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Agreement In Accordance With Article 15A B-Vg For The Abolition Of The Agreement Between The Federal Government And The Province Of Carinthia, About Joint Measures To Ensure A Balanced Representation Of Forest And Wild

Original Language Title: Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG zur Aufhebung der Vereinbarung zwischen dem Bund und dem Land Kärnten über gemeinsame Maßnahmen zur Sicherung eines ausgewogenen Verhältnisses von Wald und Wild

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Agreement in accordance with Art. 15a B-VG

The Federal Government, represented by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management and the Land of Carinthia, represented by the Landeshauptmann-hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties-have agreed, in accordance with Art. 15a B-VG. to conclude the following agreement:

Article 1


The "Agreement between the Federal Government and the Land of Carinthia on joint measures to secure a balanced relationship between forest and game", expressed in BGBl. No 444/1980, is hereby repealed.

Article 2


This Agreement shall be drawn up in a single original. The original text will be deposited with the Federal Chancellery. This shall transmit certified copies of the agreement to the Contracting Parties.

For the Land of Carinthia:

The Governor


For the federal government:

The Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management

