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Pension Data Transmission Regulation Mail Pdüv Mail

Original Language Title: Pensionsdatenübermittlungsverordnung-Post – PDÜV-Post

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257. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Women and Civil Service on the Federal Chancellery of the PT-Companies to the Federal Chancellor The Federal Chancellor ' s pension data (pension data transfer regulation-Post-PDÜV-Post)

Due to § 17 Section 7b Z 2 of the Postal Structure Act, BGBl. N ° 201/1996, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 52/2009, shall be ordered:

Pension data to be evaluated

§ 1. The companies pursuant to Section 17 (1a) of the Postal Structure Act (PTSG), BGBl. No. 201/1996, (hereinafter referred to as 'PT-undertakings'), the Federal Chancellor To make available to the Federal Chancellor the following pension data of the pensioners and recipients of pensions, as well as of the officials and their relatives and survivors assigned to the service:


the date of retirement,


Month of birth and year of birth,


company affiliation at the time of the retirement of the pension,




the use group at the time of the retirement,


Legal basis of the transfer or transfer into retirement or pension entitlement (e.g. § 14 or § 15 or § 15 in conjunction with § 236b of the Civil Service Law 1979 (BDG 1979), BGBl. No. 333, or § 14 of the Pension Act 1965 (PG 1965), BGBl. 340,


Type of pension (e.g. pension, widow's or widows ' supply, orphan's supply),


the monthly pension level, broken down into the respective reference components (gross).

Type of transmission

§ 2. The pension data according to § 1 are by two anonymized individual data sets per person by the PT-companies in one with the Federal Chancellor. to transmit electronically the data format to be agreed to the Federal Chancellor. The first data set must be sorted according to the month and year of birth and shall contain the data types listed in § 1 Z 1 to 7; the second data set shall be sorted according to the pension level and shall have the data types referred to in § 1 Z 4 to 8. . The transmission must be carried out


Until the tenth working day in January, April, July and October each year:


the data of the newly added pensions of the previous calendar quarter;


the data relating to the previous calendar quarter and to the previous calendar year; and


up to the 31. January each calendar year the data of all the pensions existing on 31 December of the previous year.
