Key Benefits:
207. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Science and Research, with which the regulation on the award of the term "course university character" and on the academic degree "Master of Arts", working group Psychoanalytic Pedagogics, course "Psychoanalytic-pedagogical Education Consulting", changed
On the basis of § 124 (6a) of the University Act 2002, BGBl. I n ° 120, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 81/2009, shall be:
The regulation of the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Culture on the presentation of the term "course university character" and on the academic degree "Master of Arts", Arbeitsgemeinschaft Psychoanalytische Pädagogik, Lehrgang "Psychoanalytic-pedagogical Education Advice", BGBl. II No 47/2006, is hereby amended as follows:
In § 3, the date shall be: "31 December 2010" by the date "31 December 2012" replaced.