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Data Model Regulation

Original Language Title: Datenmodellverordnung

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241. Regulation of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank concerning the transmission of reporting data to the Oesterreichische Nationalbank using a data model (Data Model Regulation)

On the basis of § 44d of the National Bank Act 1984-NBG, BGBl. No. 50/1984, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 68/2015, shall be arranged:

Section 1 Data Model

§ 1 obligation to use the technical reporting format of the OeNB

The reimbursement of notifications to the OeNB on the basis of the rules referred to in Sections 2 to 5 of this Regulation shall be reimbursed by means of the technical reporting format established by this Regulation. (data model), in accordance with the specifications defined in the supplements in terms of content and level of detail.

The data model is a technical reporting format, which enables the collection of reporting data on the basis of individual transactions, which are mapped by descriptive attributes in a multidimensional data matrix.

The reports on the basis of this Regulation shall be reimbursed electronically to the OeNB and shall be classified in accordance with the types of business (reporting concepts), attributes and values specified and described in the supplements.

Section 2 Securities reports

§ 2 Reporting requirements

The obligation to notify securities data pursuant to this Regulation shall consist of reports to be reimbursed by the notifiers referred to in § 3 on the basis of the following legislation:

Regulation (EU) No 1071/2013 of the European Central Bank of 24 September 2013 on the balance sheet for the monetary financial institutions sector (ECB/2013/33) OJ L 136, 31.7.2013, p. OJ L 297, 7.11.2013-see below ECB-Monetarstatistics-VO

Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 of the European Central Bank of 17 October 2012 on the statistics on securities holdings (ECB/2012/24) OJ L 136, 31.5.2012, p. OJ L 305, 1.11.2012

§ 3 Reporting subject

Securities data shall be provided by deposits receiving undertakings in accordance with Article 1 lit. a Z 2 sublit. a ECB-Monetärstatistik-VO to report.

§ 4 The breakdown of notifications

Notifiers according to § 3 shall have the reporting of securities data in accordance with the Supplement C1 (Securities-Cube MONSTAT), as well as those in supplement C3 to indicate the relevant attributes in the supplement C2 and the reporting concepts in the supplement E described in more detail and from the supplement C2 , also the requirements regarding the imprints and any restrictions are imposed.

Section 3 Notifications to credit

§ 5 Reporting requirements

The obligation to notify credit data in accordance with this Regulation shall consist of reports to be reimbursed by the notifiers referred to in § 6 on the basis of the following legislation:


Regulation (EU) No 1072/2013 of the European Central Bank of 24 September 2013 on the statistics on interest rates applied by monetary financial institutions (ECB/2013/34) OJ L 136, 31.7.2013, p. OJ L 297, 7.11.2013-see below ECB interest rate statistics-VO

Reporting Regulation of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank ZABIL 1/2013 -published in the Official Journal of the Wiener Zeitung on 19 April 2013-in the current version concerning the statistical recording of cross-border capital movements with regard to the provisions of 4.3 i.c.V.m. Annex 14 and Appendix 15 to the additional data fields to be reported, hereinafter referred to as 'the' ZABIL-VO

§ 6 Reporting subject

Credit data shall be provided by deposits receiving undertakings in accordance with Article 1 lit. A
Z 2 sublit. a ECB-Monetärstatistik-VO to report.

Section 7 Outline of notifications

Notifiers according to § 6 shall have to reimburse the reporting of credit data as follows:

(a) Where notifiable persons are not subject to the actual reporting population according to ECB interest rate statistics-VO , they shall have received the notifications of credit data corresponding to the Supplement A1 (credit-cube MONSTAT) as well as the in supplement A3 to indicate the relevant attributes in the supplement A2 and the reporting concepts in the supplement E described in more detail and from the supplement A2 , also the requirements regarding the imprints and any restrictions are imposed.

(b) Where reporting agents are subject to the actual reporting requirements of the ECB, Interest rate statistics-VO , they shall have received the notifications of credit data corresponding to the Supplement A1a (credit-cube MONSTAT and ZINSSTAT), as well as those in supplement A3a to indicate the relevant attributes in the supplement A2a and the reporting concepts in the supplement E described in more detail and from the supplement A2a , also the requirements regarding the imprints and any restrictions are imposed.

Section 4 Reporting of data on deposits and in-kind accounts

§ 8 Reporting requirements

The obligation to report data on deposits and in-kind accounts under this Regulation shall be made up for notifications to be reimbursed by the notifiers referred to in § 9 on the basis of the following legislation:


ECB interest rate statistics-VO


§ 9 Reporting subject

Data on deposits and in-person accounts shall be provided by deposits receiving undertakings as referred to in Article 1 lit. a Z 2 sublit. a ECB-Monetärstatistik-VO to report.

Section 10 Outline of notifications

(a) Where notifiable persons are not subject to the actual reporting population according to ECB interest rate statistics-VO , they shall have the reporting of deposit data corresponding to the Supplement B1 (deposit and material accounts-Cube MONSTAT), as well as the in-supplement B3 to indicate the relevant attributes in the supplement B2 and the reporting concepts in the supplement E described in more detail and from the supplement B2 , also the requirements regarding the imprints and any restrictions are imposed.

(b) Where reporting agents are subject to the actual reporting obligation according to ECB interest rate statistics-VO , they shall have the reporting of deposit data corresponding to the Supplement B1a (deposits and accounts-Cube MONSTAT and ZINSSTAT) as well as those in supplement B3a to indicate the relevant attributes in the supplement B2a and the reporting concepts in the supplement E described in more detail and from the supplement B2a , also the requirements regarding the imprints and any restrictions are imposed.

Section 5 Notification of test and control values

Section 11 Reporting Obligations

In addition to the reports referred to in sections 2 to 4, the notifiers referred to in § 12 shall have the information required to achieve the reporting purposes in the Supplement D1 (ECB-Car-Cube) to be reimbursed to the OeNB for the test and control values.

§ 12 Reporting subject

Test and control values shall be provided by deposits receiving undertakings as referred to in Article 1 (1). a Z 2 sublit. a ECB-Monetärstatistik-VO to report.

Section 13 Outline of notifications

Notifiers according to § 12 shall have the notifications regarding test and control values according to the Supplement D1 (ECB-Car-Cube).

Section 6 General provisions

§ 14 Meldestichday

The reporting date for the notifications referred to in sections 2 to 5 is the respective month.

§ 15 Meldefristen

The reports on the basis of this Regulation shall be reported to the OeNB no later than 10 bank working days after the respective reporting date.

Section 16 Technical Specifications

Further technical specifications and interpretative questions will be discussed in accordance with § 44d NBG on the OeNB ' s homepage under published.

Section 17 Entry into force

The present Regulation shall enter into force with the date of its publication in the Federal Law Gazans.

Notifications pursuant to Section 2 shall be reported for the first time at the closing date of 31 August 2015.

Notifications pursuant to Section 3 shall be reported for the first time on the cut-off date of 30.11.2015.

Reports pursuant to sections 4 and 5 shall be reported for the first time on the cut-off date of 30.4.2016.

Nowotny Ittner