Key Benefits:
51. Federal Law on Liability for the Exhibition " Michelangelo. Drawings of a Genius "
The National Council has decided:
§ 1. (1) The Federal Minister of Finance is authorized, in the financial year 2010, by the name of the Federal Government pursuant to Section 66 of the Federal Budget Act (BHG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 213/1986, as amended, the liability for damage to objects, which are provided by third parties in the Albertina as a loan for those of the 8. October 2010 to 9. Jänner 2011 in the Albertina exhibition " Michelangelo. Drawings of a genius ", to be made available.
(2) The liability in accordance with paragraph 1 may only be assumed to an extent that the total amount (equivalent) of the liabilities does not exceed 550 million euros and in individual cases 100 million euros.
(3) § 66 para. 2 Z 3 BHG shall not be applied to any liability pursuant to paragraph 1.
§ 2. The Federal Minister of Finance is responsible for the enforcement of this federal law.
§ 3. The entry into force of this Federal Act is subject to the decision by the Commission of the European Communities.
§ 4. This federal law will expire on 28 February 2011.