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Law On The Insertion Of Title Vi "the Market Practices And Consumer Protection" In The Code Of Law Economic And On Insertion Of Book Vi-Specific Definitions And Enforcement Provisions To Book Vi, In The Delivered

Original Language Title: Loi portant insertion du titre VI "Pratiques du marché et protection du consommateur" dans le Code de droit économique et portant insertion des définitions propres au livre VI, et des dispositions d'application de la loi propres au livre VI, dans les Livr

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21 DECEMBER 2013. - Act to insert title VI "Market policy and consumer protection" in the Economic Law Code and to incorporate the definitions specific to Book VI, and the provisions for the application of the law specific to Book VI, in Books Ier and XV of the Economic Law Code. - Errata

In the Belgian Monitor of 30 December 2013, No. 397, Act No. 2013/11649, the following modifications are to be made:
On page 103517, in the Dutch version of article VI.42, the words " voor het gebruik van een bepaald betaalmiddel", between the words "consumingnten" and " vergoedingen" are deleted.