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Surveying Regulation 2010 - Vermv

Original Language Title: Vermessungsverordnung 2010 - VermV

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241. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on Measurements and Plans (Vermessungsverordnung 2010-VermV)

Due to § § 36 (3), 37 (3) and 57 (6) of the Vermessungsgesetz (Vermessungsgesetz, VermG), BGBl. No. 306/1968, as last amended by the Federal Act BGBl. I n ° 100/2008, shall be:

The Surveying Ordinance 2010, BGBl. II No 115/2010, shall be amended as follows:

§ 19 reads:

" § 19. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force with the date on which the electronic rewriting of the data of the Basic Book is carried out in accordance with § 2a GUG. At the same time as this Regulation enters into force, he Ordination of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs on Measurements and Plans of 1 December 1994, BGBl. No 562/1994.

(2) Plans based on the provisions of the surveying regulation 1994, BGBl. No 562/1994, may be brought up to a maximum of two years after the date of entry into force of this Regulation, the introduction of which shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 15. '
