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Protocol Amending The Agreement Between The Government Of The Republic Of Austria And The Government Of The Republic Of Belarus For The Avoidance Of Doppelbesteue Signed On 16 May 2001 In Minsk...

Original Language Title: Protokoll zur Abänderung des am 16. Mai 2001 in Minsk unterzeichneten Abkommens zwischen der Regierung der Republik Österreich und der Regierung der Republik Belarus zur Vermeidung der Doppelbesteue...

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Protocol amending the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Republic of Belarus, signed in Minsk on 16 May 2001, on the avoidance of double taxation in the field of taxation of income and of the Assets

[Minutes in German language version see annexes]

[Minutes in Belarusian language version see annexes]

[Minutes in English language version see annexes]

The notifications pursuant to Article 4 of the Protocol were adopted on 18 June 2015, respectively. 1 July 2015; the Protocol therefore enters into force in accordance with Art. 4 with 1. October 2015, in force.
