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Application Form For The Realignment Of Revolting Deadline

Original Language Title: Antragsformular zur Neufestsetzung des Vorrückungsstichtages

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282. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Women and Civil Service on the application form for the redetermination of the pre-return date

On the basis of Section 113 (12) of the salary law in 1956, BGBl. No. 54, and section 82 (12) of the Act of the Order of the Contract 1948, BGBl. No. 86, both last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 82/2010, shall be arranged:

§ 1. For the application for a redetermination of the pre-return date and the resulting remuneration legal status as a result of § § 8, 12 and 113 (10) of the salary law in 1956, BGBl. No 54, or § § 19, 26 and 82 (10) of the Contract Law Act 1948, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 86, the form contained in the Annex and forming part of this Regulation shall be fixed.

§ 2. Adaptations of the form resulting from special requirements of automation-assisted handling or other technical requirements shall be permitted.
