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Protocol Amending The Agreement Between The Republic Of Austria And The Grand Duchy Of Luxembourg For The Avoidance Of Double Taxation Which Signed On October 18, 1962 In Luxembourg...

Original Language Title: Protokoll zur Abänderung des am 18. Oktober 1962 in Luxemburg unterzeichneten Abkommens zwischen der Republik Österreich und dem Großherzogtum Luxemburg zur Vermeidung der Doppelbesteuerung auf dem...

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Protocol amending the 18. The Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on the avoidance of double taxation in the area of taxes on income and property, including the transfer of notes, signed in Luxembourg in 1962

[Minutes see Annexes]

[Luxembourgish opening note see annexes]

[Austrian response note see annexes]

The instrument of ratification, signed by the Federal President and countersigned by the Federal Chancellor, was exchanged on 15 June 2010; the Protocol shall enter into force on the basis of its nature. II (2) with 1 September 2010 in force.
