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Law Amending The Law Of April 6, 2010 On The Market Practices And Consumer Protection To Combat Advertising Sellers (1)

Original Language Title: Loi modifiant la loi du 6 avril 2010 relative aux pratiques du marché et à la protection du consommateur en vue de lutter contre les démarcheurs publicitaires (1)

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23 JUNE 2011. - An Act to amend the Act of April 6, 2010 on market practices and consumer protection with a view to combating advertising approaches (1)

ALBERT II, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The Chambers adopted and We sanction the following:
We stopped and stopped:
Article 1er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 78 of the Constitution.
Art. 2. In the Act of 6 April 2010 on market practices and consumer protection, an article 97/1 is inserted as follows:
"Art. 97/1. It is prohibited for any company to prospect, either directly or through a payment form, an order form, an invoice, an offer, general terms, a correction proposal or any other similar document, advertisers in order to include them in guides, address files, telephone directories or lists or similar files, without explicitly indicating that this prospecting constitutes a contract offering »
Art. 3. Article 124, paragraph 1er, the same law is supplemented by a 15° written as follows:
"15th of section 97/1 on the prohibition of unfair market practices to prospect advertisers. »
Promulgation of this law, let us order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels on 23 June 2011.
By the King:
Minister for Business and Simplification,
Seal of the state seal:
Minister of Justice,
(1) Regular session 2010-2011.
House of Representatives.
Parliamentary documents. - Proposal by Ms. Van der Auwera, No. 735/1. - Amendments, No. 735/2. - Report made on behalf of the commission, No. 735/3. - Text adopted by the Commission, No. 735/4. - Text adopted in plenary and transmitted to the Senate, No. 735/5.
Full report: 12 May 2011.
Parliamentary documents. - Project not referred to by the Senate, No. 5-1028/1.