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Change Of The Student Aid Act 1983

Original Language Title: Änderung des Schülerbeihilfengesetzes 1983

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46. Federal Law, which amended the Student Assistance Act 1983

The National Council has decided:

The Student Assistance Act 1983, BGBl. No 455, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 135/2009, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 1b (3) shall be replaced by the following paragraphs 3, 3a and 3b:

" (3) In the case of pupils who are mentioned in this federal law, they are also to be understood by students in schools for working persons.

(3a) In terms of schools (school types, school forms), except in schools for professionals with a modular teaching organisation, one semester corresponds to a school level within the meaning of this Federal Law.

(3b) In schools for professionals with a modular teaching organisation, modules on compulsory subjects and compulsory exercises correspond to the average total number of hours of compulsory subject-matter and the total number of compulsory exercises. Mandatory exercises corresponding to a semester of training, a school level within the meaning of this federal law. Any actual overshooting or underwriting of the average total number of weeks in a six-month period within the total number of weeks of training shall be the basis for the percentage of the grant of the aid. "

2. In § 8, the following paragraph 3 is inserted:

"(3) By way of derogation from paragraph 1, in schools for professionals with a modular teaching organization, proof of the favourable success of the school is carried out by means of certificates on modules and refers to the grade average for the modules on compulsory subject matter."

(3) In § 10 (1a) the word shall be: "registered" by the word "Registered" replaced.

4. In § 12 para. 2 Z 4, after the words "his spouse" the twist "or registered partner" inserted.

5. In § 13 Z 3 and in § 25 Z 3 the turn-of-the-turn is omitted. " , Family and Youth " .

6. In § 26 para. 11, the quote shall be "§ 3 (1) and (6)" by quoting "§ 3 (1a) and (6)" replaced.

(7) The following paragraph 12 is added to § 26:

" (12) The following provisions of this Federal Act in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 46/2010 shall enter into force as follows:


§ 10 para. 1a, § 12 sec. 2 Z 4, § 13 Z 3, § 25 Z 3 and § 26 para. 11 enter into force at the end of the day of the customer's presentation in the Federal Law Gazans,


Section 1b (3), (3a) and (3b) as well as section 8 (3) shall enter into force on 1 September 2010. "

