Key Benefits:
47. Federal Law, with which the Higher Education Act 2005 will be amended
The National Council has decided:
The Higher Education Act 2005, BGBl. I n ° 30/2006, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 134/2008, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 4 (1) the word "different" by the word "different" replaced.
2. § 7 (2) reads:
" (2) The legal entity of a private university of teacher education, a private study course or a private university course is entitled to have academic degrees and academic names on the same level as those regulated in this federal law. academic degrees and academic designations. "
3. In Section 9 (6) Z 8, in the expression of the phrase according to the phrase "and religious values" the phrase "as well as the gender and diversity competence" .
4. The following paragraph 8 is added to § 9:
"(8) In the performance of their tasks, the universities of teacher education shall apply the strategy of gender mainstreaming and shall take into account the results in the field of gender studies and gender-sensitive didactics."
5. In § 12 (1) (1) and (2) (2) and in § 79 (2), the turn of the turn shall be: "For Education, Science and Culture" through the turn "for lessons, art and culture" replaced.
6. § 12 (9) Z 6 reads:
" 6. |
Opinion on the intended use with the management of an institute of the Pedagogical University according to § 16, " |
7. In Section 13 (3) and 14 (2), the last sentence shall be:
" The appointment shall be made by the competent government member for a period of four years from the date of the order 1. October. "
8. § 14 (1) last sentence reads:
" The Vice-Rector or Vice-Rector (s) or Vice-Rector (s) are members of the rectorate and have the rector or to represent the rector in the event of prevention, to assist in the areas of responsibility assigned to them by the University Council and in the event of a premature failure of the rector, or the rector of the whose tasks until the appointment of a new rector or of a new rector. "
9. In § 15 (3), the point at the end of the Z 14 is replaced by an inbox, and the following Z 15 is added:
" 15. |
Responsibility with the management of an institute provided for in the organization plan. " |
10. According to Article 16 (1), the following paragraph 1a is inserted:
"(1a) If suitable teachers are not available in accordance with Section 18 (1) (1) (1), teachers may also be entrusted with the management of an institute in accordance with Section 18 (1) Z 2, which has the appropriate qualification."
11. § 18 (4) and (5) are:
" (4) The appointment of lecturers is carried out by the Rectorate. The granting of a teaching order does not give rise to a service relationship. The Teacher's Act, BGBl. No 656/1987, shall apply.
(5) In addition to the duties directly associated with teaching in initial, continuing and continuing education, the teaching staff referred to in paragraphs 1 and Z 1 to 3 shall be responsible for participating in the further tasks of the Pedagogical University. In addition, it has to combine its teaching with occupational field-related research and development. "
12. In § 27 (1), first sentence, after the turn "according to this federal law" the twist "or legislation adopted pursuant to this Federal Act" inserted.
13. In § 28 (2) (7), the point shall be replaced by an accoration and the following Z 8 and 9 shall be added:
" 8. |
more detailed provisions on nostrification, |
9. |
details of the leave of absence. " |
14. § 35 Z 4 reads:
" 4. |
Joint study programmes are studies which are based on agreements between one or more universities of teacher education, Austrian universities, holders of university degree programs or private universities, as well as foreign students. recognised post-secondary educational institutions in the form of a joint, double or multiple degree programme, which must be defined in such agreements as to determine the performance of the students concerned Institutions must be provided. " |
15. In § 38 (3) and § 39 (3), the term " "Double Diploma Studies" by the expression "Joint Study Programmes" replaced.
Section 39 (2) reads as follows:
" (2) Within the framework of the own legal personality of the Pedagogical University, courses and university courses (in particular for continuing education and further education) can be set up in all pedagogical fields of vocational education and training. , which are oriented towards other pedagogical fields of occupation than those of the degree programmes. For the higher education courses, internationally accepted master grades are to be defined, if their workload is at least 120 ECTS credits. "
17. In § 44 (2), second sentence, before the word "Chairperson" the word "the" inserted.
18. In § 50, the following paragraph 1 (1a) is inserted:
"(1a) A further admission to a course of study completed in accordance with § 59 is not possible with the exception of the cases of § 59 (2) Z 1 and Z 2."
19. § 51 para. 2 Z 4 reads:
" 4. |
Certificate of completion of at least three years of study at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution, " |
20. § 51 para. 2 Z 5 reads:
" 5. |
Acquisition of the degree in accordance with § 35 AHStG or an academic degree in accordance with the University of Applied Sciences Law, University Act 2002, University of Applied Sciences Law or University Accreditation Act on the basis of a study period of at least three years. " |
(21) The following paragraph 3 is added to § 54:
" (3) The student ID is to be designed as a photo ID and has the name, date of birth, matriculation number of the student, the period of validity and the name of the pedagogical university. The student ID can be equipped with a storage medium with additional functionalities, but the use of the card can be used with the consent of each of the every student is required. The consent is to be given in writing at the first exhibition of the study card and can be revoked at any time. "
Section 55 (3) reads as follows:
"(3) In the case of a compulsory tuition fee (§ 69), the enrolment is only legally effective with the entry of the tuition fee."
The first sentence of Article 56 (1) reads as follows:
Studies (parts of studies) have been successfully completed at pedagogical universities or other recognised post-secondary educational institutions, as well as in higher education and higher education institutions in higher education and in higher education institutions in teacher and educationaleducation. Application for the intended duration of the training of degree programmes, university courses and courses (including those for higher-education requalification according to § 65a), with recognition of the appropriate examinations, if the completed courses are completed Studies (study parts) with the study of the pedagogical University of Applied Sciences is equivalent. "
24. In § 57, after the word "Bachelor thesis" the phrase "Diplom-, Magister-und Mastertheses as well as Dissertations," inserted.
25. In Section 59 (2) (2) (2), the phrase is deleted "for more than two consecutive semesters" .
26. In § 59 (2) (3) (3), before the indents of the parenthesis, " (possibly also in the context of another study or study programme) of studies at another teacher education institution) " inserted.
27. § 59 (2) Z 5 reads:
" 5. |
The double minimum study duration would exceed the minimum duration of study (at most also in the course of another study or study programme) studies at another university of teacher education), with periods of presence and civil service or a leave of absence not to be included, " |
Section 65 (1) reads as follows:
" (1) The Rector The Rector of the Pedagogical University has students of teacher training studies after the positive assessment of all the examinations prescribed in the respective curriculum and after delivery of the positively assessed scientific-occupational field-related Bachelor thesis "Bachelor of Education (BEd)" by written communication without delay, but no later than one month after the fulfilment of all the requirements of the Office. This shall be without prejudice to the provision of Section 65a. "
29. In § 65 (2), after the turn "established academic title" the twist "by means of a written communication without delay, but not later than one month after the fulfilment of all conditions" inserted.
30. In § 65 (5), the turn-of-the- "due to a double diploma programme" through the turn "due to a joint study programme" replaced.
31. The following paragraph 6 is added to § 65:
"(6) If the conditions for an academic degree with the same wording are provided more than once, the same academic degree shall also be given several times."
32. In accordance with § 65, the following § 65a with title is inserted:
"Conferral of the academic degree" Bachelor of Education " due to high school secondary qualification
§ 65a. (1) On request, persons who:
1. |
a total of six semesters of teacher training; or |
2. |
A teacher training under six semesters as well as an additional teaching degree |
completed successfully in accordance with the law applicable before the entry into force of this Federal Act, or After completing extra-occupational complementary studies as well as a bachelor thesis with a total of 39 ECTS (of which 9 ECTS credits for the Bachelor thesis), the academic degree "Bachelor of Education, BEd" is to be awarded. The application is at a pedagogical university or at a recognized private teacher education institution. to a recognised private course of study at which the corresponding Bachelor's degree programme is conducted. The relevant government member has to enact the more detailed rules on the design of the supplementary course of study in the part-time period. In doing so, qualifications that have been obtained can be be accepted in full or in part according to the requirements of the framework curriculum. In this respect, for example, relevant training courses such as a successfully completed university or university of applied sciences degree programme, a further teaching degree programme (if this is not a prerequisite for admission in accordance with § 65a (1) Z 2), Continuing education and training courses, such as university or university courses, studies based on teacher training studies to obtain additional teaching qualifications, additional training for special school teachers, or other content and corresponding additional qualifications, Consideration of project management, school management activities, relevant publications and other relevant qualifications for the teaching profession. These are to be documented in a competence portfolio. |
(2) § 65 (3) and (4) shall apply. "
33. In § 67, according to the quote of the provision "§ 65 (1) and (2)" the citation "and § 65a (1)" inserted.
34. In § 68 (2), the word order is deleted "or after the withdrawal" .
35. In accordance with section 68 (3), the following paragraph 3a is inserted:
"(3a) In so far as the requirements laid down in paragraph 3 are met only in part, the nostrification shall be subject to the successful completion of exams."
36. In § 69, the following last sentence is added to paragraph 1:
"Periods of attendance and civil service which are completed during the period of study and leave of absence shall not be counted towards the intended study period."
37. § 70 with headline reads:
" Freedom of contribution in continuing education and training
§ 70. The participation in (higher education) courses of further education and further education, which are carried out in the public service training order of the Pedagogical University according to § 8, is free of contributions for the participants. "
38. In Section 71 (1), points at the end of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall be replaced by line points and the following points 5 to 7 shall be added:
" 5. |
Students, if they receive student support during the last semester, according to the Law on the Promotion of the Study Promotion Act 1992, BGBl. No 305/1992, relating to or in the current semester; |
6. |
Applicants and applicants according to § 68 (3a; |
7. |
Students according to § 63 paragraph 1 Z 6. " |
39. The following paragraph 5 is added to § 80:
" (5) The following provisions of this Federal Act in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 47/2010 shall enter into force as follows:
1. |
§ 4 (1), § 7 (2), § 9 (6) Z 8 and (8), § 12 (1) Z (1) and (2) (2), § 12 (9) Z 6, § 13 (3), § 14 (1) and (2), § 15 (3) Z 14 and 15, § 16 (1a), § 18 (4) and (5), § 27 (1), § 28 sec. 2 Z 7 bis 9, § 35 Z 4, § 38 paragraph 3, § 39 Section 2 and 3, section 44 (2), § 50 (1a), § 51 (2) Z 4 and 5, § 54 (3), section 55 (3), § 56 (1), § 57, § 59 (2) Z 2, Z 3 and Z 5, § 65 (1) and (5), § 67, § 68 (2) and (3a), § 69 (1), § 70, including the title, § 71 (1) Z 2 to 7, and § 79 Z 2 with 1. October 2010, |
2. |
Section 65 (6) with 1 February 2008. |
3. |
Section 65a together with the title on 1. Jänner 2011. " |