2 DECEMBER 2011. - Law on Road Traffic Police, coordinated on 16 March 1968, with regard to recidivism delays by road traffic offences. - Erratum
At the Belgian Monitor of 3 January 2012, on page 52, in the Dutch text, the title of the law must be read as follows:
"Wet tot wijziging van de wet betreffende de politie over het wegverkeer, gecoördineerd op 16 maart 1968, wat de termijnen voor herhaling van verkeersmisdrijven betreft. »
On the same page, in the French text, the title of the law must be read as follows:
"An Act to amend the Road Traffic Police Act, coordinated on March 16, 1968, with respect to recidivism delays by roll-off offences. »