Key Benefits:
247. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth and the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection on the equipment and operation of commercial plants for the operation of liquefied gas gas stations in 2010 (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Stations-Regulation 2010-FGTV 2010)
1. On the basis of § 82 (1) of the 1994 Commercial Code (Gewerbeordnung)-GewO 1994, BGBl. N ° 194, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 39/2010 and the Federal Ministries Act of 2009, BGBl. I n ° 3, is the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, the Family and Youth, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management and
2. on the basis of § § 7, 17, 20 to 25, 33 to 38, 40 to 46, 60 and 61 (1) to (7) of the Employees ' Protection Act-ASchG, BGBl. N ° 450/1994, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 147/2006 and the Federal Ministries of the Federal Ministries of Law 2009, BGBl. I n ° 3, is appointed by the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
table of contents
Section 1 |
General provisions |
§ 1 Scope |
§ 2 Definitions |
Section 2
Explosion-prone area and fire protection zone |
§ 3 Explosion-prone area |
§ 4 Dimensions of the potentially explosive atmospheres |
§ 5 Replacement or reduction of the potentially explosive area |
§ 6 Protection distance to fire loads (fire protection zone) |
Section 3
Location requests |
§ 7 LPG-petrol stations |
§ 8 Liquid gas dispensers and liquefied petroleum gas dispensers |
Section 9 Protection of potentially explosive atmospheres |
§ 10 Fluchtweg |
Section 4
Technical equipment of liquefied petroleum gas stations |
§ 11 Piping |
§ 12 Liquid liquefied gas hoses |
§ 13 Zapfvalve and transitional piece |
Section 14 Safety institutions |
Section 5
General protection measures |
Section 15 Protection |
Section 16 Material requirements |
§ 17 Prohibition of overbuilding and overbuilding |
§ 18 Not-and warning facilities |
§ 19 Access and access protection |
§ 20 Electrotechnical requirements for explosive atmospheres |
§ 21 derivation of electrical currents, grounding systems |
Section 22 Filling of liquid gas containers |
§ 23 Lightning protection and fire-fighting |
Section 24 Prohibitions and their labelling |
Section 25 Information on tanker operations; labelling and filling instructions |
Section 26 Operating documents and instruction |
Refuelling |
Section 27 Betanks of motor vehicles and trailers |
Section 28 Admissibility of refuelling |
§ 29 Behavior of Betanken |
§ 30 Automatic overfill protection |
§ 31 Conditions for self-service in public installations according to § 1 |
Section 7
Testing of LPG gas stations |
Section 32 Test and control obligations |
§ 33 Tests |
§ 34 First-time examination |
Section 35 Rereturning exams |
Section 36 Non-ordinary audits |
§ 37 Reviewers |
§ 38 Documentation |
§ 39 Defend of defects |
8. Section
Final provisions |
Section 40 Entry into force |
Section 41 Transitional provisions |
Section 42 External force |
Section 43 Gender-neutral name |
Section 1
General provisions
§ 1. This Regulation shall apply to the storage and supply of LPG as a fuel for motor vehicles or as a fuel for pressurised containers in motor vehicles or trailers at LPG petrol stations
1. |
in the commercial premises already authorized in accordance with § 41 of this Regulation, |
2. |
in the Employees ' Protection Act-ASchG, BGBl. No. 450/1994, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 147/2006, at workplaces located below and in accordance with § 41 in existing workplaces. |
§ 2. The following definitions shall apply to this Regulation:
1. |
Liquefied petroleum gas stations are locally bound technical units in which liquefied petroleum gas is used as fuel for motor vehicles fixed in motor vehicles or as fuel for motor vehicles by means of liquefied gas dispensers or liquid gas dispensers. or followers of fixed-mounted pressure vessels with volumetric filling. Liquid gas filling stations can also be designed as compact installations. The liquefied gas filling station comprises the liquid gas tank, the liquid gas pump and the liquid gas pump or the liquid gas dispenser with the associated connecting pipes, as well as the technical technical requirements for the operation of the gas filling station. Facilities. The LPG petrol station represents an assembly according to § 7 (1) Z 2 or Z 3 of the Pressure Equipment Ordinance-DGMO, BGBl. II No 426/1999; |
2. |
Motor vehicles are vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas, which are either under § 2 para. 1 Z 1 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1967-KFG 1967, BGBl. No. 267/1967, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 149/2009, and may be equipped with trailers in accordance with Article 2 (1) (2) of the KFG 1967, or used on land other than public transport roads; |
3. |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG; liquefied petroleum gas) are propane, butane, propene and butene (commercial liquid gases) and mixtures of these gases with one another; |
4. |
Liquefied gas pumps are technical devices surrounded by a protective housing for the supply of liquid gas in the liquid state, the quantity delivered being measured volumetrically and indicated; |
5. |
Liquid gas dispensers are technical equipment for the supply of liquid gas in the liquid state, which are either not surrounded by a protective housing or are surrounded by a protective housing which must be opened for operation; |
6. |
Tap valves are valves mounted at the end of the liquid gas hose, which are to be operated manually and which are tightly connected to the filling connection (§ 13) in order to supply the liquid gas. |
7. |
Liquid gas containers are pressure vessels serving the storage of liquid gas in accordance with § 2 Z 2 of the Kesselgesetz, BGBl. No. 211/1992, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 80/2007, including its equipment; |
8. |
Liquid-gas pumps are conveyor devices which remove the liquefied gas from the liquid-gas tank and supply the liquid-gas pump or the liquid-gas fuel-pump; |
9. |
The active area is the one with the bleed valve at a working height of approx. 0.8 m horizontally operationally accessible area plus 2 m. The effective range shall be equal to the distance x in the figure shown in Annex 1; |
10. |
Compact systems are liquid gas filling stations (Z 1) with an above-ground, at most 3,000 kg of liquid gas containers, which are assembled to form one or two transportable units and are operated in a fixed location at the respective location; |
11. |
Pipelines (liquefied gas pipelines) are connected to liquid gas tanks, liquefied gas pumps or liquefied petroleum gas pumps or liquefied petroleum gas dispeners, from tubes, hoses, connectors or fittings, including their fittings and fittings formed in accordance with § 2 Z 4 of the Kessel Act for the forwarding of liquefied gas; |
12. |
Responsible person is at least 18 years old, about the behaviour during normal operation, gas escapes, fire, other hazards and extraordinary incidents in-depth within the meaning of § 26 para. 2 and in dealing with liquid gas familiar person (for example, tankeeper); |
13. |
Qualified person is a person who has the necessary technical knowledge and professional experience in the planning, construction or maintenance of LPG filling stations and is responsible for the conscientious execution of the tasks assigned to it. . Examiners according to § 43 (1) Z 1 to Z 6 of the liquefied gas ordinance 2002-FGV, BGBl. II No 446, are also to be regarded as an expert person. |
Section 2
Explosion-prone area and fire protection zone
Hazardous area
§ 3. (1) The danger of explosion is the spatial area in and around liquefied petroleum gas pumps, liquid gas dispensiers, bleed valves, liquid gas pumps and liquid gas tanks of a liquid gas filling station, in which during normal operation due to minor leakages, the gas filling station is It is not possible to exclude the occurrence of an explosive atmosphere when connecting or connecting fittings or when connecting or connecting line connections. Potentially explosive atmospheres are classified according to the extent, frequency and duration of the occurrence of an explosive atmosphere in the following zones:
1. |
Zone 0: Area in which an explosive atmosphere as a mixture of air and combustible gases, vapours or mists is present continuously, over long periods of time or frequently. |
2. |
Zone 1: Area in which, in normal operation, an explosive atmosphere may occasionally form as a mixture of air and flammable gases, vapours or mists. |
3. |
Zone 2: Area in which, in normal operation, an explosive atmosphere as a mixture of air and combustible gases, vapours or mists does not normally occur, or occurs only for a short time. |
(2) The zone 0 does not occur in the case of liquid gas filling stations during normal operation.
Dimensions of the potentially explosive atmospheres
§ 4. (1) The entire area inside the protective housing of the liquid-gas pump, in which components are located, which lead to liquefied gas, is explosive and is considered to be zone 1. The potentially explosive area outside the liquid-gas pump shall, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, extend up to a distance of 0.2 m from the upper edge of the protective housing to the ground; it shall be the zone 2 to be attributed. These two zones are shown in Annex 2 by two examples.
(2) The potentially explosive area of the liquid-gas dispenser extends to a distance of 0.2 m around the contours of the liquid-gas dispenser from the upper edge to the ground and is considered to be zone 1. The region of the zone 2 at risk of explosion extends over the interior of a cone around the zone 1, the tip of the cone extending along the upper edge of the zone 1 and the base at the ground being situated at a distance of 1 m from the zone 1. These two zones are shown in Annex 3.
(3) The explosive area around the tap valve during the filling process is in the form of a sphere with a radius of 0.5 m and is to be attributed to zone 1.
(4) Liquid-gas pumps may be installed outdoors with or without protective housing.
1. |
If liquid gas pumps are installed outdoors without a protective housing, or if no liquid gas warning device is installed inside the protective housing of the liquid gas pump in connection with an emergency-off system, the form of the explosion hazard Area, unless Z 2 to 4 determine otherwise, to comply with § 38 FGV. |
2. |
If a liquid gas warning device is installed inside the protective housing of the liquid gas pump in connection with an emergency-off system, then the area within the protective housing shall be considered as zone 1 (see figure in Annex 6). Liquid gas warning devices must comply with section 18 (5). |
3. |
Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, liquid gas pumps with a low conveying capacity (up to a maximum of 60 l/min) are not permanently technically sealed (such as shaft lead-throughs with sliding ring seals, or Stuffing bushes) and other liquid gas outlets, a spherical explosion-prone area with a radius of at least 0,5 m as zone 1 and a subsequent cone with a radius of the base circle of at least 0.7 m as zone 2 (see figure in Annex 4). For self-contained liquid-gas-pump systems (such as liquid-gas pumps with magnetic coupling) with low conveying capacity, the explosive hazardous area is eliminated. |
4. |
Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, liquid gas pumps with a low conveying capacity (up to a maximum of 60 l/min), which are placed inside a protective housing without a liquid gas warning device, are the area inside the protective housing. as zone 1. The region of the zone 2 at risk of explosion extends over the interior of a cone around the zone 1, the tip of the cone extending along the upper edge of the zone 1 and the base at the ground being at a distance of 0.2 m around the zone 1. These two zones are shown in Annex 5. |
(5) If liquid-gas pumps are installed in the interior of liquid-gas containers, no additional explosive-hazardous area shall be adopted for these liquid-gas pumps outside the liquid-gas container.
(6) Liquid-gas pumps in buildings shall be permitted if they are placed above ground in accordance with § 36 FGV.
(7) The provisions of the Pressure Container Order Ordinance, DBA-VO, BGBl, apply to the potentially explosive area around liquefied gas containers. II No 361/1998.
Replacement or reduction of the potentially explosive area
§ 5. (1) If the local conditions of a liquefied gas station permit in individual cases, the potentially explosive area may be replaced or reduced on two or more sides by measures such as walls, protective walls or the like. Protective walls for the replacement or reduction of the potentially explosive area must permanently prevent a gas passage, be non-combustible and have sufficient strength against foreseeable loads. They do not have to be designed for use by explosions. Walls, protective walls or the like replacing the potentially explosive area must project beyond this area by at least 0.25 m at each point.
(2) The distance from protective walls to stationary liquid-gas containers shall be at least 0.6 m and shall ensure that valves without hindrances can be operated.
(3) The measures referred to in paragraph 1 shall not significantly impede the good natural ventilation of the liquefied gas filling station (Section 7 (1)).
Protection distance to fire loads (fire protection zone)
§ 6. (1) For the installation of the liquid gas containers, the provisions of the Pressure Container Regulation Regulation shall apply with regard to the fire protection zone. If the protection against fire loads is carried out exclusively by protective spacings, a minimum distance of the liquid gas container must not be undershot in the sense of § 10 FGV and to the limits of the installation of the operating system of 5 m. Motor vehicles and trailers must comply with a minimum distance of 3 m from the liquid gas container during the refuelling operation.
(2) If protective measures according to § 15 (2) (2) or (Z) 4 to 7 FGV (FGV) are provided for against the inadmissible heating of the liquid gas container due to the presence of a driving fire load, the certificate of a boiler inspection body shall demonstrate that the measures taken will prevent the liquid gas container from being heated in a safe way. If a fire load is present which does not preclude the safety valve from responding in the event of a fire, the measures provided must also be included in the assessment for the safe discharge of the liquid gas leaving the fire.
Section 3
Location requests
Liquid gas filling stations
§ 7. (1) Liquid gas filling stations may only be erected outdoors and only on land that is well ventilated. No liquefied gas filling stations may be installed in building passes and passageways as well as in the immediate vicinity of the building. Liquefied gas containers in buildings are permissible if they are placed above ground in accordance with § § 69 to 73 FGV.
(2) Compact installations must be at least 10 m apart for other liquid fuels and at least 5 m apart from non-operating areas not serving the operation of the LPG petrol station or at land borders . Compact equipment must be placed on a separate location of the plant suitable for the refuelling process of the motor vehicle. In the case of non-public installations in accordance with § 1, the authority may, at the request of the plant owner, be informed in accordance with local circumstances (hazard potential in the vicinity of the dispentable columns, such as storage of materials or substances). or experience of transport routes) reduce the distance of at least 10 m from fuel pumps to 5 m for other liquid fuels.
(3) The use of liquid gas dispensiers shall be permitted solely on non-public installations according to § 1 (e.g. operating stations) for the purpose of self-sufficienciation.
Liquid gas dispensers and liquefied petroleum gas dispensers
§ 8. Liquid-gas dispensers and liquid-gas dispensers must be set up in such a way that in the case of refuelling operations the areas at risk of explosion do not have to be entered. This excludes liquefied petroleum gas dispensers, which are served by responsible persons (§ 2 Z 12). In addition, liquid-gas dispensers and liquid-gas dispensers must be installed in such a way that the motor vehicles to be refuged cannot travel through the potentially explosive areas of the liquefied gas containers or through other potentially explosive atmospheres.
Protection of potentially explosive atmospheres
§ 9. (1) There shall be no sources of ignition within potentially explosive atmospheres. In the area of operation of the liquid-gas fuel hoses as well as within potentially explosive atmospheres, neither processes, cavities nor openings to lower-lying rooms, cellars, pits, shafts and canals may be determined, as far as paragraph 2 is concerned. for cables or piping. In addition, no stationary ignition sources may be present in the effective range of the liquid-gas fuel-fuel hoses.
(2) In the areas referred to in paragraph 1, shafts and cavities with non-combustible filler material must be filled in a cavity free from the ground.
Escape route
§ 10. (1) Liquid gas pumps and liquid-gas dispensers shall be at least 8 m away from combustible building materials and at least 5 metres from the openings of buildings made of non-combustible building materials.
(2) LPG filling stations may not be set up in such a way as to impede escape routes.
Section 4
Technical equipment of liquefied petroleum gas stations
§ 11. (1) Before the liquid-gas line enters the liquid-gas pump or into the liquid-gas dispensing device, an automatically closing pipe-break valve must be installed.
(2) In or immediately in front of the liquefied gas hose, a quick-release point must be installed which, in the case of a tensile load below the tearing force of the liquid-gas hose, enters into operation and in the event of a tear of the liquid-gas hose-hose prevents gas escaping from both sides.
(3) In the liquid-gas line between the liquid-gas pump or the liquid-gas dispenser and the liquid-gas tank, there must be a main shut-off device which automatically closes the supply of liquid gas directly with the liquid-gas container, as soon as the liquid-gas pump is switched off, a possibly existing liquid-gas warning device is activated, an emergency-off device is actuated or the power supply is interrupted.
(4) A manually operated shut-off valve must be installed in the liquid-gas pipe between the liquid-gas tank and the liquid-gas pump, which must be closed at the time of operation and in the event of prolonged interruptions of operation.
Liquefied petroleum gas hoses
§ 12. Only high-pressure hoses, the bursting pressure of which is at least 100 bar (10 MPa), may be used as liquefied petroleum gas hoses. The tubes must be made of a material which is resistant to diffusion of liquid gas and which is sufficiently diffusible for operational safety. Hoses made of non-conductive material must be electrically bridged. The length of the LPG hoses shall be at least 3 m and not more than 5 m. If, in the case of public liquefied gas stations, other vehicles are able to pass directly past the vehicle to be refuched, the length of the fuel hose may not exceed 3 m.
Tap valve and transition piece
§ 13. (1) Zapfvalves must be connected in a sealed way to the filling connection of the motor vehicle engine of motor vehicles or to the filling connection of pressure vessels fixed in motor vehicles or trailers, provided that paragraph 2 does not provide otherwise, without Allow use of transition pieces (adapters).
(2) If the refuelling is only possible with the aid of a transition piece (adapter) (§ 27 para. 4), this transitional piece (adapter) may only be connected by a responsible person (§ 2 Z 12). This requirement must be clearly indicated by the stop at the liquid-gas pump. Only transitional pieces (adapters) which have to be made available by the holder of the installation in accordance with § 1 may be used only for liquefied petroleum gas.
(3) The tap valve to be connected to the filling connection must be designed in such a way that the flow of liquid gas is released only when a technically tight and positive connection is present. The tap valve must also be designed in such a way that unintentional loosening during refuelling is not possible. A release of the bleed valve may only be possible after a pressure relief, with a maximum of 1 cm.sup.3 of liquid gas (liquid phase) being allowed to enter into the open air without the use of transition pieces (adapters).
(4) The release of liquid gas may only be carried out according to the principle of the full hose system.
(5) The supply of liquid gas through the liquid-gas hose may only be possible by means of a tap valve without a self-holding device (e.g. dead man lever, electric push button). Tap valves, which open the check valve at the filling connection by means of a tappet, must not be used.
Security Facilities
§ 14. (1) There must be a device which prevents the permissible operating pressure from exceeding the permissible operating pressure at the maximum delivery rate without the liquid gas being discharged into the open air (e.g. overflow valve).
(2) Liquid gas fuel hoses as well as pipe sections that can be shut off on both sides must be secured against overpressure by pressure relief valves. The liquid gas emerging from overpressure valves has to be returned into the gas chamber of the associated liquid gas container or, if this is not technically possible, to be discharged safely into the open air.
Section 5
General protection measures
Start-up protection
§ 15. (1) The facilities of a liquefied petroleum gas station, in particular the liquid gas tank, the liquid-gas pumps or the liquid-gas dispensers, the piping and the liquid-gas pumps shall be set up or secured in such a way as to prevent them from being brought into contact with the liquid gas tank. Driving or damaging are protected by motor vehicles.
(2) In order to protect against damage caused by motor vehicles, liquefied petroleum gas pumps or pumps must be used. Liquid gas dispensers shall be constructed on an island which is at least 0.12 m higher than the adjacent road surface. The size of the island must also be dimensioned in such a way that the island projects beyond the explosive area of the liquid-gas pump or the liquid-gas dispenser by at least 0.1 m. The base of the liquid-gas pump must be at least 0.3 m away from the edge of this island. In order to supply the liquid gas dispensiation column, The liquid-gas dispenser shall be freely accessible within a radius of at least 0.8 m of the area required for inspection, maintenance and repair work on the liquid-gas pump or the liquid-gas fuel dispenser.
Material requirements
§ 16. (1) All equipment of a LPG gas station which comes into contact with liquefied petroleum gas shall be suitable for liquid gas and shall withstand the thermal, chemical and mechanical stresses occurring during operation. Piping must be made of tough materials (such as steel or non-ferrous metals).
(2) Ground-laid piping must be
1. |
made of corrosion-resistant material, or |
2. |
is effectively protected against external corrosion by a permanent coating and is equipped with a cathodic corrosion protection. |
Ban on overbuilding and overbuilding
§ 17. Earth-covered liquefied gas containers may not be overrun by motor vehicles or trailers, nor may they be fully or partially overbuilt. If the spatial conditions require that parts of the liquid gas container are located under operational traffic routes and therefore have to be overrun, then structural measures must ensure that no additional charges are applied to the A liquid gas container is provided.
Emergency and warning devices
§ 18. (1) The entire electrical installation of the installation according to § 1 shall be capable of being switched off all-pole by a main switch from a point easily accessible and without danger. Those parts of the liquid gas filling station, which can constitute an effective ignition source in the event of a malfunction, must additionally be able to be switched off all-pole by means of an emergency-off device. The emergency lighting or other safety equipment relevant to the operation must not be included in the emergency stop device and must be arranged or constructed in such a way that it does not constitute an effective ignition source.
(2) A liquid gas filling station and a mineral oil filling station in a spatial close range must be located at an easily and safely accessible location, an emergency-off device for switching off both installations.
(3) In the case of public installations according to § 1, the emergency-stop facility must be located in the area of residence (petrol station shop) of the responsible person (§ 2 Z 12). In the case of non-public liquefied gas filling stations, the emergency stop device must be provided at a point which is easily accessible and accessible.
(4) Equipment according to § 1 must be so illuminated during the operating hours in the dark that the proper operation of the liquid-gas dispensers and the liquid-gas dispensers is possible. It is necessary to ensure that, in the event of a failure of the parking space lighting, the supply of current to the liquid-gas pumps of the liquid-gas pumps and the liquid-gas dispensers are interrupted all-polite and that the liquid-gas pumps are switched on automatically. is prevented.
(5) In the event of a concentration of 20% of the lower explosion limit of the liquefied gas/air mixture, liquid gas warning devices must trigger an optical and acoustic alarm. The alarm device shall be arranged in such a way that it can be properly perceived. When 50% of the lower explosion limit is reached, the emergency stop device must be activated and an automatic closing of the main shut-off device procured according to § 11 para. 3 must be carried out on the liquid gas container. The acoustic signal may be receitable.
Access and access backup
§ 19. (1) The potentially explosive areas around liquefied gas tanks and liquefied gas pumps shall be secured against access by unauthorised persons.
(2) The liquid gas pump, the liquid gas dispenser, any dome shaft or filling shaft cover, as well as the valves of the liquid gas tank, the liquid gas pumps or other parts of the liquefied gas filling station, provided that it is not supervised shall be secured against unauthorized access.
Electrotechnical requirements for potentially explosive atmospheres
§ 20. Within potentially explosive atmospheres, the electrical installations and the electrical equipment must comply with the electrotechnical legislation in these areas.
Derivation of electrical currents, grounding systems
§ 21. (1) All parts of the LPG gas station, such as liquefied gas tanks, liquefied gas pumps, piping, liquid gas dispensers and liquid-gas dispensers, etc., must be electrically conductively connected to each other and be grounded in such a way as to ensure that the electrostatic discharge of the gas is not Charges are safely derived. In this case, it is not possible to use components which are cathodically corrosion-protected and in which electrostatic charges are derived via the corrosion protection system. It should be noted that insulating pieces can represent potential sources of ignition.
(2) In potentially explosive atmospheres, the installation of insulation pieces for the interruption of the electrical conductivity (e.g. a pipeline) must be avoided. However, if this is unavoidable, it is necessary to ensure that dangerous sparking is excluded by the application of appropriate measures (such as, for example, bedding in sand, foaming, installation of explosion-protected spark gaps). If spark gaps are required, they must be located directly in the area of the insulating pieces.
(3) In the development of insulation pieces as well as fittings and in the case of separations of pipes, the associated external current protection systems must be switched off. Attention should be paid to the possibility of potential differences occurring. The developed area has to be bridged by copper lines.
Filling of liquid gas containers
§ 22. (1) For the filling of the liquefied gas containers of installations according to § 1, a parking space for the refuelling vehicle must be fixed taking into account § 9.
(2) In places where tank vehicles fill liquid gas containers, during the filling process, a potentially explosive area with a radius of at least 5 m corresponding to § 9 FGV of the tank vehicle must be a hazardous area corresponding to § 9 FGV of the tank vehicle. Base circle is taken into account. This potentially explosive area must be clearly defined by appropriate measures.
(3) Paragraph 2 does not apply to the filling of liquid gas containers from tank vehicles by means of a full hose system, in which the filling connection is located directly on the liquid gas container. In this case, the dispensing fitting of the tanker vehicle does not have to be equipped with a region which is at risk of explosion.
(4) In the case of compact installations, the supply of liquid gas is inadmissible during the filling of the liquid gas container.
Lightning protection and fire-fighting
§ 23. (1) Equipment according to § 1 shall be protected by a lightning protection system.
(2) In the immediate vicinity of each liquid-gas pump, each liquid-gas dispenser, at least two permanently accessible, ready-to-operate portable fire extinguishers suitable for the control of liquid-gas fires must be used in the immediate vicinity of each liquid-gas pump. a filling quantity of at least 6 kg, respectively 9 litres (first extinguishing aid). Only sealed fire extinguishers, tested in accordance with § 35 Z 6, are considered to be operational. The site for fire-fighting equipment must be provided by the respective signs referred to in Annex 1 to the labelling Regulation-KennV, BGBl. II No 101/1997.
(3) Whether or not which further fire protection arrangements or fire-fighting equipment must be provided for, the Authority shall, on a case-by-case basis, determine in accordance with the local circumstances.
Prohibitions and their labelling
§ 24. In the area of the liquefied gas filling station, smoking, hanging with fire and open light, as well as the use of mobile phones (mobile phones) are prohibited. These prohibitions must be clearly visible by means of labelling in accordance with the labelling regulation in durable form on each liquid-gas pump and each liquid-gas dispensier.
Notes for tank operations; Labelling and filling instruction
§ 25. (1) Each liquid-gas pump and each liquid-gas dispensing device shall be marked by a clearly visible sign as a technical device for the exclusive supply of LPG.
(2) In the case of each liquid-gas pump and each liquid-gas dispensing device, a sign clearly visible from the motor vehicle to be refutable shall be fitted to indicate that:
1. |
The engine and ignition of the motor vehicle as well as an existing external heating are set off before the refuelling and the motor vehicle as well as the trailer are secured against unintentional unrolling by actuating the hand brake and the engagement of a gear , and |
2. |
After completion of the filling process, the area around the liquid gas pump and/or the liquid gas pump, respectively The liquid gas dispenser must be left in the nest. |
(3) In the case of each liquid-gas pump and each liquid-gas dispensing device, a filling instruction must be permanently affixed in an easily understood form. The filling instruction for motor vehicles and trailers, their power-gas tanks or the permanently installed pressure vessels shall be provided with automatic overfill and safety valves in accordance with Article 30 (1), shall have the minimum content set out in Annex 7. The filling instruction for the refuelling of power tanks or pressure vessels according to § 2 Z 1 without automatic overfill protection (§ 30 para. 2) must have the minimum content set out in Annex 8.
Operating documents and instruction
§ 26. (1) In the area of residence (petrol station shop) of the responsible person (§ 2 Z 12), a scheme of the liquefied gas filling station, in which all parts of the installation are drawn up, and an operating instruction which are listed in Annex 9 must be drawn up. , and through which the responsible person (§ 2 Z 12) on the measures necessary for the operation of the LPG filling station, on the behaviour in the event of exceptional incidents or in the Danger situation and information about the phone number of the fire brigade. The owner of the installation according to § 1 must create the operating instruction.
(2) The instruction of the responsible person (§ 2 Z 12) in the conduct of normal operations (including, for example, the use of transition pieces), in the event of gas leakage, fire, other hazardous cases and exceptional incidents must be carried out by a professional person (§ 2 Z 13) is repeated annually, but in any case before commencing his activity and following extraordinary events. The instruction must be subject to written proof of inspection by the authorities of the authorities.
Refuelling of motor vehicles and trailers
§ 27. (1) Only responsible persons (§ 2 Z 12) may be used for the operation and supervision of the installation according to § 1.
(2) A self-service by customers in the area of installations according to § 1, which serve the pursuit of the free trade of the operation of filling stations (public service stations), is permitted within the opening hours of the installation according to § 1, if these are in accordance with § 31 is set up for this purpose and is marked as a self-serving location and is under the supervision of a responsible person (§ 2 Z 12). A self-service operation without the presence of a responsible person (§ 2 Z 12) is inadmissible.
(3) Tank operations on non-public installations according to § 1 (service stations and filling stations with a restricted user circle) may only be carried out by responsible persons (§ 2 Z 12).
(4) Tank operations using transition pieces (adapters) may only be carried out by the responsible person (§ 2 Z 12) (Section 13 (2)).
Admissibility of refuelling
§ 28. Motor vehicles and trailers may only be refuelled if their LPG system has no obvious defects and a gas-tight connection with their gas tanks or the pressure vessels fixed in place in the motor vehicle or in the trailer (§ 13 Paragraph 1). The joining of two or more transition pieces (adapters) for the production of a connection to the filling connection of the motor vehicle or of the pressure container fixedly installed in the motor vehicle is inadmissible.
Behaviour during refuelling
§ 29. (1) It is necessary to ensure that during the entire filling process the engine and the ignition as well as any external heating of the motor vehicle and the trailer to be refuked are shut down and the prohibitions are complied with in accordance with § 24. .
(2) If liquid gas should escape at the beginning or during the filling process at the filling connection or on other parts of the liquid gas installation of the motor vehicle or of the trailer, the filling process must be terminated immediately. This is to be pointed out by means of a stop (filling instruction in accordance with section 25 (3)) for each liquid-gas pump and each liquid-gas dispensi-tating device.
(3) After the filling process, the filling connection of the power gas tank or The filling connection of the pressure container, which is permanently installed in the motor vehicle or in the trailer, is tightly sealed with the closure cap.
Automatic overfill backup
§ 30. (1) The motor vehicles and trailers fixed in the motor vehicles and trailers, respectively Pressure vessels in accordance with § 2 Z 1 may only be filled in public facilities according to § 1 if they are provided with a safety valve and an automatic overfill safety device, which ensures that filling of the pressure vessels only up to a maximum of 80% of the container volume (liquid phase) is possible. Furthermore, an appropriate marking must be provided by a sign which is clearly visible from the motor vehicle to be refutable, and that a refuelling of public installations according to § 1 only if there is an automatic overfill protection and of a safety valve on the fuel tank or Pressure vessels according to § 2 Z 1 are permitted.
(2) Power gas tanks and pressure vessels according to § 2 Z 1 without automatic overfill protection (e.g. for industrial trucks such as forklifts) may also be filled only when the filling process is carried out by a responsible person (§ 2 Z 12). The power tanks and pressure vessels are equipped with function-safe devices for level measurement (e.g. plunder pipe).
Requirements for self-service in public installations according to § 1
§ 31. The following conditions have to be met for the refuelling in self-service:
1. |
There must be no defects in accordance with § 28, and a gas-tight connection must be able to be produced. |
2. |
A transition piece (adapter) must not be used. |
3. |
The filling connection of motor vehicles and trailers fixed in motor vehicles and trailers, or Pressure vessels in accordance with § 2 Z 1 shall be located on the outside of the body of motor vehicles or trailers, and these motor vehicles or trailers must be located on the outside. Pressure vessels shall be provided with a safety valve and an automatic overfill protection according to § 30 (1). |
4. |
The person responsible (§ 2 Z 12) must have a direct line of sight to the liquid gas pumps or a video surveillance to the liquid gas pumps. The responsible person (§ 2 Z 12) must provide assistance in case of discernable problems in the self-service establishment as well as in case of danger (§ 26 para. 1) and, in the case of § 13 para. 2, immediately take the necessary precautions. |
5. |
Liquid gas from the liquid-gas pump can only be dispensed by the liquid-gas fuel pump via a tap valve without a self-holding device (e.g. dead man lever, electric push-button). |
6. |
A filling instruction (§ 25 (3)) must be permanently affixed in an easily comprehensible form for each liquid gas pump. |
7. |
The installation according to § 1 must be marked as a self-service station (§ 27 (2)). |
Section 7
Testing of LPG gas stations
Audit and control obligations
§ 32. In accordance with the provisions of the kesselLaw, LPG filling stations must be placed on the market as assemblies in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Ordinance. Pressure equipment (liquefied gas tanks and piping together with their safety and functional equipment) must be integrated into liquid gas filling stations in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Monitoring Regulation-DGÜW-V, BGBl. II No 420/2004.
§ 33. Liquid gas filling stations may only be operated if the tests provided for them in accordance with the following provisions have been carried out on their proper condition by examiners in accordance with § 37. The tests must be initiated by the holder of the installation in accordance with § 1. They must extend, in particular, to the tightness and functionality of the technical equipment and fittings, the liquid-gas pumps and the pipelines. In the case of electrical installations and electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres, the tests must also include the explosion safety of the electrical installations and the electrical equipment.
Audit for the first time
§ 34. On the occasion of the initial commissioning, liquefied petroleum gas filling stations must be subjected to initial testing. The initial audit shall include:
1. |
the testing of pressure equipment (liquid gas tanks and piping together with their safety and functional equipment) and assemblies which are subject to the boiler law and the regulations based thereon, in accordance with the provisions of Kesselgesetz (kesselgesetz) and the regulations based on it; |
2. |
the inspection of the pipelines with a fixed maximum operating pressure up to and including 0,5 bar for proper performance and tightness; |
3. |
the examination of the cathodic corrosion protection systems (Section 16 (2)) for the purpose of functioning, as far as this is not carried out by a test according to Z 1; |
4. |
the testing of the electrical installations serving the operation of the liquefied gas filling station, the electrical installations within potentially explosive atmospheres (§ 20) and the earth and lightning protection systems (§ § 21 and 23 (1)) for the proper construction of the the framework of the relevant provisions on explosion protection and electrotechnical safety; |
5. |
the checking of the pressure control equipment for the purpose of operation and |
6. |
the testing of liquid gas warning devices (§ 18 para. 5) on the functioning of the system. |
Recurrent Checks
§ 35. Regularly to be checked regularly:
1. |
Pressure equipment (stationary liquefied gas tanks and piping together with their safety and functional equipment) and assemblies subject to the boiler law and the regulations based on them, according to the Kesselgesetz (boiler law) and the -based regulations; |
2. |
in each year in which it is not necessary to carry out an examination in accordance with the provisions of the kesseling Law (Z 1), all the parts of the liquid gas filling station, including the shut-off devices, which are under liquid gas pressure and are located above ground level, and safety devices at least once by means of external control for the proper condition; |
3. |
Liquid-gas fuel hoses, at intervals of not more than three months, for visible damage; |
4. |
Liquid-gas hoses for visible damage according to Z 3, but at least at intervals of not more than one year, by a pressure sample with a pressure of at least 30 bar (3 MPa); |
5. |
electrical installations, installations and electrical equipment, which are part of the LPG gas station, including the earth and lightning protection facilities at intervals of not more than one year; |
6. |
Portable fire extinguishers in accordance with section 23 (2) of at least every second calendar year, but at the latest, at intervals of 27 months, in the proper condition; |
7. |
Installations of cathodic corrosion protection at intervals of not more than three years, unless these tests are necessary in accordance with the provisions of the boiler legislation in accordance with Z 1; |
8. |
Liquid gas warning devices at intervals of not more than half a year in order to ensure that they are in good condition and that they are functional and |
9. |
Markings on their presence and their timeliness at least once a year. |
Extraordinary tests
§ 36. (1) An extraordinary examination must be carried out, without prejudice to the provisions of the Kesselgesetz:
1. |
if there is a suspicion that a liquefied petroleum gas station is no longer operationally safe due to an exceptional event, such as fire, explosion and mechanical damage, |
2. |
after interruptions of operations of more than one year, |
3. |
after any change which may affect the operational safety of the LPG gas station, |
4. |
if there is a suspicion of leakage of the LPG gas station. |
(2) The exceptional test shall cover the relevant parts of the LPG gas station concerned. For the extent of the extraordinary examination, § 34 shall apply mutatily.
§ 37. (1) In order to carry out the tests, they shall be used within the limits of their powers:
1. |
for pressure equipment (liquid gas containers and piping together with their safety and functional equipment) and assemblies which are subject to the boiler law and the regulations based on them, exclusively for the first inspection bodies (named Stations), boiler inspection bodies and inspection bodies in accordance with the Kesselgesetz (boiler law), |
2. |
Accredited bodies within the scope of their accreditation (Accreditation Act, BGBl. No. 468/1992, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 85/2002), |
3. |
institutions of the Federal Government or of a federal state or bodies of public law, |
4. |
legally authorized bodies, |
5. |
Civil engineers of the relevant specialist area, technical offices-engineering offices (consulting engineers) of the relevant specialist area, |
6. |
Traders who are entitled to plan, manufacture or maintain LPG filling stations (qualified persons according to § 2 Z 13), |
7. |
Traders who are entitled to plan, manufacture or maintain the electrical installation, including the lightning protection system, in installations according to § 1, |
provided that only validated test methods are used and the measurement and test results are documented in a comprehensible way.
(2) Tests according to § 35 Z 2, 3 and 9 may also be carried out by the responsible person (§ 2 Z 12).
§ 38. (1) The relevant provisions of the Pressure Equipment Ordinance (Declaration of Conformity and Operating Instructions) and the relevant provisions of the Pressure Equipment Ordinance shall apply to the documentation of the tests of the parts of the liquefied gas filling station which are subject to the boiler law. Pressure equipment monitoring regulation (test book). The result of any test or inspection must be recorded in a test certificate issued by the examiner, which has to contain any deficiencies identified. Defects affecting operational safety must be particularly highlighted.
(2) Examination certificates for the first-time examination (§ 34), the last of the examinations required in § 35 and the last extraordinary examination (§ 36) as well as the other documents relating to these examinations must be carried out in the Operating system for inspection by official bodies is kept.
Rectification of defects
§ 39. (1) LPG filling stations may only be operated if the tests and checks in accordance with § § 34 to 36 do not result in any defects affecting operational safety or if the deficiencies found are remedied. For pressure equipment (liquid gas tanks and piping together with their safety and functional equipment) and assemblies subject to the Kesselgesetz (boiler law) and the regulations based on them, the relevant provisions of the Kesselgesetz and the regulations based on it.
(2) Fixed defects must in any case be remedied immediately, and the defect survey must be documented. In order to remedy the deficiencies, only persons skilled in the art (§ 2 Z 13) may be used within the limits of their powers.
8. Section
Final provisions
entry into force
§ 40. This Regulation shall enter into force with the month following its presentation.
Transitional provisions
§ 41. Industrial plants already approved at the date of entry into force of this Regulation (§ 40) and existing workplaces subject to the Workers ' Protection Act must comply with the provisions of this Regulation no later than five years after the date of entry into force of this Regulation. the entry into force of this Regulation.
§ 42. Pursuant to Section 125 (8) ASchG, it is established that with the entry into force of this Regulation, insofar as § 41 does not specify otherwise, the provisions of the liquefied gas filling station ordinal, BGBl, which are applicable as federal law pursuant to Section 122 (2) of the ASchG [Federal Act] as federal law, are determined. No 558/1978.
Gender neutral name
§ 43. The personal names used in this Regulation shall be understood to be gender neutral.
Mitterlehner Hundstorfer