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Change The Medical Masseur And Massage Training Ordinance (Mmhm-Av)

Original Language Title: Änderung der Medizinischer Masseur- und Heilmasseur-Ausbildungsverordnung (MMHm-AV)

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270. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Health, with which the Medical Mass and Heilmasseur-Training Ordinance (MMHm-AV) is amended

On the basis of § § 10 (8), 28, 56, 59 and 72 of the Medical Masseur-Und Heilmasseurgesetz, BGBl. I n ° 169/2002, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 33/2015, shall be arranged:

The Medical Masseur and Heilmasseur-Training Ordinance-MMHm-AV, BGBl. II No 250/2003, shall be amended as follows:

1. In the table of contents, the second section of the second main item is "Shortening training-training course" .

2. In the table of contents, the line "§ 32 Shortened training for qualified medical-technical specialists" as well as the 6. and 7. Main piece.

3. In the table of contents, the entry "Annex 3 Shortening training for qualified medical-technical specialists according to § 27 MMHmG" by the entry "Appendix 3 Shortening Training for masseurs according to § 26 MMHmG" replaced.

4. In the table of contents, the entry "Appendix 8 Training for commercial masseurs according to § 84 MMHmG" by the entry "Appendix 8 Special qualification training Basic mobilization" replaced.

5. In Section 1 (2), the following Z 4a shall be inserted after Z 4:

" 4a.

Special qualification training Basic mobilization, "

6. The following paragraph 3 is added to § 2:

"(3) The Federal Minister for Health may recommend a curriculum in order to ensure the quality of the training, in which a theoretical and practical training programme for the achievement of the training objectives is established."

7. § 4 (1) Z 5 reads:

" 5.

the abbreviated training according to § 26 MMHmG "

8. § 5 (1) Z 4 reads:

" 4.

the abbreviated training according to § 26 MMHmG "

9. § 10 (1) Z 5 reads:

" 5.

the abbreviated training according to § 26 MMHmG "

10. The title of the second section of the second main item is:

"Shortening training-training course"

11. § 31 (1) reads:

" (1) The shortened training for masseurs shall comprise a practical training as part of the training for the medical masseur in the amount of 580 hours in accordance with Appendix 3. § 30 shall apply. "

12. § 32 together with the title shall be deleted.

13. In § 33 (1) the word order is deleted " or The shortened training for qualified medical-technical specialists " .

14. § 34 reads:

" § 34. A medical masseur in training is to be admitted by the subject-specific and organizational director for the mission examination if all the teaching subjects and practical training provided for in the annexes 1 and 2 are successfully completed "

15. In § 64, the following paragraph 2a is inserted after paragraph 2:

"(2a) The special qualification training in the basic mobilisation comprises a theoretical and practical training lasting a total of 80 hours, and includes the subject of instruction set out in Annex 8."

16. In § 64, paragraph 3, the expression "Appendix 6 and 7" by the expression "Appendix 6 to 8" replaced.

17. In § 65 (1), after the phrase "Hydro and balneotherapy" in each case the phrase " or Base mobilisation " inserted.

18. In § 65, the following paragraph 4 is added:

" (4) The Commission's final examination for the basic mobilisation includes the subject of the teaching subject in accordance with Annex 8. As part of the practical demonstrations, the knowledge and skills of the application of the basic mobilisation are to be reviewed. The integration of theory and practice, with special consideration of clinical questions, is to be considered. "

19. § 66 reads:

" § 66. (1) A module participant is to be admitted to the final examination "Electrotherapy" by the subject-specific and organizational head, if he has participated in the theoretical instruction according to the Appendix 6 and if he is successful in the practical training completed.

(2) A module participant must be admitted to the final examination "Hydro-and Balneotherapy" by the subject-specific and organizational head, if he has taken part in the theoretical instruction according to Appendix 7 and if he/she has practical training completed successfully.

(3) A module participant is to be admitted to the "Basic Mobilization" Commission from the subject-specific and organizational head for the final examination if he participated in the theoretical instruction according to Annex 8 and the practical training. has successfully completed. "

20. In § 67 (1), § 68, § 69 (1) and Article 70 (1) and (2), the term of the word shall be followed in each case by the following "Hydro and balneotherapy" the phrase " or Base mobilisation " inserted.

21. In § 84, the previous text receives the sales designation "(1)" . The following paragraph 2 is added:

" (2) § 1 paragraph 2 Z 4a, § 64 para. 2a, § 64 para. 3, § 65 para. 1 and 4, § 66, § 67 para. 1, § 68, § 69 paragraph 1 as well as § 70 in the version of the regulation BGBl. II No. 270/2015 will enter into force on 1 September 2015. "

22. In Appendix 1, in the column, teaching content in the subject " 5. Thermotherapy, ultrasound therapy, packaging application " the phrase "Thermotherapy in the various application forms such as ultrasound therapy or packaging application:" through the phrase "Thermotherapy, ultrasound therapy, packaging application:" replaced.

23. In Appendix 2, in the column, teaching content in the subject " 7. Massage techniques for healing purposes including in-depth special anatomy and pathology " the word "Reflextherapeutic" by the word "Reflex Zone Therapeutic" replaced; the phrase "Combined massage techniques, as well as massage techniques in conjunction with other physical-therapeutic procedures" The

24. In Appendix 2, in the column Teacher contents of the Practical exercises the word sequence "Thermotherapy in the various forms of application such as ultrasound therapy or packaging application" through the phrase "Thermotherapy, ultrasound therapy, packaging application" replaced.

25. In Appendix 2, in the column Specials of Practical Training, the word sequence "Thermotherapy in the various forms of application such as ultrasound therapy or packaging application" through the phrase "Thermotherapy, ultrasound therapy, packaging application" and the word "Reflextherapeutic" by the word "Reflex Zone Therapeutic" replaced; the phrase "Combined Techniques" No.

26. Annex 3 is:

Appendix 3

Shortened training for masseurs

according to § 26 MMHmG

Practical training

Subject Areas


Practical training

Thermotherapy, ultrasound therapy, packaging application

Massage techniques:

-Classic massage

-Manual Lymphatic Drainage

-Reflexology-therapeutic massage techniques

with special consideration of clinical pictures from the clinical areas:


-Trauma surgery






Appendix 8 is:

Appendix 8

Speciality qualification Basic mobilisation


Teaching Content



Type of Examination

Basic principles of rehabilitation and mobilization

-Introduction to rehabilitation

-Physiological posture and movement patterns

-Theoretical bases and practical implementation of storage and transfer, use of walking aids as well as walking training




Doctor according to § 6 para. 2 Z 3 MMHm-AV/

Commission's final audit



Practical training


Practical training in institutions that serve the purpose of stationary care

