- Carrefour Bank of Legislation 19 JULY 2011. - An Act to amend the Blood and Blood Derivatives Act of 5 July 1994 with a view to raising the maximum age allowed for the donation of blood and blood derivatives (1)
ALBERT II, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The Chambers adopted and We sanction the following:
Article 1
er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 78 of the Constitution.
Art. 2. In section 9 of the Act of 5 July 1994 on blood and blood derivatives of human origin, as amended by the Royal Decree of 1
er February 2005, the following amendments are made:
1° to paragraph 1
er, the words "with subjects over 65 years of age" are replaced by the words "from the 71st anniversary";
2° paragraph 1
er is supplemented by the following sentence: "A sampling by apheresis, including a double erythrocytary sampling, can only be carried out on persons under the age of 66. »;
3° in paragraph 2, the words "after age 65" are replaced by the words "from 71
e birthday »;
4° the article is supplemented by two paragraphs, as follows:
"The authorization of donors from their 66
e anniversary is subject to the assessment of the doctor at the blood transfusion facility. This authorization is given only if it is a donor whose last sample is not more than three years old.
New donors with 66
e birthday is not allowed. »
Promulgation of this law, let us order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels on 19 July 2011.
By the King:
Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health,
Head of Social Integration,
Seal of the state seal:
For the Minister of Justice, absent:
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs,
(1) 2010-2011 session.
Documents. - Bill by Mr. Ide, Ms. Temmerman et al., 5-1111 - No. 1. - Amendments, 5-1111 - No. 2. - Report, 5-1111 - No. 3. - Text adopted by the commission, 5-1111 - No. 4. - Text adopted in plenary meeting and transmitted to the House of Representatives.
Annales. - 30 June 2011.
House of Representatives.
Documents. - Bill, 53-1653 - No. 1. - Report, 53-1653 - No. 2.
Full report. - 7 July 2011.