- Carrefour Bank of Legislation 10 NOVEMBER 2009. - Act containing the final regulation of the budgets of the general administration services of the State for the year 2007 and of the Separate State Services for previous years (1)
ALBERT II, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The House of Representatives adopted and sanctioned the following:
Article 1
er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 74, 3°, of the Constitution.
er. - State General Administration Services
er. - Implementing obligations
(Table A)
§ 1
er. Licensing of commitments
Art. 2. The commitment credits available to departments for the 2007 fiscal year commitments are 1.467.423.000,00 €
This includes:
1) the initial commitment credits allocated by the budgetary laws . . . . 1.113.687.000,00 €
2) credit adjustments: . . . . . 322.436.000,00 €
(net result)
3) credits deferred from the previous year . . . . . 31.300.000,00 €
1.467.423.000,00 €
Art. 3. The total amount of the commitment credits allocated for the 2007 fiscal year is reduced from the commitment credits remaining available and that are to be cancelled definitively: 247.774.506,06 €
Art. 4. As a result of the provisions contained in sections 2 and 3 above, the final commitment credits for the 2007 fiscal year are set at 1.219.648.493,94 €
This amount is equal to the commitments made against the budgetary appropriations for the 2007 fiscal year.
§ 2. Setting commitment authorities
Art. 5. The commitment authorities available to departments for the 2007 fiscal year amount to 178.940.000,00 €
This includes:
1) the initial commitment authorizations granted by the budgetary laws . . . . . . 74.861.000,00 €
2) the adjustments of the authorizations : . . . . . 104.079.000,00 €
(net result)
178.940.000,00 €
Art. 6. The total amount of commitment authorizations allocated for the 2007 fiscal year is reduced by the remaining commitment authorizations available and which are to be cancelled permanently: 47.335.820,22 €
Art. 7. As a result of the provisions contained in sections 5 and 6 above, the final commitment authorities for the 2007 fiscal year are set at: . . . . . . 131.604.179,78 €
This amount is equal to commitments made on the basis of commitment authorities for the 2007 fiscal year.
§ 3. Setting commitments
Art. 8. Expenditure commitments are determined as follows:
a) dependant on the 2007 budget year commitment credits: . . . . 1.219.648.493,94 €
(b) dependant on the 2007 budget year commitment authorities: . . . . . 131.604.179,78 €
CHAPTER II. - Income and expenditure
budget performance
§ 1
er. Appropriation of income
(Table B)
Art. 9. The rights recognized for the benefit of the State for the 2007 fiscal year are the sum of,81-€
This amount is as follows:
- current recipes . . . . 59.669.134.020,81 €
- capital recipes . . . . 993.509.767,15 €
- produces loans . . . . . 29.345.641.303,85 €
Art. 10. Revenues charged in the same fiscal year are set at 72.320.658.888.52 €
This amount is as follows:
- current recipes: . . . . 42.341.711.693,57 €
- capital revenue: . . . . . 633.305.891,10 €
- produces loans : . . . . . 29.345.641.303,85 €
Art. 11. The fees remaining to be recovered at the end of the fiscal year are 17.687.626.203,29 €
This sum is as follows:
(a) Rights to be cancelled or to be indefinitely overseated:
- current recipes: . . . . . 30.709.457,09 €
- capital revenue: . . . . . 661.156,54 €
Total . . . . . 31.370.613,63 €
(b) rights to be deferred to the following fiscal year:
- current recipes: . . . . 17.296.712.870,15 €
- capital revenue: . . . . . 359.542.719,51 €
Total . . . . . 17.656.255.589,66 €
§ 2. Expenditure setting
(Table C)
Art. 12. Dependant transactions for the 2007 fiscal year are determined as follows:
a) on prescription credits
- previous year benefits: . . . . . 55.541.380,59 €
- benefits of the current year : . . . . . 858.293.078,85 €
913.834.459,44 €
(b) Non-expenditures
- previous year benefits: . . . . .,22 €
- benefits of the current year: . . . . . 65.787.494.300,11 €
66.837.752.374,33 €
(c) on variable credits
- benefits from previous years: . . . . . . 11.852.082,11 €
- benefits of the current year: . . . . . 2.516.577.582,66 €
2.528.429.664,77 €
TOTAL OF DEPENSES . . . . .,54 €
Payments made, justified or regulated dependent on the 2007 fiscal year are as follows 67.176.332.230,63 €
Art. 13. (Table D)
Payments charged to the budget and whose justification or regularization is returned to a subsequent year pursuant to section 32 of the Act of 28 June 1963 amount to 3.103.684.267,91 €
§ 3. Appropriation
Art. 14. The appropriations for the ministerial departments for the year 2007 total 77.765.649.973,03 €
This amount includes:
1° of the year's credits, as follows:
(a) Initial budget
Prescription Credits . . . .,00 €
Credits not separated . . . . . 69.454.677.000,00 €
Variable credits . . . . 2.922.156.132,96 €
(b) adjustments to appropriations (net result)
Prescription Credits . . . . . 10.428.000,00 €
Credits not separated . . . . . - 1.018.432.000,00 €
2° credits deferred merged
Variable credits . . . . 1.681.184.287,93 €
3° disassignment of income
Variable credits . . . . . - 0,00 €
Total credits of the year and assimilated (1°, 2° and 3° )
Prescription Credits . . . . 1.166.643.00 €
Credits not separated . . . . . 68.436.245.000,00 €
Variable credits . . . . 4.603.340.420,89 €
4° credits deferred non-fusion
Undivided credits . . . . . 3.559.421.552,14 €
Total appropriations:
Prescription Credits . . . . 1.166.643.00 €
Undivided credits . . . . 71.995.666.552,14 €
Variable credits . . . . 4.603.340.420,89 €
77.765.649.973,03 €
Art. 15. The amount allocated for the 2007 budget year is reduced:
1° of the credits to be deferred to 2008 as follows:
* credits to be merged
Variable credits . . . . 2.074.910.756,12 €
* Credits not to be merged
Undivided credits . . . . . 3.513.873.424,93 €
Total: . . . . . 5.588.784.181,05 €
2° of credits available at the end of the fiscal year and to be cancelled:
Prescription Credits . . . . . 252.808.540,56 €
Credits not separated . . . . . 1.644.137.767,77 €
Total: . . . . . 1.896.946.308,33 €
The deferrals and cancellations of credits are:
Prescription Credits . . . . . 252.808.540,56 €
Undivided credits . . . .,70 €
Variable credits . . . . 2.074.910.756,12 €
Total: . . . . . 7.485.730.489,38 €
Art. 16. (Table E)
To cover the expenses of the year 2007 incurred beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated as follows:
Credits not separated . . . . . 97.014,89 €
Art. 17. As a result of the provisions contained in sections 14, 15 and 16, the final appropriations for the 2007 budget year are as follows:
Prescription Credits . . . . . 913.834.459,44 €
Credits not separated . . . . . 66.837.752.374,33 €
Variable credits . . . . 2.528.429.664,77 €
Total . . . . .,54 €
§ 4. Fixed General Budget 2007 Results (Table F)
Art. 18. The general outcome of the 2007 budget year is definitively determined as follows:
Total revenues . . . . . 72.320.658.888,52 €
Total expenses . . . . .,54 €
Revenue surplus for 2007 . . . . . 2.040.642.389,98 €
This amount decreases the cumulative deficit existing at the end of the 2006 fiscal year: . . . . . . 42.837.272.629,99 €
40.796.630.240,01 €
The latter amount will be transferred to the 2008 fiscal year account.
CHAPTER III. - Income and expenditure
Special Funds (Table G)
§ 1
er. Restitution and allocation funds
Art. 19. The final regulation of the 2007 restitution and allocation funds is determined as follows:
1. Recipes . . . . . 63.042.646.674,73 €
2. Expenditures . . . . . 63.061.861.385,78 €
The justification or regularization of a portion of these expenses amounted to €25,815.468.170.59 is returned to a following year, pursuant to section 32 of the Act of June 28, 1963.
3. Expenditure surplus: . . . . . 19.214.711,05 €
This excess of expenditure comes down from the existing balance at the end of the previous fiscal year: . . . . . . 606.547.226,61 €
The final result thus obtained: . . . . . . 587.332.515,56 €
is transferred to the 2008 budget year account.
§ 2. Separate Management State Services (formerly Regime)
Art. 20. The final regulation of the budgets of the separate state-run services of 2007 is determined as follows (former regime):
1. Recipes . . . . . 18.245.440,13 €
2. Expenses . . . . . 23.746.450,22 €
The justification or regularization of a portion of these expenses amounting to 17.053.524,31 € is returned to a following year, pursuant to section 32 of the Act of 28 June 1963.
3. Expenditure surplus: . . . . . 5.501.010,09 €
This excess of expenditure comes down from the existing balance at the end of the previous fiscal year: . . . . . . . 70.987.968,06 €
The final result thus obtained: . . . . . 65.486.957,97 €
is transferred to the 2008 budget year account.
PART II. - Budget operations
Separate Management State Services (Table H)
Year 1998
Art. 21. The final regulation of the budget of the National Institute of Criminal Studies and Crimeinology is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 2.187.339,33 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the fiscal year 1998 total: . . . . . . 1.401.118,05 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 1.906.301,21 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 1998 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding the expenses of 505.183.16 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 1998 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 2.187.339,33 €
- expenses: . . . . . 1.401.118,05 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 786.221,28 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €0.00, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 1998 to €786,221.28
Year 1999
Art. 22. The final regulation of the budget of the National Institute of Criminal Studies and Crimeinology is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 6.426.410,75 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 1999 fiscal year total: . . . . . . 4.698.322,80 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 2.689.644,74 €
To cover the expenses of the year 1999 incurred beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for the amount of 2.008.678,06 €
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final outcome of the 1999 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 6.426.410,75 €
- expenses: . . . . . 4.698.322,80 €
excess revenue: . . . . 1.728.087,95 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €786,221.28, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 1999 to €2.514,309.23
Year 2000
Art. 23. The final regulation of the budget of the National Institute of Criminal Studies and Crimeinology is as follows for the 2000 fiscal year:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 5.432.707,86 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2000 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 4.820.672,41 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 5.835.413,57 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2000 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 1.014.741.16 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2000 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 5.432.707,86 €
- expenses: . . . . . 4.820.672,41 €
excess income: . . . . . . 612.035,45 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 2,514,309,23 € bears the excess of revenues as at 31 December 2000 to 3.126.344,68 €
Art. 24. The final budget regulation of the Scientific and Technical Information Service for the 2000 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 1.072.362,70 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the fiscal year 2000 total: . . . . . . 597.772,01 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . . 0,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2000 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of 597.772,01 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2000 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 1.072.362,70 €
- expenses: . . . . . 597.772,01 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 474.590,69 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €0.00, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2000 to €474.590.69
Art. 25. The final regulation of the BELNET budget for the 2000 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 5.185.333,01 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the fiscal year 2000 total: . . . . . . 3.933.035,53 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . . 0,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2000 made beyond or in the absence of the appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of 3.933.035,53 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2000 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 5.185.333,01 €
- expenses: . . . . . 3.933.035,53 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 1.252.297,48 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €0.00, bears the excess of revenues as at December 31, 2000 to €
Year 2001
Art. 26. The final regulation of the budget of the National Institute of Criminal Studies and Crimeinology is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 1.941.699,43 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2001 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 3.531.873,03 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 5.545.378,15 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2001 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 2.013.505.12 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2001 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 1.941.699,43 €
- expenses: . . . . . 3.531.873,03 €
excess expenditure: . . . . . 1.590.173,60 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €3,126.344.68, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2001 to €1.536.171.08.
Art. 27. The final budget regulation of the Scientific and Technical Information Service for the 2001 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 800.030,27 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2001 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 553.671,28 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 689.144,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2001 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 135.472.72 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2001 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 800.030,27 €
- expenses: . . . . . 553.671,28 €
excess income: . . . . . . 246.358,99 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €474.590.69, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2001 to €720,949.68.
Art. 28. The final regulation of the BELNET budget for the 2001 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 14.451.717,88 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2001 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 7.122.323,33 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 10.837.904,90 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2001 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or €3,715.581.57, are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2001 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 14.451.717,88 €
- expenses: . . . . . 7.122.323,33 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 7.329.394,55 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 1.252.297,48 €, shall bear the excess of revenues as at 31 December 2001 to 8.581.692,03 €.
Art. 29. The final regulation of the budget of the National Institute of Criminal Studies and Crimeinology is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 8.870.251,71 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2002 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 8.445.925,47 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . . 0,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2002 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of €845,925.47.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2002 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 8.870.251,71 €
- expenses: . . . . . 8.445.925,47 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 424.326,24 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €1.536.171.08, brings the excess of revenues as at December 31, 2002 to €1,960.497.32.
Art. 30. The final budget regulation of the National Congress Service for the fiscal year 2002 is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 2.133.959,03 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2002 fiscal year total to: . . . . . 2.021.490,99 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 2.274.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2002 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 252.509,01 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2002 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 2.133.959,03 €
- expenses: . . . . . 2.021.490,99 €
excess revenue: . . . . 112.468,04 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 3.280.622.76 €, bears the excess of revenues as at 31 December 2002 to 3.393.090.80 €.
Art. 31. The final budget regulation of the Scientific and Technical Information Service is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 709.338,32 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2002 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 601.883,05 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 776.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2002 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 174.116,95 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2002 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 709.338,32 €
- expenses: . . . . . . 601.883,05 €
excess income: . . . . . . 107.455,27 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €720.949.67, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2002 to €828.404.94.
Art. 32. The final regulation of the BELNET budget for the fiscal year 2002 is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 12.230.451,33 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2002 fiscal year total to: . . . . . 16.885.527,85 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 13.419.000,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2002 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of 3.466.527.85 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2002 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 12.230.451,33 €
- expenses: . . . . . . 16.885.527,85 €
excess expenditure: . . . . . 4.655.076,52 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 8.581.692,03 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2002 to 3,926,615,51 €.
Art. 33. The final budget regulation of the Penitentiary Labour Regulations is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 14.800.343,83 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2003 fiscal year total to: . . . . . 14.713.944,69 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 14.870.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2003 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 156.055,31 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2003 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 14.800.343,83 €
- expenses: . . . . . 14.713.944,69 €
excess income: . . . . . . 86.399,14 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €841,254.58, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2003 to €8,567,653.72.
Art. 34. The final budget regulation of the National Institute of Criminal Studies and Crimeinology is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 7.568.706,92 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2003 fiscal year total to: . . . . . 5.958.104,88 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 5.192.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2003 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of €766.104.88.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2003 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 7.568.706,92 €
- expenses: . . . . . 5.958.104,88 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 1.610.602,04 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 1,960.497.32 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2003 to 3.571.099.36 €.
Art. 35. The final regulation of the budget of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . 6.102.941,35 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2003 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 5.892.581,29 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 6.425.398,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2003 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 532.816,71 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2003 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 6.102.941,35 €
- expenses: . . . . . 5.892.581,29 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 210.360,06 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2003 to € 5.283.549.43.
Art. 36. The final budget regulation of the Royal Museum of Central Africa for the 2003 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 6.162.229,45 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2003 fiscal year total: . . . . . 6.018.206,70 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 5.545.922,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2003 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of 472.284,70 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2003 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 6.162.229,45 €
- expenses: . . . . 6.018.206,70 €
excess income: . . . . . . 144.022,75 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 2,728.163,06 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2003 to 2,872,185,81 €.
Art. 37. The final regulation of the budget of the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . . 14.462.963,12 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2003 fiscal year total to: . . . . . 14.171.171,41 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 13.713.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2003 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of €458.171.41.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2003 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 14.462.963,12 €
- expenses: . . . . . 14.171.171,41 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 291.791,71 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €6,823.232.96, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2003 to €
Art. 38. The final regulation of the National Congress Service budget for the 2003 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 1.248.697,04 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2003 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 1,397.618,65 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 1.548.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2003 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or €150.381.35, are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2003 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 1.248.697,04 €
- expenses: . . . . . 1.397.618,65 €
overexpenditure: . . . . . 148.921,61 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, which is 3.393.090.80 €, bears the excess of revenues as at 31 December 2003 to €.
Art. 39. The final budget regulation of the Scientific and Technical Information Service is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 751.138,60 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2003 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 665.546,23 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 755.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2003 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 89.453.77 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2003 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 751.138,60 €
- expenses: . . . . . 665.546,23 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 85.592,37 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 828.404.95 €, bears the excess of revenues as at 31 December 2003 to 913.997.32 €.
Art. 40. The final regulation of the BELNET budget for the 2003 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 11.821.516,79 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2003 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 9.260.746,10 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 13.458.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2003 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or €, are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2003 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 11.821.516,79 €
- expenses: . . . . . 9.260.746,10 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 2.560.770,69 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €3,926,615.51, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2003 to €64,87.386.20.
Budget year 2004
Art. 41. The final regulation of the budget of the Penitentiary Labour Regulations is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 17.968.080,93 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2004 fiscal year total: . . . . . 16.291.206,98 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 14.000.000,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2004 incurred beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of € 2.291.206,98.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2004 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 17.968.080,93 €
- expenses: . . . . . 16.291.206,98 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 1,676.873,95 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €8,567.653.72, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2004 to €10.244.527.67.
Art. 42. The final regulation of the budget of the National Institute of Criminal Studies and Crimeinology is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 4.585.074,45 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2004 fiscal year total: . . . . . . 5.525.311,80 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 6.388.000,00 €
In order to cover the expenditures of the year 2004 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 862.688.20 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2004 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 4.585.074,45 €
- expenses: . . . . . 5.525.311,80 €
overexpenditure: . . . . . 940.237,35 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €3.571.099.36, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2004 to € 2.630.862.01.
Art. 43. The final regulation of the budget of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 8.716.790,57 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2004 fiscal year total: . . . . . . 9.129.362,57 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 7.616.974,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2004 incurred beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of €1.512.388.57.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2004 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 8.716.790,57 €
- expenses: . . . . . 9.129.362,57 €
excess expenditure: . . . . . 412.572,00 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 5.283.549.43 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2004 to 4,870.977.43 €.
Art. 44. The final budget regulation of the Royal Museum of Central Africa for the 2004 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 7.975.228,45 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2004 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 7.750.629,16 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 7.193.470,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2004 incurred beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of €557.159.16.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2004 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 7.975.228,45 €
- expenses: . . . . . 7.750.629,16 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 224.599,29 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 2.872.185,81 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2004 to 3.096,785,10 €.
Art. 45. The final regulation of the budget of the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 15.048.215,94 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2004 fiscal year total: . . . . . . 13.934.403,80 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 12.343.040,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2004 incurred beyond or in the absence of the appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of €1.591.363.80.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2004 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 15.048.215,94 €
- expenses: . . . . . 13.934.403,80 €
excess revenue: . . . . 1.113.812,14 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2004 to € 8.228.836.81.
Art. 46. The final budget regulation of the Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation "Guerre et Société contemporaines" was established for the 2004 fiscal year as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 2.137.621,57-€
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2004 fiscal year total: . . . . . 1.788.079,28 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 1.552.024,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2004 incurred beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for the amount of €236.055.28.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2004 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 2.137.621,57-€
- expenses: . . . . . 1.788.079,28 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 349.542,29 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €27,992.68, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2004 to €377,534.97.
Art. 47. The final budget regulation of the National Congress Service for the 2004 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . . 678.675,36-€
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2004 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 810.325,80 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 904.000,00 €
In order to cover the expenditures of the year 2004 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 93.674.20 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2004 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 678.675,36-€
- expenses: . . . . . . 810.325,80 €
overexpenditure: . . . . . 131.650,44 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2004 to €31.112.518.75.
Art. 48. The final budget regulation of the Scientific and Technical Information Service for the 2004 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . . 744.642,72 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2004 fiscal year total: . . . . . 641.716,48 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 779.000,00 €
In order to cover the expenditures of the year 2004 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 137.283.52 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2004 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 744.642,72 €
- expenses: . . . . . 641.716,48 €
excess income: . . . . . . 102.926,24 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or $913.997.32, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2004 to 1,016.923.56 €.
Art. 49. The final regulation of the BELNET budget for the 2004 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 11.145.468,28 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2004 fiscal year total to: . . . . . 9.062.252,58 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 13.166.000,00 €
In order to cover the expenditures of the year 2004 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 4.103.747.42 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2004 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 11.145.468,28 €
- expenses: . . . . . 9.062.252,58 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 2.083.215,70 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €688,786.20, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2004 to €8,570.601.90.
Year 2005
Art. 50. The final regulation of the FED+ budget is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 324.707,54 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the fiscal year 2005 total: . . . . . . 273.125,28 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 287.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2005 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or €138,72 are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2005 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 324.707,54-€
- expenses: . . . . . 273.125,28 €
excess income: . . . . . . 51.582,26 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €60.437,00, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2005 to €112.019.26.
Art. 51. The final budget regulation of the Penitentiary Labour Regulations is for the fiscal year 2005 as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 18.324.810,91 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2005 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 19.594.023,82 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 15.228.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2005 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of 4.366.023.82 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2005 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 18.324.810,91-€
- expenses: . . . . . 19.594.023,82 €
excess expenditure: . . . . . 1.269.212,91 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €10.244.527.67, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2005 to €8,975.314.76.
Art. 52. The final budget regulation of the Service de restauration et d'hôtellerie de la Défense is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 29.842.090,88 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2005 fiscal year total: . . . . . . 27.061.095,32 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 29.500.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2005 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 2.438.904.68 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2005 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 29.842.090,88 €
- expenses: . . . . . 27.061.095,32 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 2.780.995,56 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €7,422,919.23, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2005 to €10,203,914.79.
Art. 53. The final budget regulation of the Royal Museum of Central Africa for the 2005 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 9.245.569,89 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2005 fiscal year total: . . . . . . 8.413.031,44 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 7.125.281,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2005 incurred beyond or in the absence of the appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of 1,287,750,44 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2005 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 9.245.569,89 €
- expenses: . . . . . 8.413.031,44 €
excess income: . . . . . . 832.538,45 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €0.96.785.10, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2005 to €3,929.323.55.
Art. 54. The final budget regulation of the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 13.391.689,06 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2005 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 15.408.920,60 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 14.546.882,00 €
In order to cover the expenditures of the year 2005 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of €862.038.60.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2005 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 13.391.689,06 €
- expenses: . . . . . . 15.408.920,60 €
excess expenditure: . . . . . 2.017.231,54 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 8.228.836.81 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2005 to 6.211.605.27 €.
Art. 55. The final budget regulation of the Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation "Guerre et Société contemporaines" was established for the 2005 fiscal year as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 1.942.181,13 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2005 fiscal year total: . . . . . . 1.763.303,07 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 1.593.375,00 €
In order to cover the expenditures of the year 2005 made beyond or in the absence of the appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of 169.928.07 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2005 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 1.942.181,13 €
- expenses: . . . . . 1.763.303,07 €
excess income: . . . . . . 178.878,06 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €377,534.97, brings the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2005 to €566,413.03.
Art. 56. The final budget regulation of the National Congress Service for the 2005 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 675.109,29 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2005 fiscal year total: . . . . . . 627.239,81 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total . . . . . . . 0,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2005 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of €627.239.81.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2005 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 675.109,29 €
- expenses: . . . . . 627.239,81 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 47.869,48 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €31.112.518.75, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2005 to €160.388.23.
Art. 57. The final budget regulation of the Scientific and Technical Information Service is for the fiscal year 2005 as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 767.972,77 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions of the 2005 fiscal year total to: . . . . . 684.648,74 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 46.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2005 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or €61.351.26, are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2005 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 767.972,77 €
- expenses: . . . . . . 684.648,74 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 83.324,03 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 1.016.923.56 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2005 to 1,100.247.59 €.
Art. 58. BELNET's final budget regulation is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 13.892.424,97 €
(b) Expenditures:
The dependant transactions for the 2005 fiscal year total: . . . . . . 10.160.462,31 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 11.152.000,00 €
To cover the expenditures of the year 2005 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or €991.537.69, are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final result of the 2005 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 13.892.424,97 €
- expenses: . . . . . 10.160.462,31 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 3.731.962,66 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €8,570.601.90, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2005 to €12.302.564.56.
Year 2006
Art. 59. The final budget regulation of the International Press Centre for the 2006 fiscal year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . 3.491.784,23 €
(b) Expenditures:
The operations charged to the 2006 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 1.501.981,43 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . 2.970.743,15 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2006 made beyond or in the absence of the appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or 1,468.761.72 € are cancelled.
(d) Budget results:
The final outcome of the 2006 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . 3.491.784,23 €
- expenses: . . . . . 1.501.981,43 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 1.989.802,80 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 2.414.460.73 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2006 to 4.404.263.53 €.
Art. 60. The final SELOR budget regulation is for the 2006 fiscal year as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . . 12.943.640,52 €
(b) Expenditures:
The operations charged to the 2006 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 13.623.511,59 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 12.920.000,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2006 made beyond or in the absence of the appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for the amount of 703.511.59 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final outcome of the 2006 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 12.943.640,52 €
- expenses: . . . . . 13.623.511,59 €
excess expenditure: . . . . . 679.871,07 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 3.443.435.80 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2006 to 2.763.564.73 €.
Art. 61. The final regulation of the separate management status service budget for passport management is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . . . 21.314.882,22 €
(b) Expenditures:
The operations charged to the 2006 fiscal year total to: . . . . . 18.783.498,72 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . . 0,00 €
To cover the expenses of the year 2006 made beyond or in the absence of appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for an amount of 18,783,498.72 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final outcome of the 2006 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . . 21.314.882,22 €
- expenses: . . . . . . 18.783.498,72 €
excess revenue: . . . . . 2.531.383,50 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or €0.00, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2006 to € 2.531,383.50.
Art. 62. The final budget regulation of the Royal Army Museum for the 2006 budget year is as follows:
(a) the revenue charged: . . . . 2.451.140,77 €
(b) Expenditures:
The operations charged to the 2006 fiscal year total to: . . . . . . 5.181.759,53 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 3.712.600,00 €.
To cover the expenses of the year 2006 made beyond or in the absence of the appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are allocated for the amount of 1.469.159,53 €.
There are no payment credits exceeding expenses.
(d) Budget results:
The final outcome of the 2006 budget is as follows:
- recipes: . . . . . 2.451.140,77 €
- expenses . . . . . 5.181.759,53 €
. . . . 2.730.618,76 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 5.604.868,53 €, bears the excess of revenues as of December 31, 2006 to 2.874.249,77 €.
Art. 63. The final regulation of the budget of the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium for the 2006 fiscal year is as follows
(a) the revenue charged . . . . 17.259.041,72 €
(b) Expenditure
The operations charged to the 2006 fiscal year total . . . . . 15.285.143,12 €
(c) The appropriations allocated by the budgetary laws total to: . . . . . . . 15.590.285,00 €.
To cover the expenses of the year 2006 made beyond or in the absence of the appropriations for the service of budgets, additional appropriations are not allocated.
Payment credits exceeding expenses, or €305.141.88, are cancelled.
(d) Budget performance
The final outcome of the 2006 budget is as follows
- recipes. 17.259.041,72 €
- expenses. 15.285.143,12 €
excess income . . . . 1.973.898,60 €
which, taking into account the excess of revenues on expenditures at the end of the previous management year, or 6.211.605.27 €, bears the excess of revenues as of 31 December 2006 to 8.185.503.87 €.
Given in Brussels on 10 November 2009.
By the King:
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
and Institutional Reforms,
Seal of the state seal:
Minister of Justice,
(1) 2008-2009 session.
House of Representatives
Documents. - Bill, 52-2067/1. - Text adopted in plenary and subject to Royal Assent, 52-2067/2.
Full report. 22 October 2009.
Table A
Table B Income
Table C Expenditure
Table D Expenditures for which justification or regularization is returned to a following year
Table E Expenditures exceeding appropriations and for which additional appropriations are to be allocated
Table F Budget Account 2007 - summary
Table G Special Funds
Table H Separate Management State Services
For the consultation of the table, see image