Key Benefits:
31. Federal Act amending the Federal Act on the Participation in International Balance of Payments Stabilisation (Balance of Payments Stabilisation Act-ZaBiStaG)
The National Council has decided:
The Federal Act on Participation in International Balance of Payments Stabilisation (Balance of Payments Law-ZaBiStaG), BGBl. I n ° 52/2009, shall be amended as follows:
1. In section 2 (1), the word order shall be "two billion" through the phrase "Two billion 300 million" replaced.
2. In § 2 the following paragraph 4 is inserted:
"(4) The Federal Minister of Finance is authorized to enter into any charges pursuant to Section 45 of the Federal Budget Act when granting loans under this Federal Act."
3. In accordance with § 2, the following § 2a is inserted:
" § 2a. The Federal Minister of Finance is authorized, in accordance with the decision of the representatives of the governments of the Member States of the euro and in accordance with the conclusions of the ECOFIN Council of 9 May 2010, by the name of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, to take measures up to the respective total outstanding amount of 15 billion euros. "
4. § 3 reads:
" § 3. The agreement between the Federal Minister of Finance and the Federal Chancellor shall be established in the case of the granting of the loans in accordance with § 1 and in the case of the takeover of the liabilities in accordance with § 2a. "
5. In accordance with § 4, the following § 4a is inserted:
" § 4a. The Federal Minister of Finance shall report to the Main Committee within one month after the end of the calendar quarter of a report describing and explaining all the measures taken pursuant to this Federal Act, "