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Section Control Measurement Regulation Oswaldibergtunnel 2015

Original Language Title: Section Control-Messstreckenverordnung Oswaldibergtunnel 2015

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264. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology on a section-related speed monitoring 2015 -2016 in the area of the Oswaldiberg Tunnel of the A 10 Tauern motorway (Section Control-Messstreckenverordnung Oswaldibergtunnel) 2015)

Pursuant to Section 98a (1) of the StVO 1960, the following is prescribed:

§ 1. Routes on which to monitor compliance with the maximum permitted speed by means of an imaging technical device measuring the average driving speed of a vehicle on this route The following sections of the traffic lane Villach of the A 10 Tauern motorway, which are to be used for oncoming traffic, are defined as follows:


for the direction of travel Villach the section between km 174.01 and km 178,48 and


For the direction of travel Salzburg the section between km 178,53 and km 174,08.

§ 2. The beginning and end of the monitored measuring distance shall be announced.
