Key Benefits:
321. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management on the setting of conditions for quality wines typical of the region with origin profiles for the Kamptal wine-growing region (DAC Regulation "Kamptal")
§ 1. Wine may be placed on the market under the name "DAC" or "Districtus Austriae Controllatus" in connection with the indication of the Kamptal wine-growing region, if it meets the requirements for quality wine of specified regions and the following: Requirements are:
1. |
The wine must have been prepared exclusively from grapes harvested in the Kamptal wine-growing region. |
2. |
The wine must have been prepared from the quality wine grape variety "Grüner Veltliner" or "Riesling"; a label-harmless incision must be tolerated. |
3. |
The indication of the vine variety shall be given in characters which are smaller than those used for the words "Kamptal". |
4. |
The indication of a further traffic description shall be prohibited (in particular, traffic names such as "quality wine", "cabinet" or "late harvest"). The designations "DAC" or "Districtus Austriae Controllatus" shall be indicated on the label directly related to the specified region of the Kamptal region and to characters not exceeding half the size of the "Kamptal" indication used. The name "Kamptal" shall be referred to on the front label, without the addition of "DAC". The designation "DAC" or "Districtus Austriae Controllatus" in the same field of view with the mandatory data is to be referred directly to the state test number. |
5. |
The indication of the wine-growing region shall be inadmissible. |
6. |
The wine may only be delivered in glass bottles to the consumer, unless it is to be immediately enjoyed at the place of administration. The nominal volumes of 1.0 l and 2.0 l are not allowed when the glass is delivered in glass bottles. |
7. |
The indication of the harvest year is compulsory. |
8. |
The content of unfermented sugar shall correspond to the term "dry". |
9. |
The actual alcoholic strength by volume shall be indicated at 12.0% or 12.5% vol. on the label. According to the decision of the Regional Wine Committee Kamptal, a different alcohol content may be indicated on the label in exceptional years. This decision shall be communicated to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management by 1 December of each harvest year at the latest. |
10. |
Wines from the grape variety "Grüner Veltliner" must have the following characteristic variety and area characteristics: fruit-stressed, fine seasonings, no botrytis note, no noticeable wooden tone, balanced and non-alcohol-lastic. |
11. |
Wines from the vine variety "Riesling" must have the following typical variety and area characteristics: fragrant, aromatic, elegant, mineral, no botrytis dominance, no wooden shade, balanced and not alcohol-free. |
12. |
A request to obtain the state test number for wine with the sales designation "Kamptal DAC" must not be allowed until 1. Jänner of the year following the harvest will be placed. The fourth bottle submitted shall be kept in use for at least three years from the date of submission. |
13. |
The state test number issued for wine with the name "Kamptal DAC" may only be used for the placing on the market of the wine tested under the name "Kamptal DAC". |
14. |
In the course of the procedure for the award of the state test number for wine with the sales denomination "Kamptal DAC", the Commission has to do so in the branch office of the Federal Office for Viticulture in Krems. The requirements for a Kamptal DAC must be confirmed by at least four tasters. With a result of 3: 3 a repetition is to be carried out. |
15. |
The use of the additional designation "Reserve" is possible under the following conditions: |
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the term "reserve" shall be indicated on the label directly linked to the specified region of the Kamptal region and in characters of the same size as those used for the indication "Kamptal"; |
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In any case, it shall be indicated on the front label; |
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by way of derogation from Z 9, the existing alcohol shall be at least 13% vol. indicate; |
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the wines have the following characteristics: strong stylistics, distinct flavor and varietal aromas, densely and long in the demise; a tender botrytis and wooden clay is permissible; |
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an application to obtain the state test number may not be made until 15 March of the year following the harvest. |
§ 2. Wine with the sales designation "Kamptal DAC" is to be produced and bottled in the wine-growing region Kamptal. The production and bottling outside of the area may only be made after notification to the Regional Wine Committee Kamptal. Wine with the sales designation "Kamptal DAC" may only be used with a banderole according to § 30 Weingesetz 2009, BGBl. I n ° 111, are placed on the market. The origin Kamptal must be visible on the invoices, delivery notes and transport documents that are to be paid.
§ 3. Those who intend to apply for a state test number for a wine called "Kamptal DAC" must inform the Regional Wine Committee Kamptal in writing (also e-mail or fax).
§ 4. For the implementation of measures to improve the knowledge and transparency of wine with the sales designation "Kamptal DAC" the Regional Wine Committee Kamptal is authorized to raise contributions. The amount of the contributions is to be determined by the Regional Wine Committee Kamptal.
§ 5. Quality wines up to and including the 2009 vintage may continue to be placed on the market, subject to compliance with the existing labelling requirements.
§ 6. The DAC Regulation "Kamptal", BGBl. II No 438/2008, is hereby repealed.