from 2009 - SG. 80 of 2009 .; amend., SG. 92 and 93 in 2009, pcs. 101 of 2010, pcs. 54 of 2011, pcs. 15, 38 and 45 of 2012) in art. 28, para. 6 second sentence shall be amended as follows: "The competition for director of the state museum at the Ministry of Culture held under the terms provided in the ordinance of art. 5 para. 4 of the Law on Protection and Development of Culture and the municipal and regional museums - by a commission appointed under the Labour Code, the composition of which includes a representative of the Ministry of Culture and two museum experts. "
Law was adopted by the 41 th National Assembly on September 27, 2012 and was affixed with the official seal of the National Assembly.
Chairman of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva