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Act Respecting Supplementary Pensions, Other Supplements For Benefits For The Various Branches Of Social Security And The Jurisdiction Of The Labour Court

Original Language Title: Loi concernant les pensions complémentaires, d'autres compléments aux avantages accordés pour les diverses branches de la sécurité sociale et la compétence du tribunal du travail

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8 MAI 2014. - Act respecting supplementary pensions, other supplements to the benefits granted for the various branches of social security and the jurisdiction of the labour court

PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The Chambers adopted and We sanction the following:
Article 1er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 77 of the Constitution.
Art. 2. Section 578 of the Judicial Code, last amended by the Act of 29 March 2012, is supplemented by the 22°, 23° and 24° as follows:
"22° of disputes between a worker, affiliate or beneficiary, on the one hand, and an organizer and/or pension agency, on the other, relating to supplementary pensions within the meaning of Article 3, § 1er, 1°, the Act of 28 April 2003 on supplementary pensions and the tax system of supplementary pensions and certain additional social security benefits;
23° of disputes between a worker, affiliate or beneficiary, on the one hand, and an organizer and/or pension agency, on the other, relating to supplementary pensions not covered by 22°;
24° of disputes between a worker or beneficiary, on the one hand, and an employer and/or an insurance company or a professional pension institution, on the other hand, relating to a supplement to the benefits granted for the various branches of social security not covered by 22° and 23°. ".
Art. 3. An article 578bis is included in the Judicial Code as follows:
"Art. 578bis. The Labour Court knows:
"1° of disputes between an independent worker, an affiliate or a beneficiary, on the one hand, and a pension agency, on the other hand, relating to supplementary pensions, as defined in section 42, 1°, of the Program Law (I) of 24 December 2002;
2° of disputes between an independent worker, an affiliate or a beneficiary, on the one hand, and a pension agency, on the other hand, relating to supplementary pensions referred to in Article 54, § 1erthe Coordinated Act of 14 July 1994 on compulsory health care insurance and compensation;
3° of disputes between a business officer, an affiliate or a beneficiary, on the one hand, and an organizer and/or pension agency, on the other hand, relating to supplementary pensions within the meaning of section 35, 1°, of the Act of May 15, 2014 dealing with various provisions;
4° of disputes between a business leader, an affiliate or a beneficiary, on the one hand, and an organizer and/or pension agency, on the other hand, relating to supplementary pensions not covered by the 3°;
5° of disputes between a company leader, an affiliate or a beneficiary, on the one hand, and the legal person who makes a commitment and/or an insurance company or a professional pension institution, on the other hand, relating to a supplement to the benefits granted for the various branches of social security not covered by 1°, 2°, 3° and 4°. ".
Art. 4. In section 81, paragraph 9, of the Judicial Code, replaced by the Act of 26 July 1990, the words "in section 581" are replaced by the words "in sections 578 bis and 581".
Art. 5. This Act comes into force on 1er September 2014.
Promulgate this law, order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels on 8 May 2014.
By the King:
Minister of Pensions,
Minister of Average Classes, MEPs, Independents and Agriculture
Seal of the state seal:
The Minister of Justice,
House of Representatives:
Documents: 53-3499.
Full report: 22 April 2014.
Documents: 5-2873.