Name of law a law amending the law on prohibition of chemical weapons and control of toxic chemicals and their precursors Named Bill a bill amending the law on prohibition of chemical weapons and control of toxic chemicals and their precursors date of acceptance 12/02/2015 number/year Official Gazette 14/2015 Decree No 24
On the grounds of art. 98, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the Official Gazette the law amending the law on prohibition of chemical weapons and control of toxic chemicals and their precursors, adopted by the National Assembly of HLIÌI 12 February 2015.
Issued in Sofia on 18 February 2015.
The President of the Republic: Rosen Plevneliev
Stamped with the State seal.
Minister of Justice: Hristo Ivanov
amending the law on prohibition of chemical weapons and control of toxic chemicals and their precursors (promulgated, SG. 8 of 2000; amend. 75/2002, 11/2007, issue 82 by 2009 and 26/2011)
§ 1. In art. 6, al. 6 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism under the" are replaced with "Minister of economy, created with".
§ 2. Article 10 is amended as follows:
"Art. 10. (1) the import, export and transfer from and to the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and of the State of the community of chemical substances of annex I shall be made subject to the requirements of this Act and in accordance with the law on export control of defence-related products, and the products and technologies with dual-use only when:
1. the end user is located on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria or on the territory of another participating State, and
2. the final use for the purposes described in art. 6, al. 1, item 2.
(2) it shall be prohibited for the re-export of chemicals from Annex 1.
(3) export, re-export and import of chemical substances in annex 2 shall be carried out in compliance with the requirements of this Act and in accordance with the law on export control of defence-related products, and the products and technologies with dual-use only when the final use is for purposes not prohibited by the Convention.
(4) the export and re-export of chemicals from Annex 2 shall only be carried out when the end user is located on the territory of another State party.
(5) imports of chemical substances of annex 2 shall only be carried out when the import is from a State party.
(6) the export, re-export and import of chemical substances in annex 3 shall be carried out in compliance with the requirements of this Act and in accordance with the law on export control of defence-related products, and the products and technologies with dual-use only when the final use is for purposes not prohibited by the Convention.
(7) transfer from and to the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and of the State of the community of the chemical substances in annexes 2 and 3 shall be carried out only when the final use is for purposes not prohibited by the Convention.
(8) upon transfer from and to the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and of the State of the community of the chemical substances in annexes 2 and 3 Bulgarian natural or legal person shall within 7 days before the transfer to the Interministerial Commission documents under conditions and by an order determined by an Ordinance of the Minister of the economy.
(9) the Interministerial Commission may request additional information in this article. "
§ 3. In art. 11 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism under the" are replaced with "Minister of economy, created with".
§ 4. In art. 12, item 13 the words "Council of Ministers" shall be replaced by ' shall draw up and publish ".
§ 5. In other texts of the law the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
Transitional and final provisions
§ 6. In the Penal Code (official SG. 26 of 1968; Corr. 29/1968; amend., SG. 92, 1969, no. 26 and 27 of 1973, no. 89 of 1974, no. 95 of 1975, no. 3 of 1977, 54/1978, no. 89 of 1979, no. 28 of 1982; Corr, 31/1982; amend. , PC. 44 of 1984, PCs. 41 and 79 since 1985; Corr, PCs. 80 of 1985; amend., SG. 89 of 1986; Corr, PCs. 90 of 1986; amend., SG. 37, 91 and 99 of 1989, PCs. 10, 31 and 81 of 1990, St. 1 and 86 of 1991; Corr, PCs. 90 of 1991; amend., SG. 105 of 1991, PCs. 54 of 1992, issue. 10 since 1993, PCs. 50 of 1995; Decision No 19 of the Constitutional Court from 1995 – PCs. 97 of 1995; amend., SG. 102 of 1995, PCs. 107 of 1996, PCs. 62 and 85 of 1997; Decision No 19 of the Constitutional Court from 1997 – PCs. 120 of 1997; amend., SG. 83, 85, 132, 133 and 153 of 1998, PCs. 7, 51 and 81 of 1999, issue. 21 and 51 by 2000; Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 14 of 2000 – PCs. 98 by 2000; amend., SG. 41 and 101 of the 2001 PCs. 45 and 92 by 2002, PCs. 26 and 103 of 2004, PCs. 24, 43, 76, 86 and 88 of 2005, St. 59, 75 and 102 in 2006, PCs. 38, 64, 57, 85, 89 and 94 in 2007, PCs. 19, 67 and 102 by 2008, PCs. 12, 23, 27, 32, 47, 80, 93 and 102 of 2009, PCs. 26 and 32 from 2010, PC. 33 and 60 by 2011, issue. 19, 20 and 60 by 2012 PCs. 17, 61 and 84 from 2013, PCs. 19, 53 and 107 from 2014) in art. 424. 2 letters "b" and "c", the words "the Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 7. In the code of the Merchant Shipping (official SG. 55 and 56, 1970; Corr, 58/1970; amend., 55/1975, no. 10 of 1987, 30 of 1990, no. 85 of 1998, 12/2000, no. 41, 2001 113/2002, no. 55/04. , PC. 42, 77, 87, 94 and 104 of the 2005 St. 30, 62 and 108 of 2006, St. 36, 71 and 98 of the 2008 issue. 12 and 32 from 2009, PCs. 85 by 2010, PC. 92 by 2011, issue. 38 and 77 by 2012 PCs. 15, 28 and 109 by 2013) in art. 6, al. 1 the words "Deputy Minister of economy and energy" are replaced by "Deputy Minister of the economy".
§ 8. In the law on export control of defence-related products, and the products and technologies with dual-use items (official SG. 26 by 2011; amend., SG. 56 and 93 from 2012 and 9/2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy and energy", "Minister of economy and energy and the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced by "Ministry of economy" , "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy".
§ 9. In the law on weapons, munitions, explosives and pyrotechnic products (promulgated, SG. 73 by 2010; amend., SG. 88 from 2010 and 26/43 by 2011, issue 44 and 73 by 2012, 66/68 and 70 in 2013, and 53/98 by 2014) in art. 19, para. 2 the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
§ 10. In the law for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) no 1236/2005 concerning trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (official SG. 23 of 2008; amend., SG. 82 since 2009) all over the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" , "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism" shall be replaced respectively with "the Ministry of economy", "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy".
§ 11. In the law on administrative regulation of the production and trade of optical discs, matrices and other media containing objects of copyright and related rights (official SG. 74 2005; amend., SG. 105 by 2005, issue 30, 34 and 80 of 2006, 53 and 84/2007, no. 82/2009, no. 25 and 77 from 2011) all over the words "Ministry of economy , energy and tourism "," Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism "shall be replaced respectively with" the Ministry of economy "," Minister of economy "and" Minister of economy ".
§ 12. In the law on the control of narcotic substances and precursors (promulgated, SG. 30 of 1999; amend., 63/2000, no. 74, 75 and 120 of 2002, no. 56 of 2003, issue 76, 79 and 103 by 2005, issue 30, 75 and 82 of 2006, no. 31 and 55 in 2007, issue 36, 43 and 69 since 2008. , PC. 41, 74, 82 and 93 from 2009, PCs. 22 of 2010; Corr, PCs. 23 of 2010; amend., SG. 29, 59 and 98 of 2010, PC. 8, 12, 60 and 61 by 2011, issue. 83 and 102 by 2012 PCs. 52, 68 and 109 from 2013 and St. 53 by 2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism" shall be replaced respectively with "the Ministry of economy", "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy".
§ 13. In the law on wine and spirits (official SG. 45 by 2012; amend., no. 15 by 2013 and by 26/2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism" shall be replaced respectively with "the Ministry of economy", "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy".
§ 14. In the law on commodity exchanges and market-places (official SG. 93 of 1996; amend., SG. 41 and 153 of 1998, no. 18 (1999), no. 20 of 2000, 41/2001, no. 30, 34, 80 and 85, 2006 no. 53 of 2007 No. 42 and 82 from 2009 and 18/97 by 2010. , PC. 39 and 42 by 2011, issue. 38 and 77 by 2012 and St. 12 by 2015.) everywhere the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 15. In the Consumer Protection Act (promulgated, SG. 99 of 2005; amend., SG. 30, 51, 53, 59, 105 and 108 of 2006, issue 31, 41, 59 and 64 of 2007 and 36/102 by 2008, issue 23, 42 and 82 from 2009, issue 15, 18 and 97 from 2010, issue 18 of 2011. , PC. 38 and 56 by 2012 PCs. 15, 27 and 30 by 2013 and St. 61 by 2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy and energy", "Minister of economy and energy", "Minister of economy and energy" and "Deputy Minister of economy and energy" are replaced by "Ministry of economy", "Minister of economy", "economy Minister" and "Deputy Minister of economy".
§ 16. In the law on measurements (official SG. 46 since 2002; amend., SG. 88, 95 and 99 of 2005 No. 36 of 2008, 82/2009 issue of 2011, 39, and 38/77 by 2012 and 15/66 by 2013 and 98 by 2014) is hereby amended as follows:
1. In art. 10 is:
(a)) in the Al. 1 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy";
(b)) in the Al. 2, item 1 the words "Ministry of transport" and "the Ministry of agriculture and food" shall be replaced respectively with "the Ministry of transport, information technology and communications and the Ministry of agriculture and food".
2. In other texts of the Act the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism" shall be replaced respectively with "the Ministry of economy", "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy".
§ 17. In the law for the provision of services (official SG. 15 of 2010; amend., SG. 83 by 2013) everywhere, the words "the Minister of economy and energy and the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy".
§ 18. In the provision of financial services from a distance (official SG. 105 of 2006; amend., SG. 23 and 82 of 2009 and no. 61 from 2014) is hereby amended as follows:
1. In art. 22, para. 1 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
2. In paragraph 11 of the final provisions, the words "the Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 19. In the public procurement Act (official SG. 28 of 2004; amend., 53/2004, no. 31, 34 and 105 by 2005, issue 18, 33, and 37 79 by 2006, issue 59 (2007), no. 94, 98 and 102 by 2008, no. 24 and 82 from 2009, issue 52, 54, 97, 98 and 99 of the 2010. , PC. 19, 43, 73 and 93 from 2011, issue. 33, 38 and 82 by 2012 PCs. 15 by 2013, PCs. 35 and 40 by 2014 and PCs. 8 and 12 by 2015.) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism" shall be replaced respectively with "the Ministry of economy", "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy".
§ 20. In the medical devices Act (promulgated, SG. 46 2007; amend., 110/2008, no. 41 and 82 from 2009, no. 98 of 2010 No. 39 and 60 by 2011, issue 54 and 84 by 2012) everywhere the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 21. In the consumer credit Act (promulgated, SG. 18 of 2010; amend., SG. 58 of 2010, issue 91 by 2012, issue 30 by 2013, and 35/61 from 2014) is hereby amended as follows:
1. In art. 41, para. 1 the words "the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
2. In paragraph 8 of the transitional and final provisions, the words "the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 22. In the law on the national accreditation of conformity assessment bodies (official SG. 100 of 2005; amend., 105/2005 30/2006, no. 42 and 82 from 2009, 41/97 and by 2010 and no. 38 by 2012) all over the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy , energy and tourism "are replaced with" Minister of economy "and" Minister of economy ".
§ 23. The law on technical requirements for products (promulgated, SG. 86 of 1999; amend., SG. 63 and 93 since 2002, no. 18, and 107 since 2003, issue 45, 77, 88, 95 and 105 by 2005, issue 30, 62 and 76 in 2006, and 41/86 of 2007 74/2009 No. 80 by 2010. , PC. 38 by 2011, issue. 38, 53, 77 and 84 by 2012 PCs. 66 and 68 from 2013 and St. 98 by 2014) in art. 26 a, para. 2 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 24. In the law on small and medium-sized enterprises (official SG. 84 of the 1999; amend., SG. 80 and 92 of 2000, 42/2001, no. 28 of 2002, no. 64 of 2004, no. 34, 59 and 80 in 2006, 53/2007, no. 43 of 2008 and 82/2009) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy , energy and tourism "," Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism "shall be replaced respectively with" the Ministry of economy "," Minister of economy "and" Minister of economy ".
§ 25. In the law on tobacco and tobacco products (promulgated, SG. 101 of 1993; amended 19/1994, no. 110 of 1996 No. 153 of 1998 No. 113 of 1999, no. 33 and 102 of 2000, 110/2001, no. 20 of 2003 and 57/70 by 2004, issue 91 , 95, 99 and 105 by 2005, issue. 18, 30, 34, 70, 80, 108, 2006, issue. 53 and 109 from 2007, PCs. 36, 67 and 110 in 2008, PCs. 12, 82 and 95 of 2009, PCs. 19 of 2011, issue. 50 by 2012 and St. 12 by 2015.) the following modifications are made:
1. In art. 35 (b), para. 2 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
2. In art. 52, para. 1, item 6, the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
§ 26. In the export insurance (official SG. 61 of 1998; amend., SG. 112 of 2001 No. 92 since 2004, 103/2005 41/2007, no. 36 of 2008, 82/2009, issue 82 by 2012 and 15 from 2013) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" , "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism" shall be replaced respectively with "the Ministry of economy", "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy".
§ 27. In the investment promotion Act (promulgated, SG. 97 of 1997; Corr. No. 99 of 1997; amend., SG. 29 and 153 of 1998, 110/1999, no. 28 of 2002, no. 37 of 2004; Corr., no. 40 of 2004; amend., SG. 34, 59, 65, 80, 82 and 86 by 2006, no. 42 and 53 in 2007. , PC. 69 since 2008, PCs. 41 and 82 from 2009, PCs. 18, 88 and 100 by 2010, PC. 38, 45 and 82 by 2012 PCs. 15, 16 and 66 by 2013, and PCs. 98 by 2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism" shall be replaced respectively with "the Ministry of economy", "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy".
§ 28. In the law on Bulgarian citizenship (official SG. 136 of 1998; amend. 41/2001, no. 54 of 2002, 109 and 52/2007, no. 74 and 82 from 2009, issue 33 of 2010/11 and 21 of 2012, issue 16, 66, 68 and 108 from 2013 and 98 by 2014) in art. 14 (a), para. 1, item 2, the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
§ 29. In the law on foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria (promulgated, SG. 153 of 1998; amend., SG. 70 (1999), no. 42 and 112 of 2001, 45/54 and 2002/37 and 103 of 2003 No. 37 and 70 by 2004, issue 11, 63 and 88 of 2005, no. 30 and 82 of 2006. , PC. 11, 29, 52, and 63 of the 109 2007, PCs. 13, 26, 28 and 69 since 2008, PCs. 12, 32, 36, 74, 82, 93 and 103 of 2009, PCs. 73 by 2010, PC. 9 and 43 from 2011, issue. 21 and 44 by 2012 PCs. 16, 17, 52, 68, 70 and 108 from 2013 and St. 53 by 2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
§ 30. The law on vocational education and training (official SG. 68 of 1999; amend., issue 1 and 108 of 2000, 111/2001, 103/120 and by 2002, no. 29 of 2003, no. 28, 77 and 94 since 2005, no. 30 and 62 of 2006; Corr. 63/06; amend. , PC. 13 and 26 of 2008, PCs. 36 and 74 from 2009, PCs. 50 and 97 from 2010, PC. 66, 68 and 70 in 2013, PCs. 61, 98 and 107 from 2014) in art. 9 a, para. 4, the words "the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 31. In the law for the promotion of scientific research (official SG. 92 of 2003; amend., 36/2008, no. 74 and 82 from 2009, no. 83 of 2010 No. 99 by 2011, issue 82 by 2012, 15 and 68 from 2013 and 107 from 2014) in art. 10, para. 1 the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
§ 32. In the economic and Social Council (official SG. Since 2001, 41; amend., SG. 120 of 2002, no. 20 of 2003 No. 17 of 2006., 36/2008 and no. 82/2009) in art. 7, para. 5, item 11, the words "the Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 33. The Water Act (promulgated, SG. 67 of 1999; amend., 81/2000, no. 34, 41 and 108 since 2001, issue 47, 74, and 91 of 2002, no. 42, 69, 84, and 107 since 2003, issue 6 and 70 by 2004, issue 18, 77 and 94 since 2005, issue 29, 30, 36 and 65 of 2006; Corr. , PC. 66 by 2006; amend., SG. 105 and 108, 2006, issue. 22 and 59 since 2007, PCs. 36, 52 and 70 of 2008, PCs. 12, 32, 35, 47, 82, 93, 95 and 103 of 2009, PCs. 61 and 98 of 2010, PC. 19, 28, 35 and 80 by 2011. 45, 77 and 82 by 2012 PCs. 66 and 103 in 2013, PCs. 26, 49, 53 and 98 by 2014 and PCs. 12 by 2015.) the following modifications are made:
1. In art. 9, para. 4, the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "the Ministry of economy, Ministry of energy and the Ministry of tourism.
2. In art. 10, para. 1, paragraph 3, the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of energy".
3. In art. 117 a, para. 2 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy, Minister of energy.
4. In art. 135, para. 1:
a) in paragraph 2, the words "and the Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy and Minister of energy";
(b) in paragraph 12), the words "and the Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy and Minister of energy.
5. In art. 141, para. 2 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of energy".
6. In art. 190, para. 1 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of energy".
7. In art. 201, para. 4, the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of energy".
§ 34. Regional Development Act (promulgated, SG. 50 from 2008; amend., SG. 47, 82 and 93 from 2009, issue 82 by 2012, from 2013, 66, no. 22 and 98 by 2014 and 9/2015) in art. 18, al. 4, after the words "Ministry of agriculture and food" is added "the Ministry of economy, the Ministry of energy.
§ 35. In the law on private security activities (official SG. 15 of 2004; amend., SG. 105 by 2005, issue 30, 34, 80 and 82 of 2006 and 53/109 of 2007 No. 69 since 2008, issue 35, 59 and 73 of the 2010/2011 43, no. 44 by 2012 and 53 from 2014) in art. 2, al. 4, the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 36. In the Bulgarian Development Bank (official SG. 43 of 2008; amend., SG. 82/2009, issue 99 of 2011, issue 102 of 2012 and 107 from 2014) in art. 4, al. 4, the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 37. In the law for youth (official SG. 31 by 2012; amend., SG. 68 in 2013) in art. 10, para. 3, item 1 the words "Deputy economy and Energy Minister" and "Deputy Minister of investment design" shall be replaced respectively with "Deputy Minister of the economy, Deputy Minister of tourism and Deputy Minister of regional development and public works.
§ 38. In the law on maritime space, inland waterways and ports of the Republic of Bulgaria (promulgated, SG. 12 from 2000; amend., 111/2001, no. 24 and 70 by 2004, no. 11 of 2005; Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 5 of 2005 – No. 45 of 2005; amend., no. 87, 88, 94, 102 and 104 from 2005. , PC. 30, 36, 43, 65, 99 and 108 of 2006, St. 41, 54 and 109 from 2007, PCs. 67, 71, 98 and 108 of 2008, PCs. 47 and 81 of 2009, PCs. 61 and 88 from 2010, PC. 23 of 2011, issue. 32 and 53 by 2012 PCs. 15, 28, 66 and 109 by 2013; Decision No. 3 of the Constitutional Court by 2014 – PCs. 24 by 2014; amend., SG. 98 by 2014) in art. 52 (b), para. 2 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy, Minister of energy, Minister of tourism.
§ 39. In the law on integration of people with disabilities (official SG. 81 of 2004; amend., SG. 28, 88, 94, 103 and 105 by 2005, issue 18, 30, 33, 37, 63, 95, 97 and 108 of 2006, issue 31, 46 and 108 in 2007 and 41/74/2009 24/62, and 98 of 2010. , PC. 15, 66 and 68 in 2013, PCs. 27, 40 and 98 by 2014) in art. 44, para. 3 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 40. The law on road traffic (official SG. 20 of 1999; amend., no. 1 of 2000 and 43/76 of 2002, no. 16 and 22 of 2003, issue 6, 70, 85 and 115 of 2004, no. 79, 92, 99, 102, 103 and 105 by 2005, issue 30, 34, 61, 64, 80, 82, 85 and 102 in 2006. , PC. 22, 51, 53, 97 and 109 from 2007, PCs. 36, 43, 69, 88 and 102 by 2008, PCs. 74, 75, 82 and 93 from 2009, PCs. 54, 98 and 100 by 2010, PC. 10, 19, 39 and 48 by 2011; Decision No. 1 of the Constitutional Court by 2012 – PCs. 20 by 2012; amend., SG. 47, 53, 54, 60 and 75 by 2012 PCs. 15 and 68 in 2013, PCs. 53 and 107 from 2014) everywhere the words "Minister of economy and energy and the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of economy" and "Minister of economy", and the words "Minister of regional development and the Minister of regional development" are replaced with "Minister of regional development and public works and the Minister of regional development and public works.
§ 41. The Food Act (promulgated, SG. 90 of 1999; amend., SG. 102 by 2003, no. 70 by 2004, no. 87, 99 and 105 by 2005, issue 30, 31, 34, 51, 55, 80 and 96 06, issue 31, 51 and 53 of 2007 No. 36 and 69 since 2008, 23/41, 74 , 82 and 93 from 2009, PCs. 23, 25, 59, 80 and 98 of 2010, PC. 8 by 2011, issue. 54 and 77 by 2012 PCs. 68 by 2013 and St. 26 by 2014) the following modifications are made:
1. In art. 6, al. 2 in the text before point 1, the words "the Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
2. In art. 23 (a), para. 5, the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
3. § 1 of the supplementary provisions, the words "the Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 42. In the law on genetically modified organisms (official SG. 27 of 2005; amend., SG. 88 and 99 of 2005, no. 30 of 2006, no. 31 of 2007, issue 36, 43 and 54 of 2008, issue 74, 80 and 82 of 2009, issue 25 of 2010 No. 8 and 99 by 2011 and 2013 68) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy , energy and tourism "are replaced by" Ministry of economy ".
§ 43. In the labour inspection Act (promulgated, SG. 102 by 2008; amend., SG. 35 and 82 from 2009 16/88 and from 2010, no. 66 by 2013 and 98 by 2014) is hereby amended as follows:
1. In art. 5, al. 2, point 7, the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Department of energy".
2. In art. 6, item 2:
(a)) in the text before paragraph (a), the words "the Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of energy";
(b)) in the letter "e", the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Department of energy".
§ 44. In the application of the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products in the European Union (edu., SG. 96 2006; amend. 16/2008, 10/82 and by 2009 and 26/80 by 2010, issue 8 of 2011 No. 99 by 2013 and by 12/2015) all over the words "Ministry of economy and energy and the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced by "the Ministry of economy and the Minister of the economy ".
§ 45. In the Clean Air Act (promulgated, SG. 45 1996; Corr. 49/1996; amend., SG. 85 of 1997, no. 27 of 2000 102/2001, no. 91 of 2002, 112/2003 No. 95 2005 No. 99 and 102 in 2006, no. 86 of 2007. , PC. 36 and 52 by 2008, PCs. 6, 82 and 93 from 2009, PCs. 41, 87 and 88 from 2010, PC. 35 and 42 by 2011, issue. 32, 38, 53, 54, 77 and 102 from 2012 and St. 98 by 2014) the following modifications are made:
1. In art. 8, al. 1 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy, Minister of energy.
2. In art. 9 in, al. 2 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy and Minister of energy.
§ 46. In the law of forfeiture to the State of illegally acquired property (official SG. 38 by 2012, a decision of the Constitutional Court No. 13 by 2012 – the No. 82 by 2012; amend., SG. 102 and 103 of the 2012 No. 15 by 2013; decision No 2 of the Constitutional Court by 2013 – No. 50 by 2013; amend. , PC. 66 by 2013, and PCs. 98 by 2014) in art. 87, para. 2 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
§ 47. In the law for the protection of agricultural land (official SG. 35 of 1996; amend., SG. 14 and 26 of 2000, issue 28 of 2001, 112/2003, no. 18, 29 and 30, 2006, and 13/64 since 2007, 36 and 43 of 2008., no. 10 and 103 of 2009. , PC. 87 from 2010, PC. 19 and 39 from 2011, issue. 22, 38 and 91 by 2012 PCs. 27 and 66 by 2013, and PCs. 98 by 2014) in art. 39, para. 2 the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism ' shall be replaced by the" Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Department of energy.
§ 48. Road Transport Act (promulgated, SG. 82 in 1999; amend., SG. 45 and 11 of 2002, 99/2003, no. 70, 88, 92, 95, 102, 103 and 105 by 2005, issue 30, 85, 92 and 102 in 2006, issue 42, 80 and 109 from the 2007 No. 102 by 2008, no. 93/2009. , PC. 41 of 2010, PC. 17 of 2011, issue. 38, 50, 60, 99 and 103 by 2012 PCs. 15, 23, 66 and 109 in 2013, PCs. 11, 60, 98 and 107 from 2014) the following modifications are made:
1. In art. 89, para. 4, the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
2. In art. 90 a, para. 5, the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
§ 49. In the law on defence and the armed forces of the Republic of Bulgaria (promulgated, SG. 35 of 2009; amend., SG. 74, 82, 93 and 99 from 2009, issue 16, 88, 98 and 101 of 2010, issue 23, 48, 99 and 100 by 2011, 20, 33 and 38 by 2012, issue 15, 66 and 68 from 2013. , PC. 1 and 98 by 2014) the following modifications are made:
1. In art. 27, item 8 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
2. In art. 114, para. 3 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy, Minister of energy.
§ 50. Electronic Communications Act (promulgated, SG. 41 since 2007; amend., SG. 109 (2007), no. 36, 43 and 69 since 2008, issue 17, 35, 37 and 42 of 2009; the Decision the Constitutional Court No. 3 of 2009 – No. 45 of 2009; amend., SG. 82, 89 and 93/2009, 12/17 , 27 and 97 from 2010, PC. 105 by 2011, issue. 38, 44 and 82 by 2012 PCs. 15, 27, 28, 52, 66 and 70 in 2013, PCs. 11, 53, 61 and 98 by 2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
§ 51. In the animal health business (edu., SG. 87 of 2005; amend., SG. 30, 31, 55 and 88 from 2006, and 51/84 of 2007, issue 13, 36 and 100 from 2008, issue 27, 35, 74, 95 and 102 of 2009 and 25/41 of 2010 No. 8 and 92 by 2011. , PC. 77, 82 and 97 by 2012 PCs. 7, 15, 66, 68, 83 and 99 from 2013 and St. 98 by 2014) in art. 127, Pará. 3 the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
§ 52. In the law for Geodesy and cartography (promulgated, SG. 29 of 2006; amend., SG. 57 and 109 from the 2007 No. 36 of 2008, issue 19 and 74 from 2009/2010 77, 77/by 2012 and 66/109 by 2013, and 49/98 by 2014) in art. 8, al. 3 the words "Deputy Minister of economy and energy" are replaced by "Deputy Minister of the economy, Deputy Minister of energy, Minister of State for tourism".
§ 53. In the law on privatisation and post-privatisation control (official SG. 28 of 2002; amended 78/2002, no. 20 and 31 of 2003, Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 5 of 2003 – 39/2003; amend., SG. 46 and 84 of 2003 and 55/115 of 2004, no. 28, 39, 88, 94 , 103 and 105 of 2005, St. 36, 53, 72 and 105, 2006, issue. 59 since 2007, PCs. 36, 65, 94, 98 and 110 in 2008, PCs. 24, 42, 82 and 99 from 2009, PCs. 18, 50, 89 and 97 from 2010, PC. 19 and 98 by 2011, issue. 20, 38, 54 and 60 of the 2012 issue. 15, 23, 66 and 68 from 2013 and St. 98 by 2014) make the following changes and additions:
1. In art. 26, al. 3 the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of economy".
2. In annex 1 to the art. 3, al. 1: a) in section II, "the Ministry of transport, information technology and communications":
AA) paragraph 7 shall be repealed;
BB) is created so 19:
"19." Contactless "-chains multipleksorni LTD, Sofia;
(b)) in section IX, "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism:
AA) name shall be replaced by the following: "IX. Ministry of the economy ";
BB) points 9 and 12 shall be repealed;
BB) that is created: 23
"23." "-Stara Zagora airport JSC, Stara Zagora";
in XII) in section "Ministry of Interior" item 1 shall be repealed;
d) creates section XIII: "XIII. Department of energy
1. the Bulgarian energy holding EAD-Sofia, Bulgaria
2. minproekt – Sofia JSC., ".
§ 54. In the Energy Act (promulgated, SG. 107 since 2003; amend., no. 18 of 2004, no. 18 and 95 by 2005, issue 30, 65 and 74 in 2006, 49, 55 and 59 since 2007, issue 36, 43 and 98 in 2008, issue 35, 41, 42, 82 and 103 of 2009, 54/97 and by 2010. , PC. 35 and 47 by 2011, issue. 38, 54 and 82 by 2012 PCs. 15, 20, 21, 59 and 66 by 2013, and PCs. 98 by 2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy and energy", "Minister of economy and energy and the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Department of energy", "Minister of energy and Minister of energy.
§ 55. The law on renewable energy sources (official SG. 35 from 2011; amend., SG. 29 and 54 by 2012, 15, 59, 68 and 109 in 2013, no. 33 by 2014; No. 13 Decision of the Constitutional Court by 2014 – No. 65 from 2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy and energy", "Minister of economy and energy and the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Department of energy" , "Minister of energy and Minister of energy.
§ 56. In the energy efficiency Act (promulgated, SG. 98 from 2008; amend., issue 6, 19, 42 and 82 from 2009, issue 15, 52 and 97 2010/2011 35, no. 38 by 2012, issue 15, 24, 59 and 66 by 2013, no. 22, 33 and 98 of 2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy and energy" "the Minister of economy and energy and the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Department of energy", "Minister of energy and Minister of energy.
§ 57. In the storage of CO2 in the subsurface (official SG. 14 by 2012; amend., SG. 82 by 2012) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Department of energy", "Minister of energy and Minister of energy.
§ 58. In the stocks of oil and petroleum products (SG. 15 of 2013) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Department of energy", "Minister of energy and Minister of energy.
§ 59. In the law for restricting climate change (SG. 22 of 2014) is hereby amended as follows:
1. In art. 3, al. 4, the words "Ministry of economy and energy" are replaced by "the Ministry of energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs", the words "Department of investment design" shall be deleted and the words "Ministry of regional development" shall be replaced by the "Ministry of regional development and public works.
2. In art. 4, al. 1 the words "the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of energy, Minister of economy", and the words "the Minister of investment design" are replaced with "Minister of regional development and public works.
3. In art. 10 the words "Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of energy".
4. In art. 12, al. 1, item 4, the words "the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of energy".
5. In art. 19, para. 3 and 5, the words "the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of energy".
6. In art. 59, para. 4, the words "Department of investment design" shall be replaced by the "Ministry of regional development and public works.
7. In paragraph 19 of the transitional and final provisions, the words "the Minister of economy and energy" are replaced with "Minister of energy", and the words "the Minister of investment design" are replaced with "Minister of regional development and public works.
§ 60. In the law on concessions (official SG. 36 of 2006; amend., SG. 53, 65 and 105 of 2006, issue 41, 59 and 109 from 2007, issue 50, 67 and 102 by 2008, issue 47, 99 and 103 of 2009, 52 and 54 of 2010 No. 50 and 73 from 2011, 45/82, and 102 from 2012. , PC. 15, 24 and 66 by 2013, PCs. 98 and 107 from 2014) the following modifications are made:
1. In art. 61 a, para. 1 the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
2. In art. 61 (b), para. 1 in the text before item 1 the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced by "Ministry of economy".
§ 61. In the law on the safe use of nuclear energy (promulgated, SG. 63 of 2002; amended, by 120/2002, no. 70 by 2004, issue 76, 88, and 105 by 2005, 30/06, 11/and 109 from the 2007 No. 36 and 67 from 2008 and 42/74 by 2009, 80 PCs. , 87, 88 and 97 from 2010, PC. 26 by 2011, issue. 38 and 82 by 2012 PCs. 15, 66 and 68 from 2013 and St. 98 by 2014) everywhere the words "Ministry of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism" and "Deputy Minister of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Department of energy", "Minister of energy, Minister of energy and Minister of State for energy".
§ 62. The mineral resources Act (promulgated, SG. 23 of 1999; amend., no. 28 of 2000, 108/2001, no. 47 of 2002, no. 86 in 2003, no. 28 and 94 of 2005, no. 30, 36 and 37, 2006, 55/2007, no. 70 by 2008, issue 19 and 82 from 2009. , PC. 46, 61 and 100 by 2010, PC. 19 of 2011, issue. 14 and 45 by 2012 PCs. 66 by 2013, and PCs. 98 by 2014) everywhere the words "Minister of economy, energy and tourism", "Minister of economy, energy and tourism and Ministry of economy, energy and tourism" are replaced with "Minister of energy, Minister of energy and the Department of energy.
§ 63. Procedures under the law on mineral resources initiated prior to the entry into force of this law shall be completed by the Minister of energy.
§ 64. In the law on tourism (official, SG. 30 of 2013; amend., SG. 68 and 109 in 2013, no. 40 by 2014 and 9/2015) in art. 7, para. 2, paragraph 1, after the words "Deputy Minister of the economy," added Deputy "Minister of finance".
The law was passed by the National Assembly-43 on 12 February 2015 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.
President of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva: