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Regulation Of Educational Documentation

Original Language Title: Änderung der Bildungsdokumentationsverordnung

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308. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture and the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, with which the Education Documentation Ordinance is amended

On the basis of § 6 (2), § 8 and § 9 of the Education Documentation Act, BGBl. No 12/2002, as last amended by the Federal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGBl). I No 48/2010, shall be ordered:

The Education Documentary Regulation, BGBl. II No 499/2003, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 55/2008, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 1 (2) is deleted.

2. In § 6 (3), the phrase in the first sentence shall be: " or after the beginning of a semester (Z 3) " through the phrase " or in the case of Z 3 after the beginning of a half-year " and in the second sentence, the phrase " or of the semester (Z 3) " through the phrase " or in the case of Z 3 of the half-year " replaced.

3. Section 6 (4) is deleted.

4. The following paragraph 3 is added to § 24:

" (3) § 6 (3) and 1 Z 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this Regulation in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No. 308/2010 will enter into force on 1 September 2010 and will be included in the scope of the School Teaching Act for Professional (SchUG-B), BGBl. No 33/1997, in accordance with a regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture from the school year 2010/11 or from the school year 2011/12 application; § 1 para. 2 and § 6 para. 4 occur with the expiry of the 31 August 2010 Power. "

5. In Appendix 1 Z 5, the attribute shall be: "stand" in the line with the value "bw" the citation "§ 28 (1)" by quoting "§ 32 (1) Z 5" replaced.

6. In Appendix 1 Z 5, the attribute shall be deleted "stand" in the rows with the values "ff" and "nf" In each case, the law "(SchUG-B § 28 para. 2)" .

7. In Appendix 1 Z 5, the attribute shall be deleted "stand" in the rows with the values "fu" and "nu" In each case, the law "(SchUG-B § 29)" .

8. In Appendix 1 Z 5, the attribute shall be deleted "stand" in the rows with the values "fw" and "nw" In each case, the law "(SchUG-B § 28 para. 1)" .

9. In Appendix 1 Z 5, the attribute shall be: "stand" after the line with the value "ff" the following line is inserted:



Continuation of the modular training in accordance with SchUG-B, which is already in progress at the notifying school "

10. In Appendix 1 Z 5, the attribute "stand" after the line with the value "ni" the following line is inserted:



New entry into the modular training according to SchUG-B at the reporting school "

11. In Appendix 1 Z 6 and 7, the attribute shall be: "Organization" after the line with the value "l" the following line is inserted:



for modular (SchUG-B) "

12. In Appendix 1 Z 7, the attribute "Annual Success" the lines:



for not entitled to ascend because of already negative or no assessment in the immediately preceding semester at schools for professionals (SchUG-B § 26 para. 1 Z 1)


For not entitled to ascend for more than three negative or no assessments of general education higher schools for professionals (SchUG-B § 26 para. 1 Z 2) "

13. In Appendix 1 Z 7, the attribute shall be: "Annual Success" after the line with the value "w" the following line is inserted:



for no year or Semester assessment for modular trainings according to SchUG-B "

14. In Appendix 1 Z 7, the attribute shall be deleted "wdhp-angetr" the phrases " or colloquia, " and the law " or SchUG-B § 23 " .

15. In Appendix 1 Z 7, the attribute shall be deleted "wdhp-herd" the phrase " or colloquia, " .

16. In Appendix 1 Z 8, the term shall be "School Year" the phrase " or Semester " inserted.

Schmied Berlakovich