Key Benefits:
Federal Financial Framework Act 2011 to 2014-BFRG 2011-2014
The National Council has decided:
§ 1. The ceilings for expenditure shall be fixed for the financial years 2011 to 2014 at the level of the headings, with the following amounts:
Heading |
Label |
Type of amounts of expenditure |
Year (amounts in million €) |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
0.1 |
Law and security |
fix |
7.818.2 |
7.735.8 |
7.811.2 |
7.792.8 |
variable |
102.0 |
95.2 |
88.5 |
88.5 |
Total 0.1 |
7.920.2 |
7.831.0 |
7,899,7 |
7.881.3 |
2 |
Work, Social Affairs, Health and Family |
fix |
18,329,5 |
18,333,7 |
18.542.0 |
18.790.6 |
variable |
14.320.9 |
14.590.1 |
14.754.5 |
14,984,2 |
Total 2 |
32.650.4 |
32.923,8 |
33.296.5 |
33.774,8 |
3 |
Education, research, art and culture |
fix |
11.765.5 |
11.753.9 |
11.802.7 |
11.823.0 |
4 |
Economy, infrastructure and environment |
fix |
5.830.1 |
6.060.8 |
5.870.0 |
6.145.4 |
variable |
1.914.1 |
1,953.2 |
1.991.6 |
2,019.8 |
Total 4 |
7,744,2 |
8.014.0 |
7.861.6 |
8.165.2 |
5 |
Kassa and interest |
fix |
9.019.0 |
9.621.6 |
10.070.1 |
10.608.8 |
Total |
69.099,3 |
70.144.3 |
70.930.6 |
72.253,1 |
§ 2. The ceilings for expenditure are distributed as follows to the subdivisions, whereby in the Federal Finance Act 2011, no higher expenditure may be authorized, as indicated in the following table:
Under-Outline |
Label |
Year (amounts in million €) |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
1 |
Presidential Chancellery |
7.6 |
7.5 |
7.5 |
7.5 |
2 |
Federal legislation |
154.5 |
145.7 |
140.1 |
142.7 |
3 |
Constitutional Court |
11.6 |
11.9 |
12.4 |
12.4 |
4 |
Administrative Court |
15.6 |
15.5 |
15.7 |
15.8 |
5 |
People's Office |
6.6 |
6.7 |
6.8 |
6.8 |
6 |
29.1 |
29.3 |
29.8 |
30.0 |
10 |
Federal Chancellery |
332.1 |
319.1 |
324.4 |
323.2 |
fixes for |
230.1 |
223.9 |
235.9 |
234.7 |
Variable |
102.0 |
95.2 |
88.5 |
88.5 |
11 |
Home affairs |
2,353,7 |
2,371.9 |
2.416.7 |
2,468,0 |
12 |
Outer |
427,1 |
414.1 |
408.2 |
393.5 |
13 |
Justice |
1.150.5 |
1.146.7 |
1.165.2 |
1.190.3 |
14 |
Milit. Affairs and Sport |
2.186.1 |
2.161.6 |
2,168,9 |
2,178,1 |
15 |
Financial Management |
1,232.9 |
1.188.3 |
1.191.4 |
1.100.4 |
16 |
Public charges |
2.8 |
2.7 |
2.6 |
2.6 |
20 |
Work |
6.151.4 |
6.221.0 |
6.227.8 |
6.319.6 |
fixes for |
1.444.5 |
1,436,8 |
1.441.6 |
1,446,1 |
Variable |
4,706,9 |
4.784.2 |
4.786.2 |
4.873.5 |
21 |
Social and consumer protection |
2.331.4 |
2,339,2 |
2,368,1 |
2.394.4 |
22 |
Social security |
9.109.0 |
9.277.9 |
9.415.3 |
9,534,7 |
fixes for |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Variable |
9.109.0 |
9.277.9 |
9.415.3 |
9,534,7 |
23 |
Pensions |
7.870.9 |
8.006.3 |
8.221.7 |
8.463.0 |
24 |
Health |
786.4 |
791.1 |
807.2 |
824,2 |
fixes for |
281.4 |
263.1 |
254,2 |
248.2 |
Variable |
505.0 |
528,0 |
553.0 |
576.0 |
25 |
Family and Youth |
6.391.3 |
6,278,3 |
6,246,4 |
6.228.9 |
30 |
Teaching, art and culture |
7.621.7 |
7,609,7 |
7,659,9 |
7.711.8 |
31 |
Science and research |
3.686.1 |
3.676,0 |
3,683,8 |
3.635.4 |
33 |
Economy (research) |
96.9 |
100.8 |
97.9 |
101.6 |
34 |
Transport, innovation and Technology (research) |
350.8 |
357.4 |
351.1 |
364,2 |
40 |
Economy |
386.1 |
384.5 |
380.4 |
375.0 |
41 |
Transport, innovation and Technology |
2,706,9 |
2,899,3 |
2.971.6 |
3,279,3 |
42 |
Agriculture, forestry and water management |
2.094.6 |
2.058.3 |
2,044.3 |
2.081.0 |
fixes for |
791.5 |
744.3 |
724.7 |
761.4 |
Variable |
1,303,1 |
1.314.0 |
1.319.6 |
1.319.6 |
43 |
Environment |
795.6 |
796,9 |
613.9 |
593.4 |
44 |
Financial compensation |
650.8 |
676,0 |
703.9 |
729.2 |
fixes for |
39.8 |
36.8 |
31.9 |
29.0 |
Variable |
611.0 |
639,2 |
672.0 |
700,2 |
45 |
Federal assets |
1,097,3 |
1.186.2 |
1,134,7 |
1.094.5 |
fixes for |
1,097,3 |
1.186.2 |
1,134,7 |
1.094.5 |
Variable |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
46 |
Financial stability |
2.9 |
2.8 |
2.8 |
2.8 |
fixes for |
2.9 |
2.8 |
2.8 |
2.8 |
Variable |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
51 |
Treasury management |
731.6 |
740.0 |
745.0 |
745.9 |
58 |
Financing, currency exchange contracts |
8.277.4 |
8.871.6 |
9.315.1 |
9,852,9 |
§ 3. (1) The upper limits for expenditure according to § 1 and § 2 increase by any amounts of reserves available (§ § 17a, 53, 101 para. 11 and 12 of the Federal Budget Act (BHG), BGBl. No 213/1986, as amended), in accordance with the provisions of the budgetary provisions.
(2) The amounts of expenditure specified in § 1 and § 2 as variable amounts shall be changed by applying the parameters in accordance with the respective regulation in accordance with Section 12a (4) of the BHG in the respective applicable version.
§ 4. The basic principles of the Human Resources Plan 2011 to 2014 show the Federal Government's maximum allowable staff capacity. The fixed annual total, as a result of all subtotals, shall not be exceeded on any day of the year by the personnel capacity of the person concerned:
Under- breakdown |
Label |
Year |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
01 |
Presidential Chancellery |
79 |
79 |
78 |
78 |
02 |
Federal legislation |
422 |
422 |
422 |
422 |
03 |
Constitutional Court |
100 |
98 |
96 |
95 |
04 |
Administrative Court |
186 |
185 |
185 |
180 |
05 |
People's Office |
59 |
59 |
58 |
58 |
06 |
328 |
328 |
328 |
326 |
10 |
Federal Chancellery |
1.059 |
1.048 |
1.037 |
1.015 |
11 |
Home affairs |
31.595 |
31.713 |
31.813 |
31.707 |
12 |
Outer |
1.423 |
1.412 |
1.401 |
1.381 |
13 |
Justice |
11.075 |
11.033 |
10.990 |
10.929 |
14 |
Military Affairs and Sport |
23.361 |
23.154 |
22.936 |
22.676 |
15 |
Financial Management |
12.052 |
11.921 |
11.785 |
11.636 |
20 |
Work |
411 |
408 |
405 |
405 |
21 |
Social and consumer protection |
1.198 |
1.185 |
1.172 |
1.154 |
24 |
Health |
392 |
387 |
381 |
375 |
30 |
Teaching, art and culture |
44.815 |
44.508 |
44.201 |
44.148 |
31 |
Science and research |
785 |
775 |
765 |
753 |
40 |
Economy |
2.641 |
2.612 |
2.583 |
2.544 |
41 |
Transport, innovation and technology |
942 |
930 |
918 |
904 |
42 |
Agriculture, forestry and water management |
2.840 |
2.813 |
2.786 |
2.758 |
Total (Person Capacity Bund) |
135.763 |
135.070 |
134.340 |
133.544 |
§ 5. (1) This federal law shall take place on 1 January 2008. January 2011 in force and is valid for the time of 1. January 2011 to 31 December 2014.
(2) The Federal Act, by which the Federal Financial Framework Act 2009 bis 2012 and the Federal Financial Framework Act 2010 bis 2013 will be issued, BGBl. I n ° 51/2009, as amended by the BGBl version. I n ° 119/2009, will expire on 31 December 2010.
§ 6. With the enforcement of this federal law is
1. |
with regard to Section 4 of the Federal Chancellor, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance, |
2. |
, incidentally, the Federal Minister for Finance |
. |