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An Act To Amend Certain Provisions Of The Judicial Code To Establish A New Monetary Career For Judicial Personnel And A System Of Mandates For The Chief Clerks And Chief Secretaries. -Erratum

Original Language Title: Loi modifiant certaines dispositions du Code judiciaire en vue d'instaurer une nouvelle carrière pécuniaire pour le personnel judiciaire ainsi qu'un système de mandats pour les greffiers en chef et les secrétaires en chef. - Erratum

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10 AVRIL 2014. - An Act to amend certain provisions of the Judicial Code with a view to establishing a new financial career for judicial personnel and a system of mandates for chief clerks and chief secretaries. - Erratum

At the Belgian Monitor of 10 June 2014, Act No. 2014/09225, French text, read "Annex 1" instead of "Annex 1"re » :
- page 43838, in article 45, paragraph 2;
- page 43839, in Article 46, § 3;
- page 43840, in article 56, paragraph 1er;
- page 43844, at the top of the page.