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Area Of Covered M222 Multilateral Agreement In Accordance With Section 1.5.1 Adr Concerning The Carriage Of Certain Wastes Containing Dangerous Goods

Original Language Title: Geltungsbereich der Multilateralen Vereinbarung M222 gemäß Abschnitt 1.5.1 ADR über die Beförderung bestimmter Abfälle, die gefährliche Güter enthalten

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113. Presentation of the Federal Chancellor concerning the scope of the Multilateral Agreement (M222) under Section 1.5.1 of the ADR concerning the transport of certain wastes containing dangerous goods

The Multilateral Agreement M222 according to section 1.5.1 ADR on the transport of certain waste containing dangerous goods (BGBl). III n ° 94/2010) was signed by the Czech Republic on 15 September 2010.
