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Agreement Between The Republic Of Austria And The Slovak Republic, Which Signed The Treaty Between The Republic Of Austria And The Slovak Republic On February 13, 2004

Original Language Title: Vertrag zwischen der Republik Österreich und der Slowakischen Republik, durch welchen der am 13. Februar 2004 unterzeichnete Vertrag zwischen der Republik Österreich und der Slowakischen Republik

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Treaty between the Republic of Austria and the Slovak Republic, by which the Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the Slovak Republic on police cooperation, signed on 13 February 2004, is signed between the Republic of Austria and the Slovak Republic 1 is amended and supplemented

[Contract text in German see annexes]

[Contract text in Slovak language see annexes]

The instrument of ratification, signed by the Federal President and countersigned by the Federal Chancellor, was exchanged on 19 August 2015; the Treaty therefore enters into force in accordance with Article 33 (1) of this Treaty. October 2015, in force.
